Monthly Archives: November 2022

Mini Assignment #6: Create a gif

For this mini assignment, I struggled trying to figure out what to create a gif about. I debated whether or not to make one about a video game, but thought it would be super generic. I could do one about a superhero, but those exist everywhere online. I scoured my iPhone’s camera roll looking for a batch of photos I could make a gif out of, which led me to what you see below.

Thanks to the TikTok algorithm, I have recently developed an obsession with orange cats. Prior to my brainwashing I was a firm cat hater. Me and my girlfriend would playfully fight over whether dogs or cats were better. Around the peak of our bickering over this topic, we encountered this beautiful orange cat on a walk. I held the preconceived notion that cats were apprehensive or unfriendly towards strangers. But this cat was one of the most affectionate creatures I have ever met! They instantly approached me and my girlfriend and started letting us pet them.

Of course me and my girlfriend had to snap some pictures with our new friend. The gif you see below is from my little photo shoot with the adorable cat we named Rochester.

image of me with an orang cat

Twitter’s Path to Citizen Journalism

The current state of social media seems to be facing an intersection, what ensues next will decide how reliable these platforms will truly be. I have been reflecting lots on how I consume my news, information, and speculation online; whether I am looking for it or it is being presented to me. Is the social media we all are consumed by truly democratic? Who is reliable and who calls the shots? After doing some research, I wanted to share my findings regarding our present-day processes of news and journalism as well as the foresight on what may be coming to social networks in the future.

I began this analysis of our social media platforms current state on censorship and free speech with those that have been banned from them. We find ourselves at a confusing point in time where society is craving freedom and truth, yet simultaneously all acknowledging and accepting the misinformation we are provided. As most know, there have been some well-known individuals being removed from all socials across the board. Where I do understand the reasoning behind these decisions, it also reiterates the lack of control us users have over our online profiles and posting. As a society we utilize socials for much more than seeing how our friend’s vacation was, we are given all the recent news and stories occurring around the world (some true, some false). This is one of the best parts to this technology but deciphering what’s reliable and true is what has become difficult. Now seeing people being removed from these platforms with no say revokes our free speech, why is it a journalist can write a full story on a topic they know minimal about with insignificant fact checking but others with a bigger spotlight do? Reading the question, “Is a person with two million followers less likely to get locked out of Twitter for saying the same things as someone with 100 followers?” really got me thinking. We do live in a world filled with noise and much of it is pointless intake, we need to decide what we consume. When I realized there is more of emphasis on who says what rather than what is said is scary. The larger your audience, the more caution you need to take; this removes the whole point of free speech in its truest essence because someone has more followers, they are supposed to expect censorship? “The instinct is to shut them down, shut them up…” (King et al., 2022). This not how we must go about controlling someone else’s speech. Censorship will not restore the problems of those involved, lied to, or excluded from social media. “Libel has been the last defense… Libel laws are clearly inadequate and puny against the enormity of social media, but they are a place to begin. A new reality must, and will in time, get new mechanisms to contend with it” (King et al., 2022).

A new reality, a new social network… This is what brings me to where we are today and what may be coming in the future to our beloved social media platforms. As most know by now, Elon Musk has acquired Twitter, one of the bigger deals we have seen in this space for a while. Now many do not love this move by Musk, but one thing users have connected lots too is citizens journalism. As someone working in the crypto space, more than 90% of my news/information comes from Twitter. Of course, there are unethical and dishonest actors in this space but when you move past them, we are able to gather the most reliable and timely info that would not be brought to society for days in the traditional news space. I am not looking for revolutionary capabilities from Musk and Twitter but rather emphasis and refinement on the current platform. “The concept of the citizen journalist is that they’re on the ground, ordinary people in extraordinary situations, whether they’re Twitter Blue or not” (Bloomberg, 2022). How does this plan get put into place though? Musk shared via Twitter how he loves the platform and its ability to “… disseminate news without an establishment bias” (Musk, 2022). A concept, I had not heard much of until recently but Musk being somewhat in tap with the crypto space understands the high-quality content being produced on Twitter and spoke briefly on it in a Twitter Space that I was in (very cool experience). Each day, we are flooded with misinformation and influential posts that carry much more weight in our mind than we realize. Elon has taken notice to this and has shared his vision for the platform, and I believe there is something special that could be built. As of today, Elon has been trying to formulate a plan to effectively instill a new way of verification for the platform. His recent attempt to change the requirements for Twitter Blue by offering a paid verification in which relies on users acting honestly. Now this received plenty of flack as it appeared more as an economic stunt but nevertheless it is giving the power to regular joes to contribute. (HT, 2022) Musk tweeted, “As Twitter pursues the goal of elevating citizen journalism, media elite will try everything to stop that from happening.” Following this, he does share that “Mainstream media will still thrive, but increased competition from citizens will cause them to be more accurate, as their oligopoly on information is disrupted”(Musk, 2022). With all this being said, I understand both sides respective views, as someone who recently witnessed the false news coming from well-respected sources as the people on the “ground” discussed the real true it was wild to see how mainstream media jumps to conclusions just as fast as the next person.

