Tag Archives: blog

Blog Post #38: The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward Review

Hi everyone! I hope your summer (or whatever season you’re in right now) is going well. Currently, I’m melting from the heat but excited to share some thoughts on this book!

My next post is on a good one by psychologist, Daniel H. Pink. He wrote about a subject that everyone can, and according to him, should relate to: Regret.

More often than not we hear about people having no regrets. Pink, however, completely rejects this philosophy and argues that regret is an essential part of the human experience. Throughout The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward, he explains why, citing all different studies as well as direct examples. Many of these examples are from the World Regret Survey.  

A main takeaway he wants readers to have, is rather than viewing regret as something that holds you back, you can benefit from it through careful reflection. For instance, one woman named “Abby” who Pink included in the book regrets avoiding her grandparents’ attempts at bonding with her when she was young. She didn’t/doesn’t want this to be a pattern and began compiling stories from her father for her children.  A lesson was learned through reflecting on these missed opportunities, which resulted in Abby taking productive action.

The idea of missed opportunities deeply resonates with me as I was/am frequently too hesitant to take the leap. There have been many activities, events, etc. I wish I had participated in but never did. I just felt afraid of the outcome and what other people’s opinions were. I’m still trying to care less about them.  

Overall, I would say that this self-help novel in particular has had a very significant impact on me. Being someone who does reflect but also needs to overcome my fears in this regard, Pink’s The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward definitely served as a reminder and major eye-opener. To all readers: I (needless to say) highly recommend it.

Final blog

Saying goodbye is never an easy thing to do. It can be an emotional and difficult experience, whether you’re saying goodbye to a friend, a family member, a place, or a phase of your life. But as much as we might want to avoid it, saying goodbye is an inevitable part of life. In fact, it’s often necessary for us to grow, change, and move forward.

One thing that can make saying goodbye easier is to focus on the positive memories and experiences that you’ve had with the person, place, or thing that you’re saying goodbye to. Remembering the good times can help to ease the pain of the goodbye and leave you with a sense of gratitude for what you’ve had.

Another thing that can help is to take the time to say a proper goodbye. Whether that means having a heartfelt conversation, writing a letter, or simply taking a moment to reflect and say goodbye in your own way, it’s important to acknowledge the significance of what you’re leaving behind.

Of course, saying goodbye can also be an opportunity for growth and new beginnings. Sometimes, saying goodbye to one thing means saying hello to something else that’s even better. By embracing change and the unknown, you can open yourself up to new experiences, new relationships, and new opportunities.

In the end, saying goodbye is a natural part of life. It’s a reminder that nothing is permanent and that everything is always changing. But while saying goodbye may be difficult, it’s also a chance to reflect, to grow, and to move forward. So embrace it, appreciate it, and say goodbye with grace and gratitude.

Social and Cognitive Intro/extraversion

This week I’ll be providing some theories behind the popular scales of introversion and extravertion that have been prevalent on the internet and in real life for years. 

In my early teens, I hinged much of my personality on being an introvert (which was further reinforced by thinking I was an INFP due to typing by letter instead of functions). Although it is harmless to not wish to engage more deeply with personality theory than this, in online forums you might come across discussions which mention “social” or “cognitive” intro/extraversion. 

Let’s start with definitions, since I’d like the rest of this post to be coherent for everyone. The popular understanding of the introversion-extraversion scale is as follows: introverts are quiet and aloof and extraverts are loud and outgoing. On a slightly more realistic scale we would have the approach of energy levels, where introverts are “recharged” by alone time, while extraverts gain their energy through socializing.

In reality, the vast majority of people lie somewhere between introversion and extraversion, typically known as being ambiverted.  

In my opinion, the second definition is more accurate to real life, so I’ll be referencing energy levels when referring to the social axis. This “social” axis will be what the majority of people are talking about in casual language, but there is an additional definition which pertains to cognitive functions.

The cognitive axis deals with your cognitive functions and is therefore more black and white. Unless you aren’t sure of your MBTI type, you will have a dominant function that is either introverted or extraverted, representing your primary method of “communication” with either the internal or external.

Some people might insinuate that an individual’s social axis will dictate your dominant cognitive function, or vice versa, but I feel like that is too strict of a definition. This is especially true given that the social axis doesn’t have a strict definition, and many popular interpretations peg most people as ambiverted anyway.

