Tag Archives: Process Post

Final blog

Saying goodbye is never an easy thing to do. It can be an emotional and difficult experience, whether you’re saying goodbye to a friend, a family member, a place, or a phase of your life. But as much as we might want to avoid it, saying goodbye is an inevitable part of life. In fact, it’s often necessary for us to grow, change, and move forward.

One thing that can make saying goodbye easier is to focus on the positive memories and experiences that you’ve had with the person, place, or thing that you’re saying goodbye to. Remembering the good times can help to ease the pain of the goodbye and leave you with a sense of gratitude for what you’ve had.

Another thing that can help is to take the time to say a proper goodbye. Whether that means having a heartfelt conversation, writing a letter, or simply taking a moment to reflect and say goodbye in your own way, it’s important to acknowledge the significance of what you’re leaving behind.

Of course, saying goodbye can also be an opportunity for growth and new beginnings. Sometimes, saying goodbye to one thing means saying hello to something else that’s even better. By embracing change and the unknown, you can open yourself up to new experiences, new relationships, and new opportunities.

In the end, saying goodbye is a natural part of life. It’s a reminder that nothing is permanent and that everything is always changing. But while saying goodbye may be difficult, it’s also a chance to reflect, to grow, and to move forward. So embrace it, appreciate it, and say goodbye with grace and gratitude.

Process Post Week 10

My Google Analytics has shown me that my audience has yet to take off and that people are more interested in my homework post than my content posts. Google Analytics has shown me that no one is interested in my lucid dream blog content and that my main traffic is from my short essay. I was pleasantly surprised that I had eight recurring visitors but my Google Analytics shows that they didn’t hang around long. According to my Google Analytics, I need to up my marketing plan to get more of an audience. The marketing plan I talked about in my last Process Post for week 9 would fix most of the problems with my audience retention and my redesign plans would also help people be less confused with my site.

After reading the required readings for this week I found a solution to many of the problems I have can be solved using SEO. In the article 15 Reasons Why Your Business Needs SEO the author Sam Hollingsworth, says “SEO Builds Trust & Credibility,… is the Best Way to Understand the Voice of the Consumer,… Means a Better User Experience,… [and] Local SEO Means Increased Engagement, Traffic & Conversions.” All of these things are the things my website needs help with. If all of this is true my updated marketing plan will include learning SEO. I will probably not update my website any time soon as I now need to learn some new software and will make a big update later. By the time I update my website, there will be no more confusion about what my website content is and the right audience will be directed to my website because of this. Look forward to the update and I’ll see you later.

Process Post Week 9

I do not have a marketing plan as I only planned to do this website as a hobby and for school. The only active marketing for my website was telling my friends and family about it. I also made a logo that I thought was cute and put it on my private Instagram. As I did not plan on a lot of traffic on my website monetization did not even cross my mind. If I were to make a marketing plan I would probably post a few of my dream blog posts on Reddit and post my mini assignments on a public Instagram. I would have also made art to go with my post and post those on Instagram as well. The last thing I would have done is fixed my home page to make more sense and not be as hectic. If I had gone with this plan I would have considered monetizing my website with gaming ads and sleep products. This is all theoretical as monetizing my website seems like too much of a bother for a hobby.

In the transcript of a podcast by George Philip, Jennifer Anne Lazo, Rooham Jamali, and Rudy Al Jaroodi they talk about an experiment they ran to see how just about everything leaves a digital footprint nowadays. The narrator at one point during this podcast had stated, “The findings from our interviews made us realize that a lot of people mentioned Facebook or Google Maps as a form of Digital Trail they were creating. But most, like Amanda, were pretty unaware of the extent of their Digital Trails extending to their daily use of contactless cards and the majority of applications on their phones.” I found myself in this sentence as I also had no idea just how far my digital breadcrumbs reached. Before reading this transcript I would have said my digital footprint would just be my YouTube and school work, however, now I would say my digital footprint is all over the place. If my bus card, debit card, and two credit cards are part of my digital footprint as well as my Google Maps searches one could probably map out my entire university life. This podcast opened my eyes to how much of my life is on the internet. I would say I am a private person and have not personally put myself out on the internet so this realization really shook me, as I am really careful when it comes to my information on the internet. For example, I have yet to like or comment on any videos on YouTube because my name is connected to my YouTube and I have never posted a picture of myself on a non-private Instagram account. This podcast made me realize I shouldn’t be so scared of the internet as I aready have a large digital persona.


Philip. G, Anne Lazo. J, Jamali. R, and Al Jaroodi. R. (2016). Digital breadcrumbs: the data trail we leave behind us. Published by podacademy.org, http://podacademy.org/podcasts/digital-breadcrumbs-our-data-trail/.

Process Post Week 8

I am one of the people who do not support ChatGPT and DALL.E, I find them to be dangerous tools for complacency. I believe in hard work and people who think for themselves. If ChatGPT or DALL.E are only used as starting points, prompts, or idea generators then I would find them useful. However, people are using them to steal content whether it be from the content creators ChatGPT and DALL.E take from or just straight up using the content they create for you as their own. I also believe ChatGPT and DALL.E are widdling away at critical thinking as instead of the person using their brain the computer does the work. Even the people who created DALL.E “Recognize that work involving generative models has the potential for significant, broad societal impacts.” I don’t think people should be allowed to use DALL.E-generated art for anything other than inspiration, reference, or content related to DALL.E.