Taking this all into account, we are at an interesting time for social platforms with regards to censorship, freedom of speech and honesty online. I am thrilled for the growth we will see with respect to citizens journalism and its contribution to effective truthful news deployment. There is still a lot of work to be done but I see Elon’s plan for Twitter and free speech as a positive for our platforms.

Atske, S. (2022, October 6). The role of alternative social media in the news and information environment. Pew Research Center’s Journalism Project. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from
Bloomberg, G. R. |. (2022, November 24). Elon Musk must preserve Twitter’s most vital function – citizen journalism. Business Standard News. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from
Elon Musk on ‘citizen journalism’ and ‘oligopoly on information’ in fresh tweet. Hindustan Times. (2022, November 12). Retrieved November 28, 2022, from
Elon Musk, 2022. Quoted Tweets via Twitter
King, L., Williams, R., & Clay, G. (2022, May 19). Censorship isn’t the solution to social media’s ills. InsideSources. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from
MacCarthy, M. (2022, October 12). Government efforts to censor social media should be transparent. Forbes. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from

(Process Post #11) Multimedia Integration

This week (November 22–November 29), we got our second review feedback from our TA. Thank you, Lauren, for giving out such a detailed review to help me out with building my online presence. I will be incorporating this feedback into my website this coming week. Apart from that, in class, we discussed the importance of being present in multiple places, whether it be social media, a website, YouTube, etc., in order to reach a diverse and larger audience.

My website is focused on meditation and mental health, and there is no doubt as to why I should educate about this type of content on social media platforms (like Facebook and Instagram) as well. There are several reasons to be present on social media and on my website.

1. Brand Presence

In order to build trust amongst the audience, it is important to be everywhere. People who connect with my content on social media are more likely to visit my website.

2. Ease Of Use

Most of us are familiar with using social media. It is there with us wherever we go (on our phones). Furthermore, the shareability feature provided by social media is by far the best of any content medium. As a result, I can create a post or story on social media with a “read more” link to my website; this will help me divert more audience from social media to regularly check up on my content on the website.

3. Audience Insights

Many social media platforms like Instagram offer data insights on their business accounts; this data ranges from demographics, the time of day with the most interactions, etc. Hence, this can come in handy, as more people are on social media than on a website. This data would be more diverse and have greater numbers than Google Analytics due to the number of users on social media. Hence, this data can be a valuable tool for me to apply to my content on any platform.

4. Share Positivity In A Negative Environment

As I have talked about in the essay as well as in one of the blogs on my website, social media is biassed and a negative environment for many of us. However, it is crucial to be present on social media and share positive teachings in a negative environment.

As a result, social media (particularly Instagram and Facebook, due to its large user base), are an excellent way to reach a large number of people. Furthermore, I may be incorrect about who my intended audience is; for example, if I start a social media page and discover that a wide range of people enjoy this type of content, I should probably give it a try!

The post (Process Post #11) Multimedia Integration first appeared on Self Therapy.


Creation and destruction are one,

And they can never be undone.

They both show a feeling of the unknown,

Which just wants to be shown.

The unknown, the untold, the undefined are what separate them from the inside,

They long to see the day that they will be side by side.

Unfortunately, they must stay apart,

Or the whole world will restart.

Creation and destruction had to be divided,

Because the undecided held many mysteries to make sure they never collided.

Until this day they stay so far away, 

Due to the secrets that the truth would not say.

Week 11: Incorporating Transmedia

I believe it is important to incorporate and integrate transmedia into whatever you are posting and where ever you are posting stuff. This can be done over any different combinations of media whether that be video games, blog posts, movies, TV shows, radio, or advertisements.

