Tag Archives: blog

How to Lift with Proper Form

A common mistake lifters make in their fitness journey is not correcting their form. While it doesn’t necessarily have to be perfect, your form should be correct and proper to ensure optimal results and that you’re lifting safely.

Let’s break it down into some of the most common exercises people make mistakes on:

Conventional or Romanian Deadlift

Two types of deadlifts are engaging and fulfilling when done right. A conventional deadlift is a strong compound movement that helps with your overall leg strength and growth. Romanian deadlifts help target your glutes or hamstrings.

Common mistakes here include:

  • Not engaging your core
  •  Rounding your back
  •  Lifting with your back instead of your legs
  •  Lifting too heavy

These mistakes aren’t unheard of but should be quickly adjusted and fixed to avoid injury. You also want to achieve optimal results, and bad form will hold you back.

The key to a good deadlift is to squeeze your core, straighten your back, and roll back your shoulders. Maintain a good posture, and avoid relying on your back to get the weight up. For RDLs, there is no need to go all the way down, but rather as soon as you feel it in your hamstrings. Here’s an example of a conventional deadlift:

This YouTube video demonstrates good deadlifting form: 

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

This movement is efficient when done right, but here are some common errors:

  • Arms are at an incorrect angle
  •  Not lifting both arms at the same height and time
  •  Not using a full range of motion
  •  Touching the dumbbells at the top

A tip I found on TikTok was to press the dumbbells at a 45-degree angle for better engagement and safer lifting. This is up to interpretation, but I find holding the dumbbells at a 90-degree angle puts you at risk of injury, such as losing your posture and dropping the dumbbells (I have personally witnessed this happen).

Lifting both arms at the same time and height is important, and if you are unable to do that, chances are you need to lower the weight. In addition, make sure you’re pressing using a full range of motion, by pressing to the top and then lowering just above your shoulders. Another thing not to do is to tap the dumbbells together at the top.

This article explains the instructions for this exercise very well, and can also be applied to chest press in some ways.

Barbell Squat

I absolutely hate squats, but I’m implementing them into my routine again, so this is good to know.

Often people make the mistake of:

  • Going too heavy too soon
  • Not keeping a neutral spine
  • Butt wink
  • Not engaging core

A main tip is to start with the bar until you perfect the form, then add weights after.

This TikTok gives a few tips for a good squat, and demonstrates good form as well:


i worked on these things for a while- dont expect to perfect it in one try. let me know if this helps! #squatform #squats #gymtok

♬ original sound – meg ballard


Lifting with good form is easier said than done. Some tips to apply across the board are to start with lower weight and engage your core. Ultimately, do your research, and practice until you get it right. It’s better to start slow than to risk injury. Until next time, contact me for more!

The post How to Lift with Proper Form first appeared on Lifting With Lita.

March Moodboard

Happy March!

I am beyond excited for the springtime, I’ve been looking forward to days where I can wear a tank top without my massive puffer jacket overtop.

I hope you like my moodboard for March:) Even making it felt like motivation for myself for what’s to come.

Why Women Kill!!

Tv show called why women kill it has three pictures of women

A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled across someone on Tik Tok, and they were talking about this show, and I watched about three of their Tik Toks, and I was hooked! I quickly found that Prime had this series and binged watch the whole season in two days. At first, I was confused because it kept going back and forth between three different eras. My favorite period would be the 60s with Beth Ann and her husband, Rob Stanton. I love her relationship with her neighbor Sheila; those two were my favorite. I cannot believe that Beth Ann became friends with Robert’s mistress and lives a double life for awhile while being a housewife, and when her husband is at work, Beth is out roaming with the mistress. Near the end of the series, I was so upset when Robert knew what happened to his daughter but still blamed his wife for the death of their child. Along, Robert knew that his mistress left the gate open, which is why his daughter could leave their yard. With all of Robert’s lies unfolding, she knew there was only one thing to do, which was to murder her husband “by accident.”