For example, an ESTJ (Te-Si-Ne-Fi) will always lead with extraverted thinking (Te), making them cognitively extraverted. This hypothetical person could be introverted, extraverted, or ambiverted by the social frameworks definitions, but cognition only has a marginal impact on the social axis. 

I hope that this inspires you to think more deeply about your preconceived notions around intro/extraversion when trying to type people and characters. Someone being withdrawn and traditionally introverted doesn’t bar them from being an EXXX, and the same goes for introverted types. 


EDM: Displacement

Say hello to the internet trolls!

Displacement refers to the Ego Defense Mechanism which uses the technique of taking emotions or unpleasant thought (usually aggression) about one thing and using it in a different place, one of the most common example of this would be when someone’s superiors at work treats one badly, but they cannot show their anger to them, so they might end up expressing this anger somewhere else. This is also one of the reasons for internet hate and trolls hating on and fighting people on internet, they say something mean just because they had a bad day.

This can be somewhat unhealthy for a person’s relationship and may lead to them hurting or losing their friends. This displacement technique can be used healthily as well, by use of anger room or maybe just breaking some objects. It can be useful to let some steam off. Piling emotions inside can usually lead to a outburst bigger than the original emotions.

Sometimes, Displacement can also be inflicted on ourselves, Turning against oneself is a type of displacement in which the person becomes their own replacement target. it is the Freudian explanation for many of our feelings of inferiority, guilt, and depression.

(The purpose of this series is to make everyone aware of the pattern in which they react in a stressful situation to avoid anxiety, and be more woke. Please do not try to self diagnose or give unsolicitated guidance to people going through stuff. )

-Kashish Shodwani

Can Chat GPT diagnose psychological disorders correctly?

Spoiler alert: Yes.

Today I tried asking ChatGPT if it could diagnose me for mental disorders and it said, “Hello! While I am an AI language model and can provide information on mental health disorders, I am not qualified to diagnose them. It is important to seek out a qualified mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. They can evaluate your symptoms and help you determine the best course of action for your specific situation.” Which was not a bad response, I was happy to see it promote talking to a medical professional but from what I know about ChatGPT, it is that right prompt will always yield a right answer.

So the next thing, I did was tell it symptoms, and ask what does it think I have, to which it answered correctly and advised me to get medical support from a professional. Not bad for an AI honestly. It was able to correctly diagnose ADHD, Bipolar and Panic attacks, even when I didn’t make it too obvious with the symptoms. (or did I? check out the screen shot below) I think it is revolutionary for the psychological industry to have this. It is important to note that sometimes symptoms are not obvious and overlapping with other disorders so please do not take AI’s word for your mental illness.

-Kashish Shodwani

EDM: Reaction Formation

Do you like hate-love rom-com trope?

One of the most interesting Ego Defense mechanisms of all is Reaction Formation. It is a defense mechanism that occurs when a person automatically replaces an unpleasant or anxiety-inducing impulse with its opposite. It is frequently displayed in an exaggerated or spectacular manner. Interesting right?

One of the most definitive example for the same is when someone exaggeratedly shows their hate for someone, even though unconsciously they like them. Here although they like them, their super ego thinks it is not the right thing, i.e. maybe they do not want to feel strong emotions or there is some societal restraints in liking them. Whatever the case may be, strong hate emotions for no reason can be a sign of attraction. This can be true the other way around too, when someone is extremely sweet, they might be jealous or envious of you.

Another common example of Reaction formation can be, when someone is driven by unaccepted desires of society, they might become super spiritual which is opposite of their desire to avoid it. Maybe this is the reason we see a lot of child abuse cases with priests. (This is my take on this)

(The purpose of this series is to make everyone aware of the pattern in which they react in a stressful situation to avoid anxiety, and be more woke. Please do not try to self diagnose or give unsolicited guidance to people going through stuff. )

-Kashish Shodwani

EDM: Denial

Well, the Nile is a river in Egypt?

Denial is one of the most common Ego Defense mechanism and is talked about a lot. It works on a basic principle, to not accept the unpleasant thought as it causes pain or displeasure. It is a failure to acknowledge reality, which prevents external events from being perceived.