The best way for a website owner like myself to incorporate transmedia would be to use different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I plan to use social media platforms like the ones I just listed because I already know how to use them, I am familiar with working the platforms, and it would be fairly easy for me to establish an online presence as Midnight Stories and as AKC.

The most logical approach according to me for me would be to post mini segments of my posts to my social media platforms and link my website because that would give my audience a general feel of my content and if they are interested, then they could visit my website through the link in my profile. Another thing that I could do is ask my audience on those social media platforms what type of content they prefer me to post about as well as what they would like to see more on my website and maybe have some polls about what I should write about for my next post.

I would mainly focus on Instagram because more people use Instagram rather than FaceBook to get their information and inspiration as well as find accounts that contain stuff that they find interesting and endearing. The reason that Twitter would not be my main social media platform is because currently, it seems like Twitter is going through a rough patch and the focus is mostly on that rather than other things like stuff that is happening in the world.

In the end, I think Instagram would be my best bet to grow my audience as well as get my website and online persona out into the world, but the more the merrier, so I would also be posting on FaceBook and Twitter to get more traffic to my website.

Different app icons

Stretching Across Media

For the next while I’m going to focus on Instagram to integrate transmedia storytelling into the website. At the beginning I think I stretched a little too thin starting a few other connected profiles, and Instagram is the most fitting channel for me to focus on right now.

On Instagram, I’d like to shadow what I post on this blog, but in smaller pieces, so people can see what I’m working on without having to check around a bunch of different forms of media to find different content. One unique aspect of Instagram is that I’ll be able to share little bits from a project I’m working on or something I’m researching, before I write the full post.

I’m looking forward to getting a lot more time to knit over the break. I’d like to try to make another YouTube video for my next project. I have an idea in mind, inspired by Roxanne Richardson, that has to do with socks and time. I’m not entirely sure how it will work yet, and I’ll have to do some yarn shopping, but I’m excited to create more of a narrative within the blog and social media channels. I’ve just been publishing content surrounding knitting and a couple of other hobbies, but I really want to narrow down because it’s tricky to keep coming up with things to talk about within such a general topic. At first, I was considering a blog focused on the how-tos of knitting alongside my own progress in the craft, but if I’m honest with myself, I’m not great at explaining things. I learned what I know through a mix of other knitters’ explanations and trial and error, and because I’m really not an expert I’d rather leave the teaching to experienced knitters.

What I do enjoy is history. Not the kind of history where you study all the bad things and wars, though that is important and I like a bit of that. What I really like to learn about is how people used to live, day to day, how they ate and slept and dressed and filled their time. There’s a few historical dress experts and historical knitters that I’ll list in another post who convinced me that not all history is trying and failing to remember which day/month/year a very important event happened.

Personal projects take a lot of time. I’ll always think there’s something that can be better, or an avenue I’d like to go down that contradicts my earlier focus. I’m not going to rush it, and I’m going to give myself license to do silly things and imperfect posts and spend a few weeks obsessing over something, make myself tired of it, and never mention it again.

Transmedia Integration: Book Recommendations on Twitter?

After the second round of feedback I received from Lauren, many changes must be made to my website. First, I need to create a contact page and link my website to social media platforms, which ties into transmedia integration on my online publication. This suggestion will be one of my goals for this week. I plan to create a Twitter account to spread and bring more awareness of my content to a larger audience. I want to include the link to my Twitter account in the “contact me” page, which I am also creating this week. Transmedia integration is significant because it “does not simply disperse information” (, 2013, p. 1) but gives readers a more engaging platform to read and interact with the content. In other words, transmedia integration promotes variety. When I create a Twitter account, I think it will allow my users to see a more personal side of me as a website creator and my content in general. For example, Twitter enables me to post content that is not always going to be featured on my website because tweets do not involve as much editing and review. In other words, Twitter gives me more “freedom” to interact with my audience. I could potentially make an Instagram account as well since it is one of the most popular social media platforms. However, Twitter’s use of hashtags would benefit my online publication because of the large reading community on Twitter that interacts and engages with book recommendations through tweets. I will also be activating my website accessibility plugin and updating my favicon.