I also enjoyed the period when it was Simone and Karl. Everybody loved Simone and Karl until they found out that Karl was gay; everybody thought they could catch a disease when being in the presence of Karl. I found it hard to watch because I can’t believe that’s how they treated Gay men back in the day. Karl had his best friend, Simone, and even though he put her in a tricky situation by coming out as gay, Simone stood by his side the whole time.

Overall, I think this is a fantastic show, and if you haven’t watched it, you should check it out.

The post Why Women Kill!! appeared first on Kayla's Blog.

The Importance of Deloading

What’s the point of a deload week? Since I’m currently doing one right now, I’ll tell you:

What Does Deloading Mean?

A deload week allows your body to recover while exercising at a lower intensity.

What Does This Look Like?

According to Military Fitness, a deload week could include:

  • Reduce time
  • Lower the weight
  • Less sets or reps
  • Lower volume
  • Reduce intensity of workouts

This might look different for a lot of people. For instance, most of my workouts from this week ranged around 45 minutes. Some days I maintained a lower weight with the same amount of sets I usually do, or I did a max of 3 sets for some exercises. This is what works for me, but maybe something else works for others.

When Is It Time For a Deload?

It depends, but if you are working out consistently, various articles suggest to deload when you are feeling physically exhausted, experiencing plateaus, or you’re nearing the end of a fitness cycle.

This article gives a good timeline depending on how long you have been lifting. For someone like myself who has been lifting for a little over 2 years, I should be doing a deload week every 6-8 weeks. For new lifters, every 8-10 weeks is sufficient.

Why Do You Need to Deload?

In addition to the 1-3 rest days you may take during a normal week of lifting, your body needs to recover physically before you can go heavy again. A deload week is a great way to recover by doing lower-intensity workouts for a week.

Ultimately, you should do whatever works for you! Contact me if you wanna chat more about it!

The post The Importance of Deloading first appeared on Lifting With Lita.

Blog Post #37: Waxing On: The Karate Kid and Me Review

Hi everyone! I hope you all have been doing well. I just realized that it’s been almost a year since I’ve updated this blog! I’m really excited to start posting again.

This review is about another good one! I just finished reading Waxing On: The Karate Kid and Me by none other than the Karate Kid himself, Ralph Macchio! With Waxing On: The Karate Kid and Me, readers are transported back into the world of this iconic film franchise as he goes into detail about how it came to be and discusses the life-changing experience of taking on Daniel LaRusso’s character.

You’ll read about things like how “LaRusso” wasn’t actually the initial choice for Daniel’s last name, the ways Mr. Miyagi’s values/lessons have applied to Macchio’s actual life, and some ludicrous ideas people presented to him in an effort to continue the Karate Kid‘s storyline before the smash-hit spin-off series, Cobra Kai, ultimately materialized.

As a reader/fan, I also admired Macchio’s honesty pertaining to certain things. Throughout, he further reveals facing lulls in his career that followed the massive success he had during the ’80s and long-term frustration with being typecast. I’ve mentioned this before, but I always appreciate people’s openness about not-so-great circumstances/moments that they’ve experienced in their lives (whether these circumstances/moments were because of their own doing or not) and how they chose to respond to them.

I received this novel as a Christmas gift and, being a huge fan of both The Karate Kid franchise (I’ve watched The Karate Kid Part II more times than I can count) as well as Cobra Kai, I couldn’t wait to dive in. After finishing it, my first thought was: “I want more!” Overall, if you are as big a fan as I am, Waxing On: The Karate Kid and Me won’t disappoint.

How to Overcome the Fear of the Big Three

If you’re scared of the big three, I’m here to help. The Big Three consists of the squat, deadlift, and bench press. It’s what many lifters do as their main compound movements. You might want to do the same, except you’re intimidated to go to that gym section, or you don’t know where to start. That’s okay, we all start somewhere. And if you’re not interested, I will also provide some alternatives.


