Monthly Archives: December 2022

Process Post: Community Guidelines

#1 Be Respectful

I know this sounds cliché, but I think this is a big deal to have. My site is all about trying to be optimistic and remaining motivated in a fitness journey while being busy with school, and my posts are mostly just reflections of my experiences during this time. So readers should be respectful of me and my content, as well as anyone else who is going through the same thing I am.

#2 No Hate Speech

Although very similar to the first guideline, this one dives into more specificity in what people should not be commenting on my posts. Any harmful comments are not only hurtful to me, but to anyone who visits my site and is looking for something to motivate them in improving their well-being.

#3 No Spamming

Spamming is annoying, and it disrupts readers from the content they are meant to see on my site. 

#4 No Illegal Content or Promotion

Pretty self-explanatory—no one should comment or post anything that promotes any illegal activities. 

Why These Guidelines?

My site is meant to serve as a safe space for anyone who is struggling on their fitness journey and wants to find a means to stay motivated. I believe these guidelines enable my site to be a safe space.


Anyone who violates these guidelines will be flagged immediately and will be blocked from the site.

Final Reflection

I set a goal at the beginning of this semester. I aimed to go to the gym consistently at least four days a week and eat cleaner, and I would track all of my progress along the way. I really thought I could do it, especially since my personal trainer boyfriend was there to help me out.

But school and life got in the way. This term was one of the busiest semesters I’ve had in my entire university career. I was constantly in meetings for group projects, working on my own individual assignments, studying for midterms, and all that jazz. 

My body felt tired. My brain was ALWAYS tired. Even though I was not physically moving as much as I would if I were to go to the gym, I was in no mental shape to push myself to go workout or even cook for myself (my mom does that for me…thanks mom! <3). If I did these things I would feel stressed thinking I am just wasting time when I could be studying. 

I did not workout the last couple of months…well I did for a week and then stopped…does that count? Anyways…everytime I would go back to the gym after God knows how long, it would honestly feel like I am starting back to square one each time. 

And that never felt any good. As someone who used to lift really heavyweights a year ago, it never feels great to know that I am struggling with weights that used to be so easy. 

Also I am slouching more now. As a SIAT student minoring in Publishing, I am CONSTANTLY sitting at my desk in front of the computer. My back is also always cracking, and it hurts by the end of the day because of how long I have been sitting for. I feel like if I have gone to the gym consistently throughout the semester as I planned, then maybe my back wouldn’t hurt so much.

As for my diet, I think I’ve done fairly decently. By sticking to my diet (most of the time), I think I was able to maintain my weight for the most part, which is a very good thing! However, I do know that if I had gone to the gym consistently, I could have lost more weight.

So that is where I’m at. I was not always in the best headspace when it comes to this, but I know that things will get better from here. Next semester, I hope to find more time to put my physical and mental health a high priority, and to be able to do the work in doing so.

Regardless, this has been a great semester—I have learned so much and have had great experiences. Can’t wait for the next term! Time to rest for now (:

Tesla Holiday Feature

This post was intended for Week 13, December 6, 2022.

Check out this TikTok I made of a feature that will impress all your neighbours! “Tesla Lightshow” is a holiday feature that rolled out to Tesla cars via a software update in December 2021. The lightshow blasts a song through the car’s internal and external speakers with the car’s lights, mirrors and even windows! It’s a fun, light hearted feature that will definitely catch the eyes from neighbouring houses.

Featured photo: N. Cristovao (2021). Tesla releases Holiday Update with 2021.44.25. Not a Tesla App. From

Process Post #12: TessDrives Community Guidelines

These community guidelines are designed to make this website an inclusive and welcoming platform. We welcome everyone especially those who are currently a Tesla owner, an electric vehicle owner, a prospective electric vehicle owner and even those who are just curious and passing by! This will ensure that this website is a safe space for everyone and creates an engaging environment for a wide range of diverse individuals!


  • We will not tolerate any form of hate speech including but not limited to: Age, Disability, Ethnicity, Gender Identity and Expression, Nationality, Race, Immigration Status, Religion, Sex/Gender, Sexual Orientation, Victims of a major violent event and their kin, Veteran Status. Those engaging in these forms of hate speech will be banned from accessing the website and may face penalties and/or prosecution
  • Treat others online the way you would want to be treated
  • Everyone has their own opinions, please be respectful if your opinion differs with another individual
  • Do not give out personal information online and respect each other’s privacy

Rationale for Community Guidelines:

I started the community guidelines with an introduction as to what the community guidelines were for. I made sure to clearly mention that the website is a safe space where everyone is welcomed. Notice, I didn’t mention that only Tesla owners were allowed, nor did I mention only guys were allowed…

While this is not an exhaustive list of guidelines, I believe this is the optimal amount. It lays out the most important guidelines to follow for my website, without fire hosing my audience with a list of rules that might deter them from my website. I intentionally left out a guideline relating to trolls in hopes of utilizing the counter-trolling strategy where my audience can “flood the victims of abuse with kindness” (Stein, 2016). I feel like if I included a non-troll guideline, this would actually encourage the trollers to troll.