This Ego Defense mechanism is usually observed after a traumatic event, like death of a loved one or a shocking news of illness. Usually, it is the conscious mind denying the fact that it happened by assuming things like “They are lying” or “It is just a prank”. However, it can also sometimes manifest when on some level they also believe the information, but do not let conscious mind acknowledge it. This can be seen as, “This is not happening” or “This cannot happen”, such a defense mechanism is short lived followed by acceptance of reality.

If the situation is not as shocking or bad, but a more acceptable situation, such as “Sick Relative”. It may go on for longer, if a situation becomes too hard for a person to handle. He or she may respond by refusing to notice it or denying that it exists.

(The purpose of this series is to make everyone aware of the pattern in which they react in a stressful situation to avoid anxiety, and be more woke. Please do not try to self diagnose or give unsolicited guidance to people going through stuff.)

-Kashish Shodwani

Ego Defense Mechanisms: Introduction to Psychoanalytic theory.

Ego Defense mechanisms are mechanisms used by us, to avoid any unpleasant thought, memory or feeling. (or sometimes even good feelings too) these mechanisms are usually unconscious, and are used by our psyche to protect us from feeling emotions we don’t want to feel. The term was coined by Sigmund Freud and works on premise of psychoanalytic theory.

To understand more about these defense mechanisms, we should learn about various aspects of psychoanalytic theory.

Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious

Our psyche consists of three types of consciousness,

  1. Conscious: This consciousness are the active thoughts that we are aware of, and act on. also can be recognised as voice in your head.
  2. Subconscious: This consciousness is somewhat passive, but can be brought into little when concentrated on. this consciousness can be seen in places like forgetting you’re driving but bein able to drive perfectly.
  3. Unconscious: These are repressed thoughts, memories and feelings that can only be brought in conscious mind by thorough work. People are almost always unaware of these unconscious thoughts.

These consciousness works hand in hand with freudian aspects of personality.

Id, Ego &Super-Ego

  1. Id: This is an aspect of personality that acts as a kid of the personality, which work on instant gratification system or pleasure principle. This aspect of personality usually do not care about practicality and have desires to get what it wants. This aspect is usually not active in the conscious mind.
  2. Ego: Not the traditional ego we talk about, but it is a decision making aspect which works on reality principle. Ego cares about reasoning and a correct way to get what is desired. This is the most conscious aspect of the personality.
  3. Super-ego: This is the moral driven aspect of our psyche, it is the voice of conscience and source of self criticism. Super-ego always wants to do the right thing.

After understanding various driving factors of psychoanalytic theory, we can now look at ego defense mechanisms, these mechanisms are used by the Ego to fight the anxiety causing unconscious thoughts which are often derived by conflicts between Id and Super-Ego. It is necessary for us to be aware of these reactions to better deal with our emotions and understand why we behave the way we do.

There are a lot of these mechanisms, namely.

  1. Denial
  2. Repression
  3. Regression
  4. Projection
  5. Displacement
  6. Sublimation
  7. Rationalisation
  8. Reaction Formation

We will talk about each of them in the coming blog posts, in the series ego defense mechanisms (EDM).

-Kashish Shodwani

Some extra blender projects!

Well since I heard that CONTENT POST ARE NOT GETTING GRADED. My motivation to make these post have been cut down in half, this whole website is only up because of this class I am taking. And I do say I may be a little disappointed about just hearing this recently about these post not getting graded. But I shall stop complaining and just finish what I started, so here you go.

First lets start off with the donut series progress, I am sure you want to see the how my progress went over the week I was making this donut.

Bet you werent expecting to see a realistic looking donut huh? Well what you just saw was a sequence of picures a and progress I did over a week. And it probably took you 1 minute to look at those at least if you took you time, instead of scrolling to the bottom for the finished product. Well its not over just yet, I made a animation of this donut sliding in the frame of this scene and this was the most fun part of this project. Here it is!

Now that I look at it. This should be a post of its own, sorry for the plot twist. But I feel it is appropriate for this kind of post, adding any more would seem a bit much right? well thank you for looking at this. Any questions? please comment, I haven’t got any in these lat few months!

Neon Genesis Evangelion- Daddy Issues

our protagonist Shinji Ikari has a pretty complicated relationship with his father, Gendo. To say it’s strained would be an understatement. Gendo is the head honcho of the organization that’s fighting the Angels, and he’s also the one who brought Shinji in to pilot an Evangelion. But instead of being a loving and supportive father figure, Gendo is cold, distant, and creepy at times.