References (2013, November 21). Pokemon as transmedia storytelling. Retrieved November 27, 2022, from

Community guidelines

Reflecting on my site and its values, it is important I clearly state my guidelines for optimal functionality. I am looking to share content that brings value. For this reason, my platform is a welcoming environment where I wish to build a community of likeminded individuals as well as onboard others into this awesome new space. My inbox is always open, though I expect those who contact me through any of my social channels are respectful and amicable as I will do the same.  If there are ever questions or topics you wish to speak more on I am happy to organize a time to speak. Please feel free share new findings or trends occurring in the space if you are following it as well because the more information the better.

I believe these are the guidelines that suit my platform the best as I wish to engage my audience in conversation as much as possible. I believe clearly stating my wish for amicable discussion is effective as there will always be individuals who do not agree with all my perspectives. I will implement them via posting my guidelines for all users to see as the earlier it is known the better.

Four Years Later: A GIF

For Mini-Assignment #6, I decided to create a GIF from a couple of the video clips when I did my personal yearly recap video. I think both of these project cross over with each other in some aspects. I wanted to use that content to show how I’ve change in 4 years with my own self-reflection through a GIF.

A GIF showing Taylen speaking from 2017 in one segment and Taylen speaking in 2021 in the next segment.

Becoming by Michelle Obama

Rating: ★★★★/5

Welcome to Reading with Rachel’s first nonfiction book review! A few years back, my parents bought me Becoming for Christmas. I completely forgot that I had this book on my bookshelf. One of my goals as a bookworm is to read more nonfiction books, and I think Michelle Obama is a perfect place to start. Michelle Obama’s biography Becoming tells the extraordinary story and journey of Obama’s life before and after becoming America’s first African American First Lady. I appreciated how the biography revealed all the significant points of her life. The section about Obama’s childhood stood out to me because she discusses her experiences as a black woman who grew up in Chicago. From a young age, Michelle is moulded by the solid family values instilled by her parents, who gave her and her brother a safe, loving environment to grow up in. As a BIPOC woman, Obama highlights the importance of working hard, being persistent, having integrity, and speaking up for herself. The hardships of racism and being a woman comes up consistently, which stood out to me and is something I could relate to as a reader. For example, Obama discusses how due to her race, she is not seen as “worthy” by her school counsellor to attend an ivy-league school and shares her experience of how difficult it was to be a BIPOC woman in a male-dominated society. Obama’s story is inspirational for young women around the world, as her story proves how important staying strong is and not being scared to speak up when you encounter injustices in your life. As someone who only knew Michelle Obama as the First Lady of America, it was shocking to hear about her struggles. Learning and reading about her life experiences made me think of her in a different light. Overall, I enjoyed reading Michelle Obama’s Becoming. I was unable to finish reading this book in one sitting, not because the content was not interesting but rather because of how lengthy it is.

Book Club: Food For Thoughts

  1. Why do you think Chicago is a significant part of Michelle’s identity? 
  2. Were you surprised by any criticisms targeted toward Michelle during her husband’s presidency? 
  3. What are Michelle’s opinions on Donald Trump’s presidency? Do you agree or disagree with her opinion? Why? 
  4. What part of Michelle’s story did you find inspirational? Did you relate to her? Why or why not? 
  5. What did you learn about Michelle and Barack’s relationship? Did anything surprise you? 
  6. What does Michelle say about working hard? Why do you think she thinks that using your voice is important?

Book Summary

“In a life filled with meaning and accomplishment, Michelle Obama has emerged as one of the most iconic and compelling women of our era. As First Lady of the United States of America—the first African American to serve in that role—she helped create the most welcoming and inclusive White House in history, while also establishing herself as a powerful advocate for women and girls in the U.S. and around the world, dramatically changing the ways that families pursue healthier and more active lives, and standing with her husband as he led America through some of its most harrowing moments. Along the way, she showed us a few dance moves, crushed Carpool Karaoke, and raised two down-to-earth daughters under an unforgiving media glare.In her memoir, a work of deep reflection and mesmerizing storytelling, Michelle Obama invites readers into her world, chronicling the experiences that have shaped her—from her childhood on the South Side of Chicago to her years as an executive balancing the demands of motherhood and work, to her time spent at the world’s most famous address. With unerring honesty and lively wit, she describes her triumphs and her disappointments, both public and private, telling her full story as she has lived it—in her own words and on her own terms. Warm, wise, and revelatory, Becoming is the deeply personal reckoning of a woman of soul and substance who has steadily defied expectations—and whose story inspires us to do the same.”