The many Limitations That ChatGPT shows on its website are why I don’t believe ChatGPT should not be used as independent content. One of which is, “ChatGPT sometimes writes plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers.” If people are to use ChatGPT as content I hope they use what’s left of their critical thinking skills to look over and correct the mistakes in the writing. I am a creative writer and believe in the critical thinking skills and creativity to write engaging content myself. I do not need Ai to take over my passion and do not enjoy the writings ChatGPT generates, however, I will not discourage people from using ChatGPT as a tool and not as content.

Process Post Week 7

As digital media continues to rise in popularity, digital literacy, and critical thinking are needed. There is so much fake news, and false stories being told that it can be quite hard to distinguish the truth. I have been taught from a young age not to trust social media and that the news only shows one-half of a story. As an Indigenous person, I was taught that even what I saw in the News could be wrong/fake. According to Jacob Liedke and Jeffrey Gottfried, “Adults under 30 are now almost as likely to trust information from social media sites as they are to trust information from national news outlets, new data shows.” This scares me as I do not trust either of those sources without extra research. Liedke and Gottfried also found that “In a recent Pew Research Center survey, half of 18- to 29-year-olds in the United States say they have some or a lot of trust in the information they get from social media sites.” I do not trust social media but many people I know do and I find this is because they do not do their research before having their own opinion. I find out they are tricked because they do not have the critical thinking or digital literacy skills to question where the information came from and determine if the source is trustworthy. Digital literacy and critical thinking are needed to browse the internet today because of cancel culture.

Canceling used to be reserved for people that were irredeemable like sexual assaulters and people who had sex with animals. Now people are canceled for having an opinion, trying to get the truth heard/out, or supporting people who got canceled with exaggerated truths and straight-up lies. There is a mob of people on the internet who will take one sentence out of context and not even do one search to see if what they saw was true or give the person a chance to explain themselves. Cancel culture used to be used to inform people of terrible things people have been confirmed to have done with evidence to back themselves up. Now you can cancel someone if you have an opposing opinion from them and throw around labels until one eventually sticks as it looks like it could fit. Cancel culture now should not be taken seriously without extra research that breaks past the initial wave of hate. Because of the way cancel culture is nowadays people need to take what they see on the internet with a grain of salt. Digital literacy to me is navigating through fake news and false stories and critical thinking is needed to find the truth and brake past the toxicity of canceled culture.


Liedke. J and Gottfried. J. (2022). US adults under 30 now trust information from social media almost as much as from national news outlets. Published by Word Economic Forum, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/11/social-media-adults-information-news-platforms/.

Some extra blender projects!

Well since I heard that CONTENT POST ARE NOT GETTING GRADED. My motivation to make these post have been cut down in half, this whole website is only up because of this class I am taking. And I do say I may be a little disappointed about just hearing this recently about these post not getting graded. But I shall stop complaining and just finish what I started, so here you go.

First lets start off with the donut series progress, I am sure you want to see the how my progress went over the week I was making this donut.

Bet you werent expecting to see a realistic looking donut huh? Well what you just saw was a sequence of picures a and progress I did over a week. And it probably took you 1 minute to look at those at least if you took you time, instead of scrolling to the bottom for the finished product. Well its not over just yet, I made a animation of this donut sliding in the frame of this scene and this was the most fun part of this project. Here it is!

Now that I look at it. This should be a post of its own, sorry for the plot twist. But I feel it is appropriate for this kind of post, adding any more would seem a bit much right? well thank you for looking at this. Any questions? please comment, I haven’t got any in these lat few months!

Process post #12 La final

Having a guideline is crucial for content traffic, I believe that evryone should have a chance to express their opinion on a topic and not be judged. But the reality is cruel, in recant years we saw so many examples of people get canceled. Sometimes it could get out of controll just because one person would get offended or words would be talken from a contest. That’s why one of the person who I personaly like for making fun of this is Ricky Gervais and him hosting the Golden Globe in 2020. I could say that some of his points were a bit extreme, but the reason he did it is to show how ridiculisesometimes public opinion can get. So what if user want to share thoutghs without endangering oneself and their lifes, carear, etc. In this case anonymity would be a usefull tool, of course it could be used by trolls and people who just likes to hurt others, but if used appropriately it migth actually be usefull for content creator, it could help see any flaws and make sure that he/she will not do it again. As Maria Konikova says in her article “forty per cent of people in the eighteen-to-twenty-nine-year-old demographic have posted anonymously”  which only proves that this option should be avaliable at comment section of websote, so that people would be encouraged to share their opinion and help community to become better. In Guardian article “The dark side of Guardian comments” , author suggests that it would be just easier if you would ignore comments, I see where is point is comming from, and I wish the answer to solve all problems was that simple, but it would be just wrong to cut all connections with yout audience, sometimes we can make mistakes not intentionally and it would be nice to have a community which supports you and provides constructive feedback to insure that you will not do same error.


