Tag Archives: paimon.moe

A Guide for Useful Resources for Genshin Impact


This guide will be different from my usual Guides. As Genshin Impact is a game with a large fanbase there exist multiple sites like my own that try to help guide players to accomplish things in this game. However, as there is a lot that doesn’t mean that they are all the best. This is why for this week’s post I want to take the time and share some of my favorite websites and YouTube channels I like to see when I need help.


There are three Genshin Impact content creators on Youtube that I particularly like watching:

They all provide build guides similar to how I talk about character builds on my blog. However, in a more in-depth manner. Each of these channels has its own respective unique content that they also do aside from the character builds. One of which I like seeing is the DPS showdown videos of certain characters by IWinToLose Gaming. It is interesting to see what character is stronger than others and how they build the parties to deal with such high DPS.


The websites I access have their respective purposes. The Genshin Impact Interactive World Map is a useful resource that allows users to find materials, chests, puzzles, etc. This map is very useful when I need to collect materials to ascend my characters. By using this map I will know where to find the materials I need without any hassle. The other site I like to use is Paimon.moe. This site is a database that shows content from upcoming events to materials that are farmable today. Furthermore, it also has character guides similar to my content on this blog. It also includes a neat feature the “Wish Counter” that allows you to import your data on the character/weapon wishes you have done on your account. It will use this data and will give you information on how lucky you may have been with your wishes. Or even how often you reach the 5 – star pity.