Shinji’s desperate need for his father’s approval and affection is a driving force behind much of his character development throughout the series. He’s constantly seeking validation from Gendo, even though he knows deep down that his father is unlikely to give it to him. This leads to some pretty intense emotional moments as Shinji grapples with his feelings of abandonment and inadequacy.

But Shinji isn’t the only character with daddy issues in this show. We also have Asuka Langley Soryu, another pilot who is driven by her desire to prove herself to her absent father. And even Gendo himself is revealed to have some pretty serious daddy issues when we learn about his past and his relationship with Shinji’s mother.

The daddy issues in Neon Genesis Evangelion are a pretty significant part of the show’s overarching themes of loneliness, isolation, and the human desire for connection. It’s not always easy to watch, but it adds an extra layer of complexity to an already fascinating series.

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

Wow, I read a book! Here is my review!

“Ishmael” by Daniel Quinn is a novel that addresses many issues related to humanity’s relationship with the natural world, including the issue of climate change. The book presents a unique perspective on the environmental crisis, arguing that it is rooted in a fundamental flaw in the human mindset.

One way in which the novel relates to our contemporary period and the issue of climate change is through its exploration of the concept of human exceptionalism. According to the book, humans have long believed that they are separate and superior to the natural world, and that the planet exists solely for their benefit. This belief has led to the exploitation of natural resources and the destruction of ecosystems, contributing to the current climate crisis.

The novel also explores the concept of culture and the role it plays in shaping our behavior towards the environment. Ishmael argues that the cultural narrative that humans have constructed – one that places humans at the center of the universe – is a myth that needs to be dismantled in order to promote sustainability and environmental stewardship. This is particularly relevant in the context of climate change, as many of our cultural beliefs and practices have contributed to the current crisis.

the novel suggests that a shift in cultural narrative is necessary to address climate change. Ishmael encourages the protagonist to explore a new myth that recognizes the interconnectedness of all life on the planet and places humans within the larger ecosystem. This new myth would promote a more sustainable approach to our interactions with the environment and could help mitigate the effects of climate change.

Personally, I found “Ishmael” to be a captivating and thought-provoking read. The novel offers a unique perspective on humanity’s relationship with the natural world, challenging readers to rethink their assumptions about the planet and our place within it.

One of the things that struck me about the book was its exploration of the concept of human exceptionalism. As someone who has grown up in a culture that places humans at the center of the universe, it was eye-opening to read a narrative that challenged this belief and encouraged me to think more critically about the impact of human behavior on the environment.

Charizard UPC

Collectors and supporters of the Pokémon trading card game love the Charizard UPC, also referred to as the Universal Pokémon Collection. A rare Charizard card and other special items make this product, which was released in a limited edition, a hot commodity in the collecting world. In this essay, I’ll make the case that the Charizard UPC is a fantastic buy and a wise long-term investment.

The Charizard card is a prized collectible due to its widespread use. Since Charizard is one of the most recognisable and adored Pokémon characters, collectors have long sought after his card. With exclusive artwork and a holographic foil design, the Charizard card shown in the Charizard UPC is a rare and special variation of the card. Due to its rarity and distinctiveness, the Charizard UPC is an even more sought-after treasure for collectors and will only appreciate in value with time. The Charizard UPC’s value as a collectible is increased by its limited edition status. The Universal Pokémon Collection is a rare and special item because it was only produced in small amounts and for a brief period of time. The limited availability will increase the value of the Charizard UPC as collectors and enthusiasts continue to seek it out. The Charizard UPC is a special investment potential due to its uniqueness as there are only a limited quantity of these products in existence.

The Charizard UPC is a valuable investment for long-term collectors due to its sentimental worth. Many fans have grown up with the Pokémon series because it has been a cherished franchise for more than 20 years. For many collectors, the Charizard card represents nostalgia for their younger years, and owning a rare or unusual example of the card is a method to preserve those memories. The Charizard UPC will only increase in value as a memento of the fun and thrill of childhood as collectors mature and become more sentimental. The Charizard UPC is worth more now that the Pokémon franchise is becoming more well-known and collecting is becoming more widely accepted. With regular releases of new sets and merchandise, the popularity of the Pokémon trading card game has recently increased. Additionally, collecting as a pastime has gained popularity and social acceptance, which has increased demand for expensive and rare artefacts like the Charizard UPC. The worth of the Charizard UPC as a collectible will rise as the Pokémon series broadens and develops more.