Gardiner, B., Mansfield, M., Anderson, I., Holder, J., Louter, D., & Ulmanu, M. (2016, April 12). The Dark Side of Guardian comments. The Guardian. Retrieved April 6, 2023, from https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/apr/12/the-dark-side-of-guardian-comments

Konnikova, M. (2013, October 23). The psychology of online comments. The New Yorker. Retrieved April 6, 2023, from https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/the-psychology-of-online-comments 

Process post #7

This week reading about misinformation on internet started my brainstorm process towards the essay topic for PUB101. After reading article by Wu Peiyue about how a Chinese fantasy novelist Yifan wrote a fake article about Russian history for 10 years, I was impressed. This authore created over 200 articles and convinced many people that it was real. Such news makes an idea of cryticle thinking more important. The introduction of internet gave people power to make their thoughts public and what was impossible before, now is a reality. People are able to share their ideas and dreams with millions of people around the globe. Article by Drew Harwell and Joseph Menn Harvard is shutting down project that studied social media misinformation” are talking how Twitter and public opinion could shape reaserches and what they are saying. Considering the fact that in the article by Jeffrey Gottfried and Jacob Liedke, they say that half of younf users in the US are trusting online sources, it makes me wonder what power those people who speaks publicly hold and how they could shape the course of our society development.

Considering all of this, this week I spent going back through all post I wrote so far and making sure that I would leave a link to my source where it would be applicable so that people who see my websote could be sure that what I am saying and my opinion is more or less based on words of respectable people.


Peiyue, Wu. 2022. “She Spent a Decade Writing Fake Russian History. Wikipedia Just Noticed.

Harwell, D., & Menn, J. (2023, February 3). Harvard is shutting down project that studied social media misinformation. The Washington Post. Retrieved March 3, 2023, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/02/02/misinformation-harvard-donovan-close/

Gottfried, J., & Liedke, J. (2022). Trust in social media is changing. here’s how it breaks down by age. World Economic Forum. Retrieved March 3, 2023, from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/11/social-media-adults-information-news-platforms/

Parting with Posiel

Well… this is it! My last process post for PUB 101. I’ve learned so much about blogging, marketability, and the online self in this course, and hopefully it shows through melatonin gone missing.

Reflecting On The Process

Despite this course only being 13 weeks long, it feels like I’ve grown exponentially over the semester, probably because posting weekly has forced me to consistently critique and improve my site. It feels like decades ago when I was feeling frustrated trying to set up my site, which is mostly documented in my second process post From Pinterest to WordPress. At that time, I was completely uneducated about what it really meant to own a website. So when I slowly started to pick up on blog design, SEO, user experience, accessibility, readability, typeface, analytics, and everything else I’ve touched on in my process posts thus far, I was a little shocked that there was so much that went into the websites and media we interact with every single day. Even if at some point in the future I forget what the term “personal cyberinfrastructure” means (although highly unlikely), I will always perceive published media through a different lens. A more critical one, but also one with more respect for the effort that goes into actualizing every single detail we take for granted.

My blog feels a lot like a gallery or a scrapbook of the beginning of my publishing journey, and it always feels extremely rewarding and fulfilling to scroll through and see how far it has come. I’ve grown to be very fond of blogging, and I am quite proud of the site I’ve created. I mean, I made and own a whole website… that’s pretty cool. melatonin gone missing truly feels like my own digital garden, and I’m not quite ready to let it die!

Looking Forward

That being said, I’m excited to continue blogging and sharing my most unimportant thoughts here. I thought of a few ideas of ways to expand the site in my post Melatonin’s Many Channels, which are always paths I could look into pursuing (especially social media), but before going any further with expansion and development, it is important to establish community guidelines. An easy and effective way to ensure user safety and my own safety is to add a page outlining what users can expect and what they should abide by on my blog. Some of the things I would likely include in my community guidelines are:

  • Be respectful and kind
  • No spam or hateful comments
  • Respect people’s privacy
  • No personal promotion

By having these guidelines made explicit, it should hopefully prevent any uncourteous or unwanted behaviour from my blog, which is meant to be a safe and cozy space for all. From my list, it is clear that most of these guidelines are related to blog comments and social interactions. In the modern age of social media, the effects of online hate have proven to be a) very real, and b) severely damaging. As discussed in the Jon Ronson’s Ted Talk “When online shaming goes too far“, and the article “The dark side of Guardian comments“, people’s online behaviours can be incredibly harmful, and can escalate into dangerous and out of control situations. These guidelines essentially are to prevent these situations from arising on my site.

Against my expectations, there have been a few comments on my posts from my friends and classmates that have all been sweet and supportive. I’ve learned that blog comments are a really fun place to interact with others and trade complements and ideas, in a different way than the usual social media comment. I think this is because there is a sort of detachment from your personal life, since you can choose any name to display with your comments (on WordPress, at least). Maria Konnikova explains that anonymity encourages participation, which is further expanded on in John Suler’s discussion of facets of the online self, and I think this is demonstrated in the comments on my posts. For example, Tori Vega’s comment on Toe is Broken (Up).