I am hoping that this brief set of community guidelines will lay a foundation of expectations for those who visit my site. Community guidelines tend to be updated as the world evolves. The internet faces new types of problems and learn to adapt to them through updated community guidelines. I believe this will be the same case for most websites from our Pub 101 class. But for now, these are the finalized community guidelines for TessDrives.

Featured photo: L. Adriano (2022). Insurance Business Canada. From:


Stein, J. (2016, August 18). How Trolls Are Ruining The Internet. How Trolls Are Ruining The Internet | Time. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from


Assign the 5% to one category of the existing assessment breakdown overall participation, growth, contribution to the class, peer reviews, process posts, essay

PUB 101 has been quite the experience. From no experience with web design to becoming a WordPress master (just kidding). I do believe that my overall participation in class has been meeting expectations. I’ve shown up to class most of the time, asked for help in tutorial (I even won wordle for the planner), and taken notes on how to make my website better. I think my growth is evident as you can evidently see the effort I’ve put into web development, reviewing my peer’s websites, and incorporating readings into my process posts. The course was heavily dependent on how much effort I put into it, if I put a lot of effort, I would enjoy doing my work.

Though I did not get perfect on my essay, I was honoured to receive the comment from Lauren stating I am a strong writer.

Overall, I’d say I’d rate myself at a 4.5/5 for putting in lots of work into PUB 101.

Colouring Clothes

For this week, I followed a patreon tutorial on how to colour in clothes. I noticed during my Arcane art style study, one of my biggest weaknesses was colouring in clothes and making sure that the texture was appropriate for the attire.

Therefore, I decided to go back to an old patreon tutorial that detailed how to colour clothes and apply the right textures ste-by-step. I found that the process of picking colours for the shadows and illuminated parts are slightly different than the colouring process for other objects. Usually, when picking colours for the shaded areas, I would adjust to a completely different hue in order to ensure that the right shade is chosen depending on the environment that dictates the colours. However, for clothes, I would only ever need adjust the shade within the hue to find the right colours. I don’t know exactly why but the artist who stated that during the patreon tutorial stated that this was true and I think the results back up that claim so I am not going to question that. I’m too tired to be asking why it works, I just see that it works and that the process for choosing the colours is simple.

At the end of the colouring tutorial, I felt more confident in my abilities to colour in clothes. So that’s a win.

Colouring Clothes study/tutorial
Clothing colouring tutorial

Arcane Artstyle Study

For this week, I decided to do an art style study on one of my favourite T.V. shows of all time, Arcane. Ever since this show came out in November of 2021, I have completely been enamoured by the art style as it was something so unique. The only animated films of recent memory that had an animation style so unique that could be comparable to Arcane were ‘The Lego Movie” from 2014 and “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” from 2018. While both of these movies excelled in their animation in their own ways, I would place Arcane above all of them. Arcane somehow captured all the subtle nuances when it comes to the emotional expressions from the characters. From the eyes twitching to the eyebrows furrowing, these subtle nuances helped make the characters feel more real and believable, as if they were actually alive.

Anyways, that’s enough gushing about the show. I could go on but I wouldn’t want to subject you to that kind of boredom.

I decided to do a painting of a shot of one of favourite characters from the show, Jinx. This piece took me over 8 hours to complete which was a little more than average. What took me the longest was figuring out the lighting and textures on the skin and clothes. It took me a while to find the right colours to match the ambience of the scene.

I think doing one of these studies has allowed for me to appreciate the art style more. While doing this art style study, I picked a lot of little details that I have missed in my initial binge of the series such as the textures on the clothes, the texture of the hair, and the lighting. Now looking back at scenes and noticing these details, I can appreciate the amount of care and details that went into each frame.

Jinx - Arcane Art Style Study
Arcane art style study

Mini-Assignment #5: An Infographic About Me

[Original Post Date: 11/15/22]

For this mini-assignment, we were tasked to design an infographic that summarizes one’s online self. Therefore, I decided to visualize my levels of stress throughout the entire Fall semester of 2022 in the form of a bar graph.