Finally, purchasing the Charizard UPC is a means to engage with the Pokémon fandom and community in addition to being a financial decision. Pokémon card collecting has always been a means for fans to interact with the series and spread their enthusiasm to others. Collectors might have a sense of pride and accomplishment as well as a connection to the larger Pokémon community when they possess a rare and special item like the Charizard UPC. In conclusion, the Charizard UPC is a fantastic deal and a wise long-term investment. Its high perceived worth among collectors and investors is a result of a variety of factors, including its popularity, limited edition status, nostalgic appeal, expanding mainstream acceptance, and link to the Pokémon fan base. Purchasing the Charizard UPC presents a special chance to connect with the larger fandom while also acquiring a treasured and uncommon piece of Pokémon history. The Charizard UPC is a wise investment for people who are prepared to hang onto it for the long term because its value will only rise over time.





SGA on the rise to fame?

Shai Gilgeous-Alexander (SGA), also known as SGA, is a young and talented basketball player who has quickly become a force in the NBA. His rookie card has thus grown in value among investors and collectors alike. I’ll make the case in this essay that Shai Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card has incredible value and is a wise long-term investment.

Gilgeous-Alexander is a great investment because of his on-court performance and potential. He is a dynamic guard with a good basketball IQ who can score from any point on the field. He has already demonstrated a great deal of promise in his brief career, averaging 19.3 points, 4.7 rebounds, and 4.0 assists per game in the 2020–2021 campaign. He is also only 23 years old, which means he has lots of time to refine his technique and advance as a player. His rookie card will increase in value as he continues to establish himself as a star in the league, making it a fantastic long-term investment. Gilgeous-Alexander is a desirable investment due to his marketability. He is a rising star in the NBA and could eventually become one of the best players in the competition. He is a fan favourite due to his talent and charm, and as his popularity has grown, so has his marketability. His background as a Canadian basketball star who attended the University of Kentucky for college basketball makes him even more appealing to collectors and investors. His rookie card is a great investment because of all of these elements that increase its perceived value.

The opportunity to invest in a young player with the potential to become an NBA superstar is special thanks to Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card. Collectors and investors can join in on his career early by purchasing his rookie card, potentially earning big returns on their investment in the future. Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card will increase in value as he develops and solidifies his position as one of the league’s best players, making it a wise investment for those who are prepared to keep it for the long haul. Purchasing Shai Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card is not only a wise financial move, but also a method to develop a closer relationship with basketball.

The opportunity to invest in a young player with the potential to become an NBA superstar is special thanks to Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card. Collectors and investors can join in on his career early by purchasing his rookie card, potentially earning big returns on their investment in the future. Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card will increase in value as he develops and solidifies his position as one of the league’s best players, making it a wise investment for those who are prepared to keep it for the long haul. Purchasing Shai Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card is not only a wise financial move, but also a method to develop a closer relationship with basketball. Since it gives fans a special and meaningful way to interact with their favourite players and teams, collecting sports trading cards has long been a cherished hobby. Owning an artefact from basketball history, such as Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card, enables fans to remain devoted to the game and spread their enthusiasm to others.

In summary, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card has incredible value and is a wise long-term investment. His talent and promise, together with his marketability and club circumstances, all help to explain why investors and collectors place such a high value on his rookie card. Purchasing his rookie card presents a special chance to seek future gains that are greater!





Anthony Edwards Rookie Card

The first overall choice in the 2020 NBA draft, Anthony Edwards, has gained media attention since joining the league. He is quickly becoming as one of the most intriguing young players in the NBA thanks to his combination of size, quickness, and scoring ability. His rookie card is now highly sought for by investors and collectors as a result. In this essay, I’ll make the case that Anthony Edwards’ rookie card has incredible value and is a wise long-term investment.