Saying Farewell

And that’s it! To Dr. Norman and all my classmates, it’s been a pleasure getting to know you and making content for you to stalk. I’ve really enjoyed this class, and it’s sad to say goodbye.

Lastly, huge shoutout to Micky, who’s support means the world to me! I’m so lucky to have a TA who understands and appreciates my content posts on a personal level 😉

Alright, melatonin… officially going missing.


Basu, T. (2020, September 3). Digital Gardens let you cultivate your own little bit of the internet. MIT Technology Review. Retrieved March 2, 2023, from https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/09/03/1007716/digital-gardens-let-you-cultivate-your-own-little-bit-of-the-internet/

Campbell, G. (2009). A Personal Cyberinfrastructure. EDUCAUSE. https://er.educause.edu/articles/2009/9/a-personal-cyberinfrastructure

Gardiner, B., Mansfield, M., Anderson, I., Holder, J., Louter, D., & Ulmanu, M. (2016, April 12). The Dark Side of Guardian comments. The Guardian. Retrieved April 11, 2023, from https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/apr/12/the-dark-side-of-guardian-comments

Konnikova, M. (2013, October 23). The psychology of online comments. The New Yorker. Retrieved April 11, 2023, from https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/the-psychology-of-online-comments

Ronson, J. (n.d.). When online shaming goes too far. Jon Ronson: When online shaming goes too far | TED Talk. Retrieved April 11, 2023, from https://www.ted.com/talks/jon_ronson_when_online_shaming_goes_too_far?language=en

Suler, J. (2001). The Online Disinhibition Effect. The Psychology of Cyberspace. https://truecenterpublishing.com/psycyber/disinhibit.html


-, H. T., By, -, Heather TaylorIcon Researcher & Blogger at Advertising Week, Taylor, H., Icon Researcher & Blogger at Advertising Week, here, P. enter your name, & -, H. T. (2020, December 21). How celestial seasonings’ sleepytime bear became a tea icon. PopIcon.life. Retrieved April 11, 2023, from https://popicon.life/celestial-seasonings-sleepytime-bear-tea-icon/

Process Post #12: Questions, comments, concerns? How about a comment?

Comments. You can find or hear them almost anywhere.

Under your posts on Instagram; under that YouTube video you watched a couple days ago; from the hairstylist you see every few months; or behind your back and you may not even know.

Now those are just comments in general, but I’m here to look at online comments in particular.

The realities of the Comment section

While the Comment section of a social media post or blog are there for readers and viewers to express their thoughts and opinions, they aren’t always the safest places to be on the internet.

Depending on your platform and audience, these types of spaces can fill with aggression and mockery, anonymity and false information, and more (Konnikova, 2023).

Konnikova (2023) notes that this may have to do with the “online disinhibition effect” that John Suler coined and that I’ve brought up in conversation before. It’s that feeling of being able to say and do anything like nobody is watching because nobody knows who you are. Your identity is hidden by the shields of the internet, you could say.

At the same time, anonymity must be credited for its ability to encourage participation. Instead of fearing uniqueness and difference, commentors feel a sense of community. There is little to no fear in speaking one’s mind and the opportunities for creative thinking are practically endless.

Creating and implementing guidelines for commenting

To mitigate these potential issues, it would be good to create a set of guidelines for commenters and their commenting.

If I made a list for Two A.M. Thoughts, I’d make sure to include things like being respectful of others and their comments; keeping comments relevant to the post; using appropriate and clean language; and have fun with the discussion.

These guidelines are likely something you’ve read or seen before many times, but they are things that I would hope to see in the comment sections of my site too. They are values, if you want to call them those, that I uphold when I comment. So, it would be great to see that reciprocated.

In terms of implementing them, I would most likely create a page on my site dedicated to community guidelines. However, I wouldn’t expect every visitor to read that page before getting around to their commenting. Perhaps a disclaimer above comment forms with a link to the community guidelines page may do the job. Ultimately, it will have to be something moderated and reiterated until commentors catch on.


Konnikova, M. (2013, October 23). The psychology of online comments. The New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/the-psychology-of-online-comments

PROCESS POST—— Prohibit negative comments

Online commenting is a ubiquitous feature of the Internet, appearing on social media, news sites, blogs, and other places. I would like to share a story of mine, where I had a live broadcast on Tik Tok some time ago. I didn’t have a lot of people in my live stream, probably because I was a new anchor and lacked some traffic. But I think it was a good start and it was a very good way to communicate, I was able to talk to some strangers on air and had a lot of fun with it. One time in the comments section of a live stream a stranger made a request for me to sing a song. Although I was a bit shy, I was brave enough to sing. When I was halfway through the song, he interrupted me in the comment section, saying that my singing made him feel sick to his stomach. I immediately kicked him out of my live stream, and I subsequently closed it. A very short comment, but one that had a huge impact on making my psyche.