I might be the first to admit, I despise barbell squats. My form sucks, and I intentionally avoid doing them. However, you need some squat variation in your leg workout. If you want to start squatting with a bar, start with the smaller bars used for bicep curls. Start light, and work your way up to 45 lbs. Once you get there, you’re ready for the barbell, which is 45 lbs. Then once again, apply progressive overload and work your way up.

Now, if you absolutely hate squats and don’t want to do them, that’s okay, it’s not for everyone! Try reverse lunges with either the barbell or dumbbells, or bulgarian split squats with 1-2 dumbbells. If you want to replace this compound movement and target your glutes, try barbell hip thrusts.


This movement might look the most intimidating to some, but when you find out what works for you, you might end up liking it. Once again, start light until you get the movement down. Make sure you’re using bumper plates to protect your back, a common mistake when starting to deadlift. You can also choose whether you prefer sumo or conventional. There’s a lot of talk that sumo deadlifts are easier than conventional, which could be true to an extent, but I say, do what you want, and don’t let the gym bros talk you out of it. A key word of advice however, is to be careful, engage your core, and straighten your back to avoid injury. If you find this movement isn’t working for you, stop doing it.

If sumo or conventional barbell deadlifts don’t work for you, try romanian deadlifts, aka RDLs. This can be done with a barbell or dumbbells, however I prefer using dumbbells.

Bench Press

And lastly, my all-time favourite, bench press! I absolutely love bench press, but its natural to feel overwhelmed or nervous when approaching it for the first time. You might feel like you’re being judged for only using the bar, but so be it. Everyone has to start with the bar, and that’s totally fine. Once you feel confident doing 10 reps, try adding 5s on each side, and work your way up. Make sure your wrists are straight, and have a slight arch in your back to protect your shoulders. If you hear mixed opinions about arched benching, here’s an article to put you at ease. People will disagree, but as long as you’re not exaggerating your arch, don’t stress.

If you don’t like bench press, try doing a variation with dumbbells on a flat bench. Another option is to use the chest press machine. Regardless, don’t skip chest because you think it’ll make you look bulky, it won’t.

Ultimately, none of these movements could appeal to you, and that is completely fine. But, you’ll never know if you don’t try. Contact me to chat about it more!

The post How to Overcome the Fear of the Big Three first appeared on Lifting With Lita.

Press Release: Instagram Launch!

Hi everyone, I made an Instagram for Lifting With Lita!

To establish my professional self, I chose to focus on a platform that will allow me to reach my target audience and post more casual and informal fitness content! This includes workout outfits, workouts, gym-related content, and more.

I enjoy producing this carefree content, and I’m excited to connect with fellow fitness accounts and aspiring lifters!

Check out my Instagram, and contact me if you want to chat!

The post Press Release: Instagram Launch! first appeared on Lifting With Lita.

Final Reflection

I set a goal at the beginning of this semester. I aimed to go to the gym consistently at least four days a week and eat cleaner, and I would track all of my progress along the way. I really thought I could do it, especially since my personal trainer boyfriend was there to help me out.

But school and life got in the way. This term was one of the busiest semesters I’ve had in my entire university career. I was constantly in meetings for group projects, working on my own individual assignments, studying for midterms, and all that jazz. 

My body felt tired. My brain was ALWAYS tired. Even though I was not physically moving as much as I would if I were to go to the gym, I was in no mental shape to push myself to go workout or even cook for myself (my mom does that for me…thanks mom! <3). If I did these things I would feel stressed thinking I am just wasting time when I could be studying. 

I did not workout the last couple of months…well I did for a week and then stopped…does that count? Anyways…everytime I would go back to the gym after God knows how long, it would honestly feel like I am starting back to square one each time. 

And that never felt any good. As someone who used to lift really heavyweights a year ago, it never feels great to know that I am struggling with weights that used to be so easy. 

Also I am slouching more now. As a SIAT student minoring in Publishing, I am CONSTANTLY sitting at my desk in front of the computer. My back is also always cracking, and it hurts by the end of the day because of how long I have been sitting for. I feel like if I have gone to the gym consistently throughout the semester as I planned, then maybe my back wouldn’t hurt so much.