Exciting News…

On November 14th, 2022, Michelle Obama released her new book The Light We Carry. I would not be surprised if this one is as good or even better than Becoming. The moral of the story, Michelle Obama never disappoints. This book will be on my Christmas wish list this year. Will you be picking up this book? Here is the summary:

“There may be no tidy solutions or pithy answers to life’s big challenges, but Michelle Obama believes that we can all locate and lean on a set of tools to help us better navigate change and remain steady within flux. In The Light We Carry, she opens a frank and honest dialogue with readers, considering the questions many of us wrestle with: How do we build enduring and honest relationships? How can we discover strength and community inside our differences? What tools do we use to address feelings of self-doubt or helplessness? What do we do when it all starts to feel like too much? Michelle Obama offers readers a series of fresh stories and insightful reflections on change, challenge, and power, including her belief that when we light up for others, we can illuminate the richness and potential of the world around us, discovering deeper truths and new pathways for progress. Drawing from her experiences as a mother, daughter, spouse, friend, and First Lady, she shares the habits and principles she has developed to successfully adapt to change and overcome various obstacles—the earned wisdom that helps her continue to “become.” She details her most valuable practices, like “starting kind,” “going high,” and assembling a “kitchen table” of trusted friends and mentors. With trademark humor, candor, and compassion, she also explores issues connected to race, gender, and visibility, encouraging readers to work through fear, find strength in community, and live with boldness.”

week 11.

My Instagram page, @dayinthelifeofsofia, was recently created. I’ve recently begun posting a lot of pictures of the locations and eateries I’ve visited. I wanted to utilize Instagram to capture my experiences while also helping others discover exciting things to do in Vancouver. Although there are websites where you may locate entertaining things to do, it might be challenging in some places. Although Vancouver is a large city, if I’m on Broadway I want restaurants and parks close by, not in Kitsilano.

That is the real reason I made this account. I want to document my life by sharing more and seeing if I can grow an audience with it. I have always wanted to make an influencer account, but I couldn’t keep up with the demand of posting continuously. I have been trying to post more to gain more transmedia presence. It will grow a better community of people to share similar interests.

Instagram will be a meaningful way to engage through real life content. I can post more on Pinterest to really grow my community and engage people to be interested. I can come up with ways to implement transmedia integration with how I see fit with what I am sharing. Social media influencers most of the time try to work their way towards YouTube. I could head that way once I have a bigger community of people that are interested about what I am pursing.

Genshin Impact – Yae Miko Guide

Yae Miko splash art
Image Credit: Hoyoverse

Ever since the initial release of Yae Miko in version 2.5 of Genshin Impact, she was considered an underwhelming character. Being somewhat of a split scaling character where her passive talent boosted the damage of Yae Miko’s elemental skill-based of on elemental mastery, her kit had felt confusing among a lot of players. However, after version 3.0 had been released, this changed as reactions such as Aggravate and Hyperbloom brought a lot of potential for Yae Miko as a sub-DPS. Furthermore, the release of the Dendro archon, Nahida, in version 3.2 of Genshin Impact made Yae Miko a lot more viable in many teams, as Nahida provided constant Dendro application. In this guide, I will be explaining some of the talents, artifacts, and weapons you can use if you happen to obtain Yae Miko during her re-run in the second phase banner of version 3.2.


Normal Attack – Spiritfox Sin-Eater
yae normal attack

Like most catalyst characters, Yae performs up to three consecutive attacks, that deal electro damage for her normal attack.

Elemental Skill – Yakan Evocation: Sesshou Sakura
yae elemental skill

The elemental skill is Yae’s most important part of her kit. Yae’s elemental skill will summon up to three totems that will deal single-target electro damage. Although it is single-target, if the enemies are closely grouped together, it is possible to hit multiple enemies at the same time. The totems must be placed so that they are connected to each other to maximize the damage dealt. Therefore it is important to position the totems correctly when using her elemental skill.

Elemental Burst – Great Secret Art: Tenko Kenshin
yae burst

Yae’s burst is her secondary form of damage. Yae’s elemental burst will transform her totems from her elemental skill to a “Tenko Thunderbolt” that deals AoE electro damage. The amount of “Tenko Thunderbolts” that strikes an enemy will be based on the number of totems that are placed in the field. Therefore, it is important to have the max amount of totems already on the field before activating Yae’s elemental burst. As it has a long cooldown with a high energy cost, in most cases, you will not rely on Yae’s elemental burst for most of her DPS.