As you can see, the amount of stress sky-rocketed above 100% from mid-November to early December due to the number of assignments, projects, and deadlines. And I think it’s still going up. 🙁

Line graph that showcases the level of stress (in percentage) over the months of August to December

Community Guidelines

Astrometrical community guidelines:

Thank you for visiting Astrometrical, on this site you are encouraged to broaden your tastes in art and contribute to the community by adding your thoughts to the collage. This site’s purpose is to inspire you as an individual and bring attention to those hard-working individuals who deserve it. Here are the following guidelines on how to best engage with the astrometrical community

Please Do:

Interact with others and voice your opinions on the blog and featured posts

Be respectful and patient with others on the site

Give constructive feedback on your experience on Astrometrical

Please don’t:

Use any form of hate speech, whether it be racism, sexism, homophobia, or any other form of discrimination

Post links  to your own pages to “self-promote” or any other forms of spam

Breach privacy of others on the site by posting personal information (doxing)

The post Community Guidelines first appeared on Astrometrics.

This Isn’t Goodbye

As we come to the end of the semester and POSIEL, I find myself reflecting on the course and everything I have learned. Firstly, I want to say that I had a lot of fun, both in the class and doing my weekly public posts and assignments. This class was definitely the most enjoyable class...

(Process Post #12) It’s A Wrap

Last week of classes, and it true said that goodbyes are hard. PUB101, what a class I must say! Took it as an elective, had no idea what I am getting into but actually I got into a lot of good stuff. This course was all about me, from me, and for me. Here I was allowed to be creative and do things that I loved. Being honest, apart from Computer Science “app development” classes, this was the class that seemed practically. 

The things that I learned in this course are as follow and not limited to: 

  • Got hands on experience with WordPress.

The post (Process Post #12) It’s A Wrap first appeared on Self Therapy.

Let’s Build Something

Hi ya’ll! Today I am going to show you a quick little video that shows some very basic Angular via a little application.

Ok, scratch that… I FULLY intended to upload a video but it ended up being like an hour long and I tried to edit it for like 30 minutes and was like… this is killing my soul.

Since the application is already made, I’m just going to tell you about it old-fashioned style. Are you ready? No? Ok, great.

The web app we are going to make is an application to help you pick something to eat when you have many choices but no idea what to pick (truly and shamefully a first-world problem). We’re going to create this application with Angular.

If you don’t have Angular, hop on over to and download and install Node. Why? Doing so will allow you to use node package manager (npm). With node we can manage and install packages to our Angular web application as well as Angular itself.

To install angular, head over to a terminal of some sort and enter:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Once this is done, we will have Angular installed globally on your computer.

Next we want to create an Angular app. Open up you favourite IDE and open the integrated terminal (if it has one) or navigate to the folder you wish to save it in through the terminal and let’s utilize the Angular CLI, enter:

ng new food-generator

This will create an application called food-generator:

Snapshot of the project Angular generated.

After the century it takes for Angular to set all this up for us (thank you), we can create a new component, let’s make a card to hold our things in:

ng generate component card

This gives us this:

Snapshot of the card component Angular generated.

Once that is done, let’s fiddle with the card’s HTML, creating the blueprint of our app:

Snapshot of the card component's HTML.

With that out of the way, let’s add some styling:

Snapshot of the card component's CSS.

Cool. Now let’s handle the functionality of the card:

Snapshot of the card component's class functionality.

This shows a list of food in the card component that we will choose from as well as the functionality of the button on click.

Alright, so let’s see the result. To do so, in the terminal, enter:

ng serve

This should take a moment as Angular compiles the code and sets it up to serve. Once it’s done, it will print out a message stating that it is being served on port 4200 (Angular’s default port) on your local host.

Navigating to we see:

Snapshot of the web app interface, pre-food randomization.
She ain’t much, but she’ll do.

Now if we click “YUM!” this is what we’ll eat for dinner:

Snapshot of the web app interface, post-food randomization. Chicken was selected!

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Oh boy!

Mikey Mouse with his thumb up saying, "OH BOY!"

WELP, that’s it for now, perhaps at a later date I will have the mental fortitude to edit that hour-long video as it goes into more detail, but today is not that day my friend.

Be well, ta-ta!

Action – Getting Things Done, By Doing Things

Confessions From A To-Do List Addict

I admit it. I love creating to-do lists.