As for my diet, I think I’ve done fairly decently. By sticking to my diet (most of the time), I think I was able to maintain my weight for the most part, which is a very good thing! However, I do know that if I had gone to the gym consistently, I could have lost more weight.

So that is where I’m at. I was not always in the best headspace when it comes to this, but I know that things will get better from here. Next semester, I hope to find more time to put my physical and mental health a high priority, and to be able to do the work in doing so.

Regardless, this has been a great semester—I have learned so much and have had great experiences. Can’t wait for the next term! Time to rest for now (:

The Mainstream

Diversity is always something of a tricky question for me. I find it odd to think of myself as diverse, considering how I just exist. I never really thought about how things like representation or seeing my culture appreciated by people outside of it might be important until recently. As I’ve mentioned before probably countless times, I grew up in a very white environment. We lived just off of the Bible Belt in the Lower Mainland. All my neighbours were white or mixed, most of the kids I went to school with were white, and all of my friends were white or East Asian. Whenever there were kids of South Asian descent in my classes, I always felt like I had some weird obligation to be their friend, even if I didn’t like them very much, based solely on the fact that we shared a culture. In the fourth grade, there was a new girl who came to our school, and she was from Sri Lanka. Even though we did not look anything alike, we had entirely different names and I had been in the same class as most of my peers for four years up until that point, we would get confused all the time. It was as though we were synonymous with one another. I’ve only recently started to look back at such interactions and think about how that probably should have bothered me.

I couldn’t blame the kids, of course, they had no way of knowing the difference between India and Sri Lanka. First of all, they were fourth graders. Aside from a Diwali presentation that my mom sometimes would give to my and my sisters’ classes, they really had no knowledge of Indian culture. Unlike my isolation from people who shared my heritage, this phenomenon lasted a little while longer. I remember being in high school and bringing daal to school only to be asked excitedly what it was that I was eating. It blew my mind to think that people had no idea what it was. Even further back, we had family friends that would come over every year for New Year’s to have my mom’s butter chicken, because they had never had it anywhere else and swore that hers was the best.

Nowadays, things are slightly different. Indian culture is not at the forefront of many people’s minds, but it is not as invisible as it used to be. I’ve seen characters in popular fictional works that are coded as being South Asian, like Inej from Leigh Bardugo’s books. South Asian beauty rituals such as hair oiling are going viral on social media apps. Even the restaurant where I work has added butter chicken to their menu! There is still a long way to go when it comes to the representation of South Asian people in popular media, but I’m optimistic given the changes I’ve been seeing in the past few years, and I look forward to seeing where it goes.

Sustainable Alternatives to Fast Fashion Favourites

When it comes to finding alternatives options to our fast fashion favourites, we are often intimidated by the price tag on ethical and sustainable clothing items. However, despite fast fashion brands being more inexpensive, it is important to recognize that these brands were not designed to be consumed as quickly as fast fashion. Rather, these […]

Messed up on my meal plan + Gym Update

So on my last blog post about my fitness update, I told you guys that I can eat rice again but alternating veggie only days and rice days…

Well, I’ve been doing that for the last few weeks but turns out I was only supposed to do that for a week—oops!

It was just funny because when I told my boyfriend (aka my personal trainer) about it, he said “I thought I was clear on this” but I misinterpreted what he said.

All good though! If you guys mess up like I did, just know what it’s okay because it’s all part of the process!

Gym Update

I should also note that I haven’t been to the gym the last few weeks either. I was so caught up with school stuff that I am always feeling so tired everyday and I just did not have the time to workout while having so much studying to do and having time to rest.

Now that things are kind of getting a little more chill, I am planning to go back this week!

Just a reminder—it’s okay to take time off from the gym to prioritize other things. We all get busy so it’s okay to rest, but be sure to not overwork yourself to the point our mental and physical health gets compromised!