Ascension 1 Passive – The Shrine’s Sacred Shade

Each of the totems used in Yae’s elemental burst will reset the cooldown for each of the totems Yae can spawn from her elemental skill.

Ascension 4 Passive – Enlightened Blessing

Increases the damage of Yae’s totems from her elemental skill by 0.15% of Yae’s elemental mastery. Before the release of Dendro reactions, this talent was deemed useless by many people. However, as Dendro reactions utilize elemental mastery, this passive has become a lot more useful.

Utility Passive – Meditations of a Yako

Has a 25% chance to get one regional talent material when crafting.


yae weapon idle screen

Like most limited five-star characters in Genshin Impact, her signature weapon “Kagura’s Verity” is her best-in-slot weapon. Providing Crit DMG as the sub-stat and providing a boost to damage for the wielder elemental skill, this weapon is fantastic for Yae Miko. As everyone does not own Yae’s signature weapon, weapons such as “The Lost Prayer” and “Skyward Atlas” are also excellent options to use for a five-star weapon. However, if you do not own any of those four-star weapon options such as “The Widsith” and “Solar Pearl” are also excellent options.


yae artifact idle screen

In general, the artifact set “Gilded Dreams” is her best-in-slot artifact if you are using her in a Dendro team composition, utilizing the Dendro reactions. As this artifact set provides 80 elemental mastery with its 2pc effect and provides ATK buffs for your party members depending on the number of different element types in your party, the “Gilded Dreams” artifact is an amazing choice to use. However, choosing a two 2pc artifact set that provides either: elemental mastery, atk%, electro damage, or energy recharge is also equally as good as using the 4pc “Glided Dreams” artifact set. As you can see in the image above, my Yae Miko does not use the “Gilded Dreams” artifact set and uses a combination of two artifacts utilizing their 2pc effects. Considering how Yae has a lot of viable options for her artifacts, it is generally advised to choose the artifacts you own with the better sub-stats.

Other Resources

Keqingmains – Yae Miko

Multiple Channels

Like many people in our class, I have not connected my website with other social media platforms. However, this is due to the fact that I don’t think I will be continuing my site after this course. Furthermore, I did not want to connect my personal social media accounts to my website. Therefore, I would have to create new accounts for the purpose of my website.

Nonetheless, if I do have the intention of continuing my website, and wanting to reach out to audiences on different platforms, I do have in mind some platforms where I would want to connect with the users.

The First would be Reddit. As a frequent user of Reddit, and a part of the Genshin Impact subreddit, I find that Reddit would be an excellent choice for me to further expand my audience for my website. As the subreddit already has posts asking for help on the game to guides for how to build a certain character, I find it a perfect place for me to post my content on Reddit. As similar content already exists, I believe that If I share my content on Reddit, I will be able to gain a large number of users looking through my website.

The next platform would be Twitter. I notice that there are a few guides that already exist on Twitter. However, the guides are usually an image or simple guides on finding certain things in the game. Although the content of the guides is different, I find that If I do use Twitter to expand my audiences, I will be able to experiment with different types of guides, for the game, to gain a wider range of audiences.

Lastly, I would consider using Instagram to post guides on Genshin Impact. As mentioned earlier where some posts on Twitter use images to provide a guide for the game, I can do the same with Instagram. These posts are usually guides that show what resources I need to collect to build a character or different weapons and artifact options for a certain character. For Instagram, I believe that if the guide can be contained within an image, it would be an excellent way to bring more people onto my website.

With all things considered there are many platforms where I can connect my website in order to bring more audiences looking at my website. It is unfortunate that I don’t have any plans of continuing my website further after this course but, it is good to know that there exist many platforms I can use to create guides.

Peer Review 3.

This week I’ll be reviewing Mikeala’s website, My first impression of her website was how appealing it was because of the colour scheme. I am a huge fan of how the pink and brown work together. I found that it all worked well together, it was like BAM in my face. It was neat and tidy which I liked plus the photo of herself on the home page allowed me to know who she was. It really brought in more engagement for me to learn more about her and about her health blog.

I really like that she included a “recent post” column on the side to check out her posts that she has made. She has also included her twitter to check out which I found nice. She has been publishing things about health, but not the typical health and wellness things.

I would have really enjoyed more about the type of things she would do to help ease her physical, mental, and social health. It would be intriguing to gather more information on how other people regulate or help their own health.