First off, Edwards is a very marketable player due to his talent and potential. He has already displayed flashes of greatness throughout his rookie campaign, including the highest-scoring rookie game in Timberwolves history (42 points) in April 2021. He is a dynamic and exciting player to watch due to his size, athleticism, and ability to score from all areas of the court. His rookie card thus has a high perceived worth among investors and collectors who think he has a chance to become an NBA superstar in the future. The fact that Edwards represents a team in a small market raises the value and rarity of his rookie card. Due to the lack of elite players on small market clubs like the Minnesota Timberwolves, when a player like Edwards develops into a potential superstar, his rookie card gains even more value. Edwards may not receive as much national attention as players on teams with larger markets, such as the Los Angeles Lakers or New York Knicks, because he plays for a small-market team. This could increase the value of his rookie card among investors and collectors.

The age and growth potential of Edwards make him a desirable long-term investment. He has already demonstrated a great deal of promise at the age of just 19, and he still has plenty of time to refine his skills and advance as a player. As Edwards continues to develop and become a star in the NFL, collectors and investors who purchase his rookie card today could see large gains in the future.Purchasing Anthony Edwards’ rookie card is a wise financial move that also shows support for and involvement in basketball. Sports trading card collecting has long been a popular activity that enables fans to develop closer relationships with their favourite athletes and teams. Owning a piece of basketball history like Edwards’ rookie card allows one to keep a stake in the game and spread the love of basketball to others.

In summary, Anthony Edwards’ rookie card has incredible value and is a wise long-term investment. His talent and promise, as well as his young age and tiny market team, all help to explain his high perceived worth among investors and collectors. Along with the potential for financial benefit, purchasing his rookie card enables basketball fans to participate in the game in a memorable and enjoyable way. For those who are prepared to hang onto their rookie card for the long haul, Edwards’ rookie card will probably increase in value as he solidifies his status as a star in the NBA.





The feminist message of The Yellow Wallpaper

As someone who enjoys reading feminist literature, I found “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman to be a fascinating and thought-provoking read. The story provides a powerful commentary on the patriarchal society of the time and the ways in which women were oppressed and denied agency in their own lives.

“The Yellow Wallpaper” is a classic short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, published in 1892, that explores the issue of female oppression and the limitations imposed on women in Victorian society. The story is often regarded as a seminal work in feminist literature and is renowned for its powerful commentary on gender roles and the patriarchy.

The protagonist of the story is a woman who is suffering from what is presumed to be postpartum depression and is confined to a room in her husband’s mansion. As she spends more time in the room, she becomes increasingly obsessed with the yellow wallpaper that covers the walls, and begins to see disturbing patterns and figures within the wallpaper. The story is a powerful exploration of the protagonist’s descent into madness and the ways in which she is oppressed and controlled by the patriarchal society in which she lives.

it exposes the ways in which women are oppressed by a society that denies them autonomy and agency. the main character is prevented from leaving her room, engaging in any kind of productive work, or expressing herself creatively, all of which contribute to her sense of isolation and despair. Her husband, who is a doctor, dismisses her concerns and insists that she simply needs rest, effectively silencing her and rendering her voiceless.

The story is also a commentary on the issue of mental health and the ways in which women’s experiences are often ignored or dismissed by male doctors. The protagonist’s husband, who is a doctor, insists that she simply needs rest and denies her access to other forms of treatment, contributing to her worsening condition. The story highlights the importance of recognizing women’s experiences of mental illness and the need for more compassionate and holistic approaches to treatment.

Character Study-Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion

I wanted to talk about my favourite anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion, but more specifically Shinji, Here is a little character study.

Shinji Ikari is the main protagonist of the anime series “Neon Genesis Evangelion.” He is a young boy who is forced to pilot a giant bio-machine called an Evangelion to fight mysterious beings known as Angels that threaten humanity’s existence. Shinji is a complex and multi-layered character who is often regarded as one of the most relatable and human protagonists in anime.

One of Shinji’s defining characteristics is his lack of self-confidence and his struggle with depression and anxiety. He is introverted, insecure, and has a low sense of self-worth, which makes him hesitant to engage with others and often leads to him running away from difficult situations. This inner turmoil is rooted in his troubled relationship with his father, Gendo Ikari, who abandoned him as a child and who he feels he can never please.

Throughout the series, Shinji is forced to confront his fears and doubts as he faces increasingly difficult challenges. His initial reluctance to pilot the Evangelion gives way to a growing sense of responsibility, as he realizes that his actions can have a direct impact on the fate of humanity. As he becomes more involved in the fight against the Angels, he begins to develop deeper relationships with his fellow pilots and begins to question his own identity and the meaning of his existence.

Shinji’s character arc is a powerful exploration of the human condition, highlighting the struggle that many people face when trying to come to terms with their own sense of self-worth and purpose in life. His journey is a relatable one, as he grapples with the complexities of growing up, forging his own identity, and making sense of the world around him. Despite his flaws and struggles, Shinji is ultimately a sympathetic and likable character who viewers can root for and empathize with

Online Comments – Process post #12

Since the beginning of the Internet way back in the late 1990s and very early 2000s, making online comments on blogs and chatrooms have been around within the Internet. Websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram were just starting to get popular, and more and more people started to buy devices that can connect to the internet. People started to realize that anyone can create an account and post what they would want to because they can put false information on their account. These are known as fake accounts, and whoever uses these accounts can get away from the consequences from the general public.

Since there is a sense of anonymity for these fake accounts when they post comments, the comments they post can get pretty cruel and concerning. An article called “The Psychology of Online Comments” by Maria Konnikova states that, “forty [percent] of people in the eighteen-to-twenty-nine-year-old demographic have posted anonymously.” (Konnikova, 2013). Hate comments can stem from many reasons, from a user not liking the other, to rumors’ being spread that make the public generate hate towards the user. Although it may not be nice to receive these comments, it is always a good idea to ignore them since it is just the internet; and if it gets out of control seeking support may be needed.


Konnikova, M. (2013, October 23). The psychology of online comments. The New Yorker. Retrieved April 4, 2023, from https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/the-psychology-of-online-comments

April Moodboard

I am so thankful that April is here! I don’t know about you but it’s finally starting to feel like spring to me (which also means summer is closer). I’ve already started tanning since I noticed the UV index going higher.

In honour of April and my excitement for summer, my April moodboard is here! And it definitely has a more tropical summer theme, since I’ve just been in that mood.

Cheers to new beginnings!

Process Post #11: Two A.M. Thoughts takes on social media?

Transmedia storytelling is a “process” as Henry Jenkins (as cited in Kevinbrittenylauren.wordpress.com, 2013) would call it. It’s a process in which elements of content—in his example, a fiction—are spread across a variety of channels and platforms. The goal? To create a “coordinated” experience for the audience.

This process works beyond storytelling as well. For instance, it could be integrated into our online publications and more. You may have seen examples of this integration online before and may not know it.

Transmedia integration IRL

Say you come across a YouTube video. You might then find a clip of it on TikTok as a way to promote the full-length video. It may be a montage of certain snippets of the full video or a short clip. You might also see that same TikTok on Instagram in the form of a Reel. That TikTok content could also be posted on Facebook as a video post. Same content, different platform, and they all bring you to the main video on YouTube.

Now, that may not have been the best illustration of transmedia integration, but that is the essence of it. It’s one piece of content that is deconstructed and reconstructed as needed to suit the preferences of other platforms so that it can be shared across a variety of channels. Together, they function to create that ‘coordinated’ viewing experience that I mentioned earlier.

Imagining integration across channels

If I were to integrate Two A.M. Thoughts across multiple media, where would I begin?

Something to keep in mind before I dig into that is that Two A.M. Thoughts is a blog with a lot of text-heavy content. This isn’t a YouTube channel with video content, so integrating my content onto a platform like TikTok might not be ideal. It’s definitely doable, but there are other ways we can approach this too.

I could, for instance, use platforms like Instagram and Facebook to showcase quotes or snippets of my posts. These would act as a teaser or preview for the full-length post which would be linked in the Instagram bio or Facebook profile.

Between Instagram and Facebook, I prefer using Instagram, and I think that my audience would too. I could probably also use a platform like Twitter to promote by posts with quotes and snippets, but Twitter is not much my forte or niche.

With more time, trends, and research, I can find alternative ways of integrating my content across different media, but these ideas are a good start.


Kevinbrittenylauren.wordpress.com. (2013, November 21). Pokemon as Transmedia storytellinghttps://kevinbrittenylauren.wordpress.com/2013/11/21/pokemon-as-transmedia-storytelling/