Essay #1

As a social media user, I want to warn people who follow me to be careful. For some reason, social media is not where you come to see your friends as it used to be the fun of it. Instead, I feel as though I am being fed information. I now see more outrageous accounts that spew hate and try to influence my beliefs to match what I see on platforms. My Facebook is filled with massive amounts of news from accounts that I do not remember following; they have very strong opinions towards specific topics that are very hateful to minorities and vulnerable groups in our society. I am trying to understand why this is happening, and I have been researching to give you information on how our behaviours are being collected. This is to educate the public to utilize the internet carefully as it is a shadow of its old self.

If you see on Twitter, everyone here can agree that we have at least ten bots followers. Most people do not get retweets; instead, they get that random one that gets you excited, and then you realize it’s a fake account again. The article discusses bots and how these bots essentially mimic our behaviours and can be utilized to push traction on news that aims to convince us for political gain (UC, 2022). These bots are created by people who are essentially employees at for-profit corporations that are paid to influence behaviour (UC, 2022). An example is in the last United States elections; the Russian Internet Research Agency hired people who could understand American culture and speak good English to push news, comments and like posts that rile up the population (UC, 2022). These accounts aim to polarize the American public to the point that they would undermine our government and put us on a path to a falling empire (UC, 2022). This is inherently the goal of bots and the cause for their growing number; it is so bad that 8.5% of Twitter accounts are bots (UC, 2022). This explains why you have that one loyal follower that gives you a retweet every time you tweet.

Another interesting journal by Bansal writes about the patchwork of policy working to fend off misinformation (Bansal, 2019). He discusses how the US election created doubt in American democracy, and many experts confirmed that foreign influences played a path in that election. Multiple groups on Facebook that had bots were influenced strongly (Bansal, 2019). Facebook had to roll out sweeping measures, which surprisingly worked and provided relief. However, there is still animosity on Twitter with the hate groups and negative/fake news getting more aggressive in micro-targeting. The new wave of social media sensation is a prime example of this; many young men and almost every person on the planet now know Andrew Tate. The individual was not someone I saw on my page a few weeks ago, but now I cannot stop seeing him after googling him once. It is horrible on Facebook and TikTok.

Governments have started releasing legislation to punish people who push fake news to sway the public. Canada, Singapore, France, Brazil and Egypt have some of the most severe punishments. Another example is the study “SCM,” which presented results on research on a Facebook platform, showing that most people use comments to gauge false and real news (Kluck, 1970). The growing number of bots can, therefore, either undermine factual information or uplift fake news in the worst-case scenario. The article by Beshai (2018) utilizes nodes to illustrate how deep and far false news travels compared to real news on Twitter; very stark imagery called cascades is formed. 3D tools demonstrate how broad and deep false and true news travel (Beshai, 2018). The study uses a visualizing this type of data where “breadth is (how many times a given tweet is retweeted) corresponds to the width of the tree, and depth (how many “generations” of retweeting occur) corresponds to the height” (Beshai, 2018). This imagery provides a more straightforward interpretation of the state of our situation. This is a wake-up call for the public to be wary and vigilant in consuming information.

I am not here to spread doom and gloom but to inform the public that this is real and could affect our society. Hence, I will provide insight into how Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms can reduce how false news penetrates our system. The study called “Real Solutions for Fake News?” (2019) states that using disputed news tags can help inform the public of inaccuracy by about 10% from the base of 29% who believed initially. The other tag used in this study is false news which helped reduce the spread from the base of 29% to 16%, a 13% reduction (Clayton, 2019). I believe some corporate social responsibility is warranted, and companies should invest more in fact-checking to protect society.