When I am creating to-do lists, I envision what I will accomplish and often think that simply by having that baseline understanding of what needs to be done, I will be able to accomplish what I set out to.

It is magnificent and gratifying.

However, oftentimes my to-do lists end up being a sham.

What I claim I will accomplish in a day, often ends up being too much to handle.

And sometimes, my extensive to-do lists are not actually so extensive. For, instead of saying what actually needs to be done they provide a vague suggestion of what should be done.

Over the course of the current Fall semester, I have come to the realization it is not the creation of to-do lists which accomplishes things. It is the actions that enable their completion.

This may sound obvious, but admittedly it is something that I need to remind myself of constantly.

Action is what accomplishes tasks, not planning.

The Job-To-Be-Done

This semester, I have learned much about a framework titled jobs to be done.

Jobs to be done, is about framing problems in a way that explains the benefits a user wants to receive, as opposed to observing issues with the current way in which the user receives similar benefits.

For instance, John wants to complete his assignment, to do so John needs to overcome a long strenuous research process, followed by extensive analysis where he will be required to synthesize the facts that he discovered during research. In this situation, the job-to-be-done is the completion of the assignment. That is where the problem lies.

Accomplishing the job, moves the user’s life from one state, to a preferred one. The way in which they can accomplish this job varies (Klement, 2016). The role of an entrepreneur is to help users complete their jobs to be done in easier ways.

When I create a to-do list, the to-do list itself is only a part of the process that is enabling me to be productive. The creation of the to-do list is not the job-to-be-done, it is an ancillary effort that enables the job-to-be-done which is the completion of the task requiring the to-do list.

In creating this post, I am hoping to explain to you, the audience, that action is the key to productivity and that to-do lists alone accomplish nothing. A secondary purpose for creating this message is to explore research done by others and learn new things for myself about to-do lists and action.

The job-to-be-done for me in creating this post is to communicate this message and learn things for myself.

Accomplishing this requires an extensive amount of additional work and while that work most certainly needs to be done, communicating this message and learning more about the subject is the job-to-be-done.

Action Accomplishes, Not Planning

Once again, planning is useful. Creating to-do lists, detailed schedules, and outlines are incredibly useful tools. They are also essential parts to the productivity system that I have established for myself, but the truth of the matter is. Creating to-do lists does not accomplish anything. Doing the work itself does.

To challenge myself on this, I am writing this post with no prior planning. I am simply researching as I go, with a vague outline of how I want to construct this message in my head.

In fact, when I put my fingers to the keyboard and type out the words that you are reading on your screen right now, I feel a certain sense of presence that I fail to engage in, when I am planning.

Planning is great, but it’s also easy to get lost and distracted when planning. While I am most certainly not an expert, my theory behind this is that accomplishing a task requires a lot more attention than simply planning out what you need to do for that task. That extra attention you are required to pay fosters greater commitment, and as a result of this commitment you become more engaged in the work that you are doing.

Doing things requires commitment and once you have committed it is often harder to turn back (see the sunk cost fallacy), when you can no longer turn around, you will accomplish what you set out to do.

Action accomplishes, not planning.

Planning Enables

I must admit, when creating this post there was an act of planning. The truth of the matter is, everything impactful you do requires some degree of planning. 

When planning it is critical to recognize what it is that you want to accomplish, then you can realize steps that will enable you to get there.

For instance, when creating this post, I realized that I wanted to make a post about the importance of doing things as opposed to the importance of planning things, and the step that I chose to get me to the creation of this post was simply putting my hands to the keyboard and typing away to communicate the message I want to share.

Thankfully, Not Everything Goes According To Plan

Things do not always go according to plan. Your current self who is creating the plan may see that as a bad thing, however oftentimes it actually is a good thing.

If things went to plan everytime, you would know exactly what is going to happen.

That would be very boring. 

Thankfully, uncertainty looms in everything we do.

Oftentimes we go out with a plan, sometimes everything happens in accordance with it, but I would argue more often that not things do not.

However, it is critical you realize the reason for this is not because planning is bad, rather it occurs because we learn new things when doing things that we were not aware of when we were planning.

For instance, this entire subsection under the heading “thankfully, not everything goes according to plan,” was not planned. However, I do believe that it is a critical part of the story that I am writing about and you are reading right now.

Act, Adjust, Plan

In the book, The Lean Startup by Eric Ries, Eric describes a framework for startups he calls build, measure, learn. Building is about creating something, measuring is about examining what that things does, and learning is about improving that thing that you have built. This process is notably iