Author Archives: alice &

Rainbow Influencers

7 Influencers to Follow for Colorful Fashion

PANTONE 13-1513

How to wear Gossamer Pink

Image by Sandy Liang via Vogue, Image by Sandy Liang via Vogue

The previous post shared spun sugar and coca Mocha, highlighting the pursuit of softness, tranquillity and security. Today, I want to share another colour that symbolizes the spirit of peace and reflects our desire for balance in the changing landscape: Gossamer Pink.

Pink is a durable colour that has proven to be most girls’ favourite colour, full of abundant vitality and unlimited energy sources. It encourages us to remain curious about exploring new things.

However, it is not exclusive to anyone. On the contrary, pink is a very inclusive colour. Whether you are a girl or a woman, you can wear pink out of your own taste.

The same goes for boys and men.

Gossamer pink shared today is between fuchsia and light pink. It is the perfect medium tone to add to the wardrobe this season.

The softness of gossamer pink gives us a comfortable and unmistakable feeling and satisfies our psychology of wanting to get along with familiar things. However, at the same time, the lightness and ethereal feeling it brings seem to symbolize our coming out of the shadows, arousing the desire for freedom and happiness.

Process Post #12

Online comments & Community guidelines

The online comment area should be regarded as the embodiment of freedom and democracy. We can be frank in the comment area, exchange ideas in-depth and understand each other’s views to participate in the topic discussion. However, at the same time, it is also the place where language violence and harm are the most serious. One of the most common critiques of online comments cites a disconnect between the commenter’s identity and what he is saying (Konnikova, 2013). Psychologist John Suler calls this phenomenon the “online disinhibition effect” (Konnikova, 2013). The theory is that when you get rid of your identity, the usual constraints on your behaviour will also disappear (Maria konnikova, 2013). This can be even worse with anonymity. 

Konnikova said that of the 900 randomly selected user comments on articles about immigration, 53% of anonymous commentators were uncivilized, while 29% of registered non-anonymous commentators were uncivilized (2013). Therefore, Konnikova concluded that anonymity encouraged rude behaviour (2013). How should we deal with such physical behaviour? Becky Gardiner et al. said it was simple: “do not read comments,” or turn them off completely (2016). Many people have done this by permanently disabling their comment threads because they become too laborious to disturb (Becky Gardiner et al., 2016). However, simply deleting comments is not a perfect solution. Konnikova said that deleting comments will affect the reading experience (2013). It may take away the motivation to participate more deeply in a topic and share it with a broader audience.

My attitude towards my comment area is to welcome everyone to express any opinions in the comment area since I found this blog. I encourage everyone to participate and create an atmosphere of shared learning and discussion. I have not received any comments so far, not to mention malicious or offensive comments. However, through this week’s reading, I really should consider the concern of comments, so I may create an online community guide in the future to maintain a friendly, open-minded, and respectful discussion area. For example, I might make the first rule that any derogatory comments of any race, religion, gender, age, or ability are unacceptable.

Moreover, I will make it clear in the community guide that such comments will be reviewed and may be deleted. I hope all discussions will focus on topics of common interest rather than offensive comments about others. At the same time, based on my desire to create a shared learning environment, my community guide will make this point clear again. For example, I would advise people to post valuable and relevant content to help others. Furthermore, expect users to submit content based on their own honest opinions and experiences.

This is my current idea for community guidelines, and I will create a dedicated community guidelines page in the future. Starting from the mission and value of my website, I will list out clear key points and rules that create a safe space for my entire audience to connect and interact with each other.


Featured Image via Pinterest

Gardiner, B., Mansfield, M., Anderson, I., Holder, J., Louter, D., & Ulmanu, M. (2016, April 12). The Dark Side of Guardian comments. The Guardian. Retrieved March 28, 2022, from 

Konnikova, M. (2013, October 23). The psychology of online comments. The New Yorker. Retrieved March 28, 2022, from


Mini Assignment #6


Process Post #11

Multi-channel, Multi-media

My understanding of multimedia is that it is a complex combination of many things that can present information, exchange ideas and express emotions. It can display information, exchange ideas and express emotions. It allows us to see, hear and understand other people’s thoughts. In short, it is a way of communication. 

Bryce J Renninger said that the concept of multimedia aims to define the new environment with a surge in communication opportunities and its impact on interpersonal communication (2015). In other words, he believes that in a multimedia environment, media ideology helps people decide where to exchange certain types of ideas (Renninger, 2015). This reminds me of the current media environment. When we pay attention to a celebrity, we no longer only know it through newspaper news but pay attention to his / her Instagram, YouTube and/or other channels

At the same time, because of the current social network environment, the online community is growing day by day. Therefore, when developing my blog in this media background, I need to consider the construction of different channels to strengthen each other. The first participatory media I created were social media such as Instagram and Twitter. By sharing the post related to the weekly blog post on IG. Moreover, mention my blog link on the IG post to increase the audience’s access to my blog. At the same time, hashtag on social media helps me effectively contact potential audiences interested in specific topics.

Rapid advances in technology are opening new frontiers in the possibilities of interactive storytelling, bringing us closer to realizing this dream. The lines between story and experience, physical and digital, real and virtual, are blurring. The audience is elevated to the role of active participant and co-creator. The audience’s increasingly active role in creating story experiences is at the heart of all this. Audiences will have more and more power to create their own experiences. Therefore, I started this blog by making it clear to my audience through my “About” that I created a shared learning relationship with them. I would love for my audience to interact with me in the comments section or on social media and share their colour combinations or favourite fashion items.

Although my blog content focuses on fashion and colour matching, I don’t want to limit my audience to every post I write. So, I created the Colour Palette. In this section, I don’t talk too much about clothing or the fashion world but rather give readers a different perspective by sharing movie colours that match the tone of my weekly tweets. In the future, I may also integrate video-sharing platforms like YouTube and TikTok into my online publications because I want my sharing to reach a wider audience not only through graphics but also through visuals and audio.


Featured Image via Pinterest

Renninger, B. J. (2015). “Where I can be myself … where I can speak my mind” : Networked counterpublics in a polymedia environment. New Media & Society, 17(9), 1513–1529.

Process Post #10


 This week’s theme: SEO is relevant to the big data I discussed last week. Before this week’s lecture, I did not have a deep understanding of SEO. Using the definition in the lecture, SEO is simply a way to make Google notice “you” (Lecture 10, 2022).

I further understood my audience through this week’s study and modified the website according to the obtained data.

Sam Hollingsworth said that SEO could help us understand macro market changes to understand consumer intentions in detail. I found that my user participation was meagre when I reviewed my analytics report. Before that, I tried to write a call to action sentence such as “post your views in the comment area below” or “do you have any ideas? Share them with me in the comment area” under each post. However, from the analysis results, it does not have much effect. However, after consulting my analytics report, another helpful information I got was the active time of my audience. This information includes a summary of nearly three months since I published my first blog. This makes me understand that the publishing time of the blog should be modified to the most active time of the target audience to promote participation. At the same time, I also noticed that many users use desktops as their browsing devices. This makes me pay more attention to the typesetting design in line with audiences’ web browsing habits.

Finally, I also learned from the 15 reasons why a business absolutely needs SEO that the article title is the most prominent and direct part of the optimization process. Therefore, the optimized keywords should appear in the title. I modified and adjusted some titles in my blog according to this situation. For example, try to limit the number of words in the title to 20 assignments, prioritize users’ search habits, and consider how to summarize the post’s content when writing the title.


Featured Image by karolinnne_06 via Pinterest

Sam Hollingsworth. (2021, August 9). 15 reasons why your business absolutely needs seo. Search Engine Journal. Retrieved March 28, 2022, from

Suzanne Norman, 2022, Introducation to SEO

Process Post #9

Data Trail

In recent years, the most popular word is “big data,” which has been widely used in various industries. If statistical analysis of data is based on the vertical classification of existing data, then big data is based on processing existing massive data to make predictions and recommendations for data that have not yet been generated. Therefore, big data is often used to predict or recommend things that have not happened yet. For example, a weather forecast is one of the oldest and most well-known predictions. According to the forecast, people can decide what to wear the next day and whether to bring an umbrella. 

Big data is also ubiquitous in the film and television industry. Based on the analysis of audience preferences, predict and design the plot that the audience likes, find the actors loved by the audience to play relevant roles, and even predict the box office. 

Big data can even intervene in politics, the most famous of which is the 2018 Cambridge analytics and Facebook event. Cambridge Analytica improperly obtained the personal data of more than 87 million Facebook users (Ma, 2019). Moreover, they used these data to participate in and influence Donald Trump’s election activities.

It has to be said that it is terrible to be in an era of big data utilization. 

However, can we escape big data, or are we really willing to escape big data?

In fact, all of us are like Amanda mentioned in a podcast called Digital breadcrumbs: the data trail we leave behind us. As long as we turn on our mobile phones, we have begun to leave traces of our digital bread crumbs. 

Dr. Elisa Oreglia said: 

Therefore, all our online activities are being observed and recorded. 

However, we have to admit that big data has gradually become our intimate housekeeper or best “friend” when it comes to snooping and recording our privacy because Big data can judge our possible preferences and even needs based on our historical behaviour and recommend the best results to us.

In the end, I think everyone has their own answer.



Digital Breadcrumbs: The data trail we leave behind us. Pod Academy. (2016). Retrieved March 21, 2022, from

Featured Image by wattpad via Pinterest

Ma, A. (2019, August 23). Facebook understood how dangerous the trump-linked data firm Cambridge Analytica could be much earlier than it previously said. here’s everything that’s happened up until now. Business Insider. Retrieved March 21, 2022, from 

Coca Mocha

Coca Mocha: Must-Have