In “The Psychology of Online Comments,” Konnikova notes that online anonymity may be a contributing factor because it allows people to be less responsible for their actions and more likely to make negative or abusive comments. I have a small experience that I can relate to, and the general understanding that people have of comment sections is scary. Because of the anonymity and lack of accountability associated with online comments, or the content of comments that are hostile. The ability to comment on an article or post means that anyone can voice their opinion, regardless of whether they have any expertise or knowledge of the topic. This can lead to a lot of misinformed, low-quality comments.

I think the suggestions made in the article are valid. We should promote a culture of respect and civility, where media platforms can review comments to remove abusive content. People could be more empathetic in their language when commenting and think about the psychological impact on the person receiving your negative comment.

However I would like to apply this to my blog site, where I have always avoided some negative comments and have done so with basic respect for others. I want to create a positive and joyful space. Hopefully we can get better at media literacy and critical thinking skills.

The post PROCESS POST—— Prohibit negative comments first appeared on My blog.

PROCESS POST —— Transmedia

People read online in a variety of ways, depending on the content we consume, our goals, and our personal preferences. However, there are some general trends that have emerged in recent years that can help us understand how people read online. Online reading tends to be faster and more efficient, allowing users to navigate content better. For example, I make use of visual aids when doing online reading. Rely on images, videos and other visual aids to help me understand and remember information.

After reading “POKEMON AS TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING,” I discovered that Pokemon has expanded to a range of media, including anime series, movies, consoles, and more. Each of these media platforms adds depth and nuance to the Pokemon story, and they help to engage different audiences. This is enough to illustrate how Pokemon uses transmedia storytelling to create a rich, immersive story world that engages audiences across multiple platforms.

“Transmedia storytelling is the ideal aesthetic form for an era of collective intelligence.”(Kevinbrittenylauren. wordpress.com, 2013). Yes, most people now prefer the online format. The online format is more common and easy to use.

I think this can be fully exploited in my blog. I think I can use this by leveraging different social media platforms that can be used to reinforce and amplify my message. It is important to tailor our content to each channel and audience. For example, a post on Instagram may need to be shorter and more concise than a blog post on my website. This helps a lot with my current blog and the content I want to expand.


Kevinbrittenylauren.wordpress.com. (2013, November 21). Pokemon as Transmedia Storytelling. https://kevinbrittenylauren.wordpress.com/2013/11/21/pokemon-as-transmedia-storytelling/

The post PROCESS POST —— Transmedia first appeared on My blog.

The (Online) Self: The Future of Anonymity

For the final week of content and process posts, and more than that, the final week of classes, I decided to write about everyone’s (least) favourite musical TV program, Glee. The general love-hate relationship theatre fans have with Glee can be distilled into an equal amount of hate for the way the show progressed, from one foot in reality and one foot in the absurd to both feet in their own grave, and an equal amount of love for bringing musicals and diegetic singing to television. More than that, though, it also inspired the rise of high school show choir, and introduced countless young people to the performing arts, something I will always fight for and be grateful for when done in mainstream media.

In terms of course content, this week focused on the interaction of the online and everyday self, and furthermore how to reconcile the difference. I am particularly interested in the little blurb for the week on the POSIEL site. I know it’s not technically a reading, but it asks a lot of crucial questions about living in a technological age. Specifically Are the facets of human experience threatened? By now, my opinion on AI and a growing pertinence placed on the development of convenient tech that can be integrated into everyday life is all over my blog, but I really do think that it is so important to acknowledge how a technologically determined future will have ramifications on the facets of the human experience. The most recent publication of the Literary Magazine for the faculty I am minoring in deals with this subject directly, placing an emphasis on how the human experience cannot be commodified or technologized because the human experience cannot be synthesised. There is simply too much human experience in the world to distill into something digestible and authentic. 

Further, the final question the prompt begs: Does privacy matter anymore? It harkens back to the week 3 reading on the disinhibition effect and how anonymity emboldens controversy. I think privacy will always matter (especially in my position on AI), and that despite the new movement of putting your real name and real experiences and real personal information online, that is, to be genuine in your online persona, will begin to see consequences in the years to come. I think people will begin to become unmoored by the lack of separation of the online and offline self, such to the extent that in a couple years, there will be think pieces published about the benefits of online anonymity – something I look forward to digesting.

Process Post #13

One of the most important classes I ever took was “Introduction to Publication,” as it has been quite helpful to me thus far in my early academic career. I’m happy to say that this course was a success for me and that I learned a lot from it.

I can without a doubt say that the course has helped me grasp the numerous facets of academic publication better. I’ve learned a lot that will help you publish your research in the future, from understanding peer review to knowing about the various forms of publishing. Doing peer reviews for other people’s publication websites is, in my opinion, a fantastic method to encourage cooperation, education, and development within a community of authors and editors. Peer evaluations provide people the chance to get helpful criticism on their work, which can help them get better at writing and hone their concepts. Peer reviews can also encourage an environment where writers and editors can share thoughts and viewpoints in order to produce the greatest publication possible. Peer reviews can ultimately result in content that is of a higher caliber and foster a greater feeling of community among those participating in the publication process.

The training has given me practical skills that are necessary for effective academic publishing, which is one of its biggest advantages. For instance, I’ve learnt how to craft convincing posts for my submission, which might be crucial when I’m attempting to motivate those around me. Additionally, I’ve learnt how to properly convey my research findings, which is essential for producing influential articles that other people read and quote. I believe that publishing has taught me a tremendously valuable skill that I can apply to a variety of my passions: how to write effectively and perform great research. By developing these abilities, I may produce articles that interest readers, instruct them, and persuade them to act or change their viewpoints. Persuasive writing and thorough research are crucial skills that help me effectively convey my views and accomplish my goals, whether I’m fighting for social justice causes or creating captivating stories. Finally, because of how adaptable and transferable they are, these abilities are a great advantage for anyone aiming to make a difference in their personal or professional endeavors.

The fact that the course has given me access to a professional network in your industry is another crucial component of it. By interacting with my peers and teachers, I have gathered useful information about the publishing process and discovered fresh possibilities for disseminating your findings. For students who are just beginning their research careers, this can be quite helpful because it can lead to new opportunities and collaborations. I think that the “Introduction to Publication” course is crucial for me as a university student overall. Other students may find it helpful to use the knowledge and abilities I acquired in the course to assist them negotiate the complicated world of academic publishing and improve their chances of publishing significant research that is read and cited by others.

Process Post #12

I believe that community guidelines are essential for any website, but they’re even more crucial for one that sells trading cards. These guidelines are meant to encourage civil and beneficial discourse while also creating a welcoming and safe space for users. In this implementation plan, I’ll mention a few community guidelines that I believe are appropriate for a website devoted to trading cards and explain why I’ve chosen them.

First, I would create a rule mandating that users treat one another with respect and kindness. This would entail refraining from any kind of bullying, harassment, or hate speech. We wish to foster a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued and at home on our trading card website. We can encourage users to participate in meaningful conversations and share their views and experiences without worrying about being mocked or judged by others by encouraging respectful dialogue. Any publication website must include rules requiring users to treat others with respect and kindness. Online interactions can occasionally result in negativity and even harassment, which can turn away readers and harm the website’s reputation. You can make sure that visitors to your website feel secure and welcome by establishing clear rules that encourage a pleasant and inclusive environment. In addition to fostering a sense of community and inspiring reader interaction, this can increase reader engagement and grow a devoted following. It can also help to create the tone for the publication as a whole by defining rules that demand users to treat others with respect and kindness, ensuring that the content is presented in a courteous and professional manner.

Second, while being open to learning from others, I would advise people to share their knowledge and experience about trading cards. To do this, a policy that encourages people to share their own knowledge and experiences as well as to ask questions and seek help from others would need to be developed. Our mission as a trading card website is to build a community of knowledgeable, enthusiastic collectors who can share their love of trading cards and learn from one another. We can build a friendly and cooperative society by encouraging a culture of learning and sharing. A publication website can benefit much from encouraging users to share their knowledge and experience regarding trading cards while also being open to learning from others. The topic of trading cards can be intricate and deep, and readers frequently have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. You may create a feeling of community and promote participation on the website by inviting readers to offer their knowledge and experience. Furthermore, by being open to learning from others, you can make sure that the information on the website is correct and instructive, which can support the development of credibility and reader confidence. Additionally, providing a forum for readers to contribute their knowledge and gain from that of others can draw in new users who are searching for a place to discuss topics with subject matter experts and pick their brains.

Thirdly, I would create a rule that prohibits users from contributing spam or unrelated material. This might include advertisements or links that have nothing to do with playing cards. We can make sure that the website remains pertinent to and helpful to visitors by maintaining the focus on trading cards. Additionally, it aids in streamlining and organising the user experience, making it simpler for users to locate the information they require. I would make a community page on the website outlining the standards and rules for users in order to put these rules into practice. Users would have easy access to this website, which would be clearly posted and frequently updated to reflect any modifications or additions to the rules. In addition, I would employ moderators to keep an eye on user conduct and guarantee that the rules are being adhered to. This would entail keeping an eye on user posts and comments on a regular basis and interacting with those who might be breaking the rules.

In conclusion, community rules are an important component of any trading card website since they aid in fostering a welcoming and inclusive community for users. We can build a community that is informed, encouraging, and enthusiastic about trading cards by setting rules that encourage respect, learning, and relevancy. We can make sure that the website continues to be a helpful resource for collectors and hobbyists by putting these rules into practice and keeping an eye on user behavior’s.

Process Post #9

I am aware of the value of employing analytics programmed like Google Analytics and Facebook Insights to increase website traffic. I’ll go into great length in this essay about why these analytics tools are crucial for knowing your audience, enhancing the functionality of your website, and increasing website traffic. The behavior, interests, and demands of your audience can be better understood with the help of analytics technologies. You may get a deeper understanding of your audience and produce content that appeals to them by monitoring indicators like website traffic, bounce rates, and user demographics. For instance, you can adjust your material to your audience’s interests and preferences if you see that a sizable fraction of them are from a specific region, which will enhance engagement and loyalty.