Another thing I would really like is photos. I am a huge visually learner that is why having photos on her post would really connect me to click on a post.

I feel like Mikeala’s website could really cultivate a good audience if she were to market it up. Basu (2020) said “a growing movement of people are… creating sites that are more collage like and artsy”. I get that vibe from her website. She is bringing in that aspect into her blog which I find appealing.

Basu (2020) said “everyone does their own weird thing” I agree especially in your own digital life, we do. I feel like Mikeala is focusing on personal development and growth, I feel like she should talk more about her own growth and development. Many people nowadays like to listen to people’s stories, how they overcame struggles. Everyone has their own weird habits or struggles that they are trying to overcome.

I know many people grow a huge audience with gym Instagram’s. What they eat, calorie deficits, and workouts they do. But Mikeale’s view is to learn about the best practices in our 4 components of health which is different but appealing. I want to learn about healthy ways of achieving things whether it be physical, emotional, social, or intellectually. She really could grow a strong community of people that are also willing to learn about these things. She could start off with starting an Instagram or Tik Tok to really market what she is learning in those classes. Many people would be interested to learn how to heal things in their own health.

Mikeala’s website could really receive high engagement if she focuses on showing new techniques while also showing her own lessons she learns.

I really did find a lot of her posts to be very beneficial. She wrote a post about journaling. She continues to learn new ways of dealing with your own health, in successful ways. Mental health has been something I have struggled with over the past few years. Anxiety. That was a weird time for me, but I have journaled my life away to help ease my brain. I find that her adding ways to deal with mental health is amazing.

I am still learning new tricks and techniques that will help me grow as an individual. I will be coming back to check out her other advice. I am intrigued with some of her posts. Sometimes most things I find that really focus on health is a lot of physically. I hope to see some of the things she is advising for her to try out and document it.

Overall, I like her blog and will be coming back for sure.

Basu, T. (2020, September 3). Digital gardens let you cultivate your own little bit of the internet. Technology review. 

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks”

(Week 11)

If you can’t guess from the very obvious title, this post will be on Angular.

Sorry Shakespeare, nobody cares.

Old timey meme with some peasant farmers gesturing at a field saying, "Behold! The field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and thous shall see that it is barren."

If you have happened across my last post, you will know how new I am to Angular. If you had not, I am brand spanking new. As the responsibility to know Angular for one of my projects was thrust upon me, my React-laced soul was ripped in two and I dramatically prepared myself for the worst.

Woe… WOE.

Lucille Bluth pretending to faint with the caption, "Faints in Spanish."
Oh, Lucille you! (At least I think this is Lucille Bluth)

So why am I doing a post on something I am new at and already have an unnecessarily dramatic negative attachment to? Once upon a time, I heard somewhere from someone much smarter than me that to really learn and know a topic is to be able to successfully talk about and teach that topic. So here I am, so brave.

Alright, let’s get down to the brass tax (also what is brass tax?).

What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source platform that utilizes Typescript and allows for the simplified building of web applications.

Angular focuses on the use of components, templates, dependency injection, and other tools to get the job done.

What are components?

A component is a building block that you may use to create an Angular application. Components control an area on the screen and may be used multiple times throughout the application, achieving reusability and modularity. A component consists of three things:

  • A class
  • A template
  • And a style sheet

Here is an example I coded of a simple Leaflet map component:

Screenshot of my simple map component code.

What are templates?

A template acts as a companion to a component and describes the view of that component. This view is in the form of good ol’ HTML.

In Angular, there is a view hierarchy that starts with the root template and branches down to other nested templates.

Here is an example of a table template for a table component that utilizes Angular Material UI:

Screen shot of some code I made in an Angular app for a table template.

What is dependency injection?

Do you lay awake at night worrying about instantiating your objects? Lose sleep no more as Angular has you covered with dependency injection!

All you need to do is declare your dependencies, and Angular does the rest allowing for more flexibility in code.

I have not really done any dependency injection yet, so here is a source I feel is straightforward in explaining it better than I could at the present moment.

I’d like to say more, but I am strapped for time due to my pursuit of graduating with a decent GPS and trying REALLLYYYY hard not to check out (aka lots of projects).

Ta ta for now!

Meme of Tony Stark rolling his eyes with words that say, "Bye! See you next time"
Just kidding, you are still here so obviously you are awesome and I am grateful. Ok bye for real!