Finally, I believe guides from the article “Fake News” will help reduce society’s vulnerability. Questions I recommend asking oneself are: “Does the article come from an established, credible and rigorously fact-oriented news organization such as ABC, The Guardian or The Wall Street Journal? If not, encourage students to consider the general character of the publication: how are its stories presented? Who owns the organization, and are they interested in promoting a particular view?” (Henry, 2020)Other possibilities are checking the URL link, checking for satire, using fact-checking websites, a simple google search and various types of bias (Henry, 2020). Confirmation bias is one that I found myself falling in tune with some news outlets. This could be as simple as stereotypes about a place, and then a story comes up that could run as evidence for the said stereotype. The last article shows how the use of fact-checking, either imposed or voluntary, reduces the spread of fake news by 25% (Chadwick, 2021). The study also highlights the reduction of false news sharing by 67% per viewer by educating them on fact-checking and increases their sharing of fact-checked news by 58% (Chadwick, 2021). Hence, I believe being vigilant in self-awareness can be a massive tool for navigating the internet in these times of upcoming mid-term elections.


Beshai, P. (2018, March 9). Cover stories: Visualizing the spread of true and false news on social … Retrieved November 9, 2022, from https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aat4382

Bansal, S. (2019, October 4). The patchwork of policy working to fend off misinformation. Centre for International Governance Innovation. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from https://www.cigionline.org/articles/patchwork-policy-working-fend-misinformation/

Clayton, K., Blair, S., Busam, J. A., Forstner, S., Glance, J., Green, G., Kawata, A., Kovvuri, A., Martin, J., Morgan, E., Sandhu, M., Sang, R., Scholz-Bright, R., Welch, A. T., Wolff, A. G., Zhou, A., & Nyhan, B. (2019, February 11). Real solutions for fake news? measuring the effectiveness of general warnings and fact-check tags in reducing belief in false stories on social media – political behavior. SpringerLink. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11109-019-09533-0

Chadwick, A., Vaccari, C., & Kaiser, J. (2021, March 17). The amplification of exaggerated and false news on social media: The roles of platform use, motivations, affect, and ideology. figshare. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from https://repository.lboro.ac.uk/articles/journal_contribution/The_amplification_of_exaggerated_and_false_news_on_social_media_the_roles_of_platform_use_motivations_affect_and_ideology/14223083

Henry, E., Zhuravskaya, E., & Guriev, S. (2020, June 4). Checking and sharing alt-facts. SSRN. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3597191

Kluck, J. P., Schaewitz, L., & Krämer, N. (1970, January 1). [PDF] doubters are more convincing than advocates. the impact of user comments and ratings on credibility perceptions of false news stories on social media: Semantic scholar. undefined. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Doubters-are-more-convincing-than-advocates.-The-of-Kluck-Schaewitz/f32cfce6e8ec2331481a300085ff39e99ecaac6b

UC, S. B. (2022, November 8). How is fake news spread? bots, people like you, trolls, and. Center for Information Technology and Society – UC Santa Barbara. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from https://www.cits.ucsb.edu/fake-news/spread

Mini Assignment #4 (video remixing)

Grilled Salmon Recipe from YouTube Shorts

I was craving grilled salmon steak today and saw this juicy recipe. Today, I decided to make my own grilled salmon steak by remixing the recipe!


  • Salmon
  • Black Pepper
  • Salt
  • Mustard
  • Mayonnaise
  • Garlic
  • Green Beans
  • Enoki Mushroom
  • Oyster Mushroom
  • Yellow Potato
  • Olive Oil
  • Rosemary
  • 1 Table Butter
  • Green Onion
  • Sugar

First, you have to marinate the salmon with black pepper and salt. Do not marinate the skin so we can cook the salmon crispy. Leave it for about 10 mins, and let’s make the sauce! Mix 1 teaspoon mustard with 1 tablespoon mayonnaise and add two spoons of sugar. If you want more sweetness in your sauce, you can add more sugar. Slice the green onion and mix it with the sauce. When you’re done with making the sauce, slice the garlic thinly and take out your favourite frying pan. Put about 4 tablespoons of olive oil and fry the garlic until it’s brown and crispy. When the garlic is crispy enough, take out the garlic and put marinated salmon into the garlic oil.

Press the salmon for about 10 seconds, so the skin is grilled crispy enough. Lower the heat and leave the salmon for 5 mins. Take out half the butter, rosemary and more sliced garlic and add to the frying pan. Let the butter melt and mix with the scent of rosemary and garlic. When it melts, use a spoon to spread melted butter oil over the thick part of the salmon so that all parts of the salmon are cooked evenly. Do not throw away the oil because it will be used to cook vegetables.

Now the salmon is cooked, it’s time to cook the vegetables. Make a hole in the potato with a sharp fork and put it in the microwave for 8 mins. While the potato is cooking, Put enoki mushroom, oyster mushroom, and green beans into the oil that we cooked salmon. Add half the butter and stir until the mushrooms are slightly brown.

Finally, decorate the plate with sauce, rosemary, and fried garlic and put everything we cooked! It’s time to eat, yum! 🙂

Here’s my actual result; it was so crispy, buttery, and had so much flavour! Hope you love it too.

Grilled Salmon Steak Cooked By Me

Top Second-Hand Clothing Apps

There are two main aspects to sustainable fashion, the production of the clothing, and how they are disposed of. The former is rather difficult for us to control in our daily lives, but there are methods we can employ that allow us to sustainably dispose of clothing. The most prominent way is give away your […]

Ways to Shop Sustainably

There are a variety of different ways that you can shop sustainably. Making some changes to your shopping habits are an easy way to reduce our carbon footprint and protect the planet’s natural resources.  Here are some ways to sustainably shop for your clothes and build a sustainable wardrobe.  Buy from sustainable brands. Choose ethical […]

Process post #4 (Imaginary Audience!)

Imagining who my audience is for this website, I have to go back to when I first decided on the topic of my blog. It seemed like deciding what i want to write on my blog was easy. However, even after a day or two, there was yet to be a topic I was sure of. Then suddenly, I saw my perfumes unexpectedly and asked myself a question. Do I love perfume? Do I know perfumes well enough to recommend them to others? The answer was yes! There was nothing to hesitate about when the topic was decided.

As it is a blog that explains and recommends perfume, I wanted the blog design to be as minimalistic and white as possible. Why does white come to mind when you think of perfume? If you ask me, I have no choice but to say “just because”.. perfume is like clean white paper to me. Perfume is colourless like white paper; It is colourless and unnoticeable, but perfume leaves a strong impression on people and sometimes makes them reminiscent. Just as a dot on the blank paper changes the mood of the drawing paper, so does the perfume. The smell and atmosphere vary widely depending on what you draw on the clean white paper. People like me who are interested in fragrances and love perfumes will understand why white comes to mind when they think of perfumes.

The readers of my blog are people who are interested in perfumes like me. I tried to express the noble feeling of perfume through the impression of a blog that looked as concise and clean as possible. To talk about the content, there are two main things that people who are interested in perfume want to look for. A realistic review of the perfume they are curious about and a perfume recommendation. I tried to satisfy two things that perfume lovers would be most curious about.

To be honest, I’m very picky and sensitive when it comes to perfumes. The scents that most of the public loves are often just such perfumes for me. I like less well-known, unique and neutral scents that others don’t use much rather than scents that the public will prefer. My writings would be quite interesting for readers who really love perfumes and spend time looking at perfume reviews. My reviews will also be welcome for those who are tired of non-realistic perfume views that include ads. The readers I’ve imagined so far are people like me who love perfumes, are tired of dishonest perfume views, and are looking for unique perfumes as well as recommendations!

Why Care About Sustainable Fashion?

With humans now consuming 400% more clothing than we were 20 years ago, we are buying more clothes than ever, yet wearing them a lot less. A lot of this can be explained by the growth of fast fashion in the past two decades. However, the over-consumption of cheaply-made clothing has led to a massive […]

Sustainable Fashion (And Other Fashion Terms)

So, sustainable fashion, what is it? Well, the term ‘sustainability’ ultimately refers to limiting environmental impacts to sustain the world in which we live in. Generally it involved three factors—environmental, social, and economical. Sustainable fashion is a movement where all the categories of sustainability are applied to the fashion industry. Below are other conscious fashion […]

Rainbow Influencers

7 Influencers to Follow for Colorful Fashion