Additionally, analytics tools might aid in performance optimization’s for your website. You can pinpoint problem areas and make the required adjustments to your website’s design and content by tracking metrics like page load times and conversion rates. For instance, you may utilize analytics to identify which pages are driving people away from your website and make modifications to enhance their user experience if you see that your website’s bounce rate is high. You can monitor the success of your marketing campaigns using analytics tools. You may assess the efficacy of your social media and search engine marketing campaigns by setting up conversion tracking. With the use of this information, you can tweak your efforts to maximize engagement and conversion, ensuring that the right people receive the correct message.

Additionally, analytics technologies can assist you in finding possible growth prospects. You may make educated decisions regarding your website’s future marketing efforts by keeping track of how your website performs over time. For instance, if you see an increase in traffic to a certain blog post or landing page, you can take advantage of this trend by producing additional content on that subject or improving the user experience of your website. Finally, real-time website performance tracking is possible using analytics tools. With this capability, you can quickly make data-driven decisions to keep your website optimizer for optimal engagement and conversion. You can keep one step ahead of the competition and accelerate audience growth by using analytics to track the effectiveness of your website.

In conclusion, analytics tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Insights are essential for growing an audience for a website. By providing valuable insights into your audience’s behavior, interests, and needs, you can create content that resonates with them, optimize your website’s performance, and track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. With the help of analytics, you can make data-driven decisions that drive traffic, engagement, and conversions, ensuring that your website continues to grow and thrive.

Process Post #8

Copyright vs Creative Commons - what's the difference and why does it  matter?

In this weeks process post, I have the opportunity to explore more about the importance of copyright, Creative Commons, and free music or content for creators and consumers alike. In this essay, I will explain in detail why these concepts are vital for the protection and promotion of creativity and innovation.

Copyright is an essential legal concept that protects the original works of authors, artists, and creators. It ensures that they have exclusive rights to their creations and that others cannot use or reproduce them without permission. This protection encourages innovation and creativity by providing a financial incentive for creators to invest time, effort, and resources into their work. Copyright also ensures that creators receive recognition and compensation for their work, which is crucial for sustaining their livelihoods and careers.

However, copyright can also be restrictive, limiting the availability and accessibility of creative works to the public. This is where Creative Commons comes in. Creative Commons is a licensing system that allows creators to share their work with others while retaining some rights. By using Creative Commons licenses, creators can specify how their work can be used, such as allowing others to use, modify, and share their work, or only allowing non-commercial use. This system encourages collaboration and sharing, fostering a culture of creativity and innovation that benefits everyone.

Moreover, free music or content provides a valuable resource for creators, educators, and consumers. Free music or content is often released under Creative Commons licenses or made available in the public domain. This means that anyone can use, modify, and share the work without restriction, promoting collaboration and creativity. Free music or content also provides an accessible and affordable resource for education and research, allowing people to learn and discover without financial barriers.

In addition, free music or content is an important tool for social justice and equity. It allows creators from marginalized communities to share their work and stories with a wider audience, giving them a voice and a platform. Free music or content also enables communities to preserve and share their cultural heritage, preventing it from being lost or appropriated by others.

In conclusion, copyright, Creative Commons, and free music or content are essential for promoting creativity, innovation, and equity. Copyright protects the rights of creators and encourages them to invest time and resources into their work. Creative Commons allows creators to share their work while retaining some rights, fostering collaboration and innovation. Free music or content provides an accessible and affordable resource for education and research, promotes social justice and equity, and allows communities to preserve and share their cultural heritage. Together, these concepts create a thriving ecosystem of creativity and innovation that benefits everyone.


Younging, Gregory. (2015). “Traditional Knowledge Exists; Intellectual Property is Invented or Created

Younging, Gregory. 2018. “The Elements of Indigenous Style” pp 1-7

Process Post #7

As a way to enhance my website, I’ve considered adding Google AdSense, but I’m still unsure if I want to do so. But after some research and consideration, I’ve come to the conclusion that it might not be the best choice for my website. These are some justifications:

First and foremost, I’m worried about AdSense’s meagre revenue. Although it can bring in some money, it might not be the best way to monetize my website. My website has a modest amount of traffic, thus my visitors might not be motivated to click on adverts. Other forms of income, including affiliate marketing or the sale of digital goods, would be more appropriate for my website.

The crowded appearance that AdSense may give my website is another worry I have. My website may appear unprofessional due to the numerous adverts that are there, and they may also divert attention away from my content. This could result in a bad customer experience and damage the reputation of my website. It’s crucial to me as a website owner to design a simple and straightforward website for my visitors.

Last but not least, I’m concerned about the subpar ad relevancy that AdSense occasionally exhibits. While the AdSense algorithm is intended to display advertising based on the content of my website, there are occasions when the displayed ads may not be pertinent to my content or, worse still, may even be insulting to my visitors. This could result in a bad customer experience and harm the reputation of my website.

Despite the fact that Google AdSense is a well-liked option for website owners, I’ve concluded that it might not be the greatest option for my website. I’m investigating other monetization techniques that may boost my income and improve the user experience for my visitors.


Bridle, James.  November, 2017. “Something is Wrong on the Internet”

Peiyue, Wu. 2022. “She Spent a Decade Writing Fake Russian History. Wikipedia Just Noticed.

Process post #11

As I mantioned in process post #10 I started to take a closer look in plugins that are avaliable and migth hellp user to enhance their expirince. So far I took a look at plugins called  All in One SEO, still have to learn how to navigate it, but it is a tool to optimize SEO and make website show in a higher search result, which might come in handy if I choose to continue posting.

Regarding this week reading, we had an article Pokemon as Transmedia Storytelling, in which author xplores how Pokemon has maintained its popularity over the years, citing transmedia storytelling as a key factor due to its ability to appeal to various age groups and facilitate effective marketing. This success illustrates the value of interrelation across various domains and media. To incorporate this technique into their own website, the author suggests implimenting more visual elements, such as photos, videos, and graphics, to enhance the transmedia storytelling and presentation of information.

Considering the fact that my websote is about movies and TV shows, it might be usefull to impliment diffrent media to keep user involved in my content, maybe even start doing podcasts to provide audio of what I am writing about, so that more users would be able to consume my content.


Pokemon as transmedia storytelling. kevinbrittenylauren.wordpress.com. (2013, November 21). Retrieved April 6, 2023, from https://kevinbrittenylauren.wordpress.com/2013/11/21/pokemon-as-transmedia-storytelling/

Process post #10

This week I decided to take a closer look at plugins that are avalible and mitgh be usefull to impliment inmy websote, so far I decided that a plugin called One Click Accessibility would be a nice addition to my websote. This widget gives user an option to change the colors of the pages and well as font size to make it more readable. The nice touch is that it also works fine on a phone version of the website. As Sam Hollingsworth said in his article “15 reasons why your business absolutely needs seo“, “User experience has become every marketer’s number one priority.” And even though I am a bit scepticle that anybody outside of PUB101 will see my website, it is still a nice touch to make sure that user will get as pleasent expirinece as possible.

Talking about users also, this week we were introduced to Google Analytics, it is a nice website that shows all information about users that visiting my web. The strange thing is that is shows that almost a quarter of all my users are coming from France. Considering that I am trying to make my website browsing expirience a pleasant time spender, I still hope that it is not actuall international user and somebody just using VPN while browsing my website, but just incase I added a plugin that translates my website text in to French.

P.S. Profiter de regarder


Hollingsworth, S. (2021, August 9). 15 reasons why your business absolutely needs seo. Search Engine Journal. Retrieved March 25, 2023, from https://www.searchenginejournal.com/why-seo-is-important-for-business/248101/#close

Process post #9

This week reading “Digital breadcrumbs: the data trail we leave behind us” brings concerns of our private life and what in the era on cellphone is shared with public. Most of the activity we do with our phone requires a location in one way or another, there is a constant trackong of where we are and what we are doind to a certain extend. For instance most sites right now ask permition to use “coockies”, sounds delicious let’s hope it has a chocolate chip in it, but in reality it saves information about what you were looking for and later this information could be used to target user and shpw them similar iteams they might be interested in. Have you notice a new phrasing on iphone when you download a new app, it does not ask you if you give permission for collectiing info, now it say “ask app not to track you”, it is put in such nice wor but in the end you can not be sure if app will follow your wish, since you did not explicitly say DO NOT track me. Social media comapanies are implementing options that give you a chance to sign in in app using your Facebook account, which only makes ther data server save more info about you.

Of course it may sound intimidating, there is always a doubt that big firms will be honest and will not use your private information to harm it user. And I do not mind most of the time for my data to be collected about me, I would rather see something in my firld of interest than a completly random stuff. (As long as it is not Meta, all the scandals around it makes me weirdly worried, and that’s why I barely use it )


Philip, G., Lazo, J., Jamali, R., & Jaroodi, R. (n.d.). Digital Breadcrumbs: The data trail we leave behind us. Pod Academy. Retrieved March 21, 2023, from http://podacademy.org/podcasts/digital-breadcrumbs-our-data-trail/

Process Post #7

Week 7 is here, and we’re focusing on digital literacy. While social media provides more opportunities for voices to be heard, it also increases the risk of falling into the trap of misinformation and fake videos. As someone who shares travel experiences online, I find it challenging to ensure that the information I share is accurate. For example, when sharing my journey in Vancouver, providing correct information about its history, background, and location can be difficult.

The first reading by James Bridle, titled “Something is Wrong on the Internet,” sheds light on the dark side of the internet where automated algorithms generate disturbing and bizarre content aimed at children. This is a clear example of how digital media can be used to manipulate and harm individuals. It reminds me that we sometimes enjoy posts without fact-checking their backgrounds, which can lead to being easily influenced by others over time.

To combat misinformation and fake news, it’s essential to verify the source of the news article and fact-check the information presented. Fact-checking websites like Snopes, FactCheck.org, and PolitiFact can be useful. It’s also crucial to be aware of our own biases and consume news from a variety of sources to avoid getting stuck in an echo chamber. Lastly, reporting fake news and misinformation to social media platforms or news outlets can help combat their spread. By taking these steps, we can play a role in fighting the spread of misinformation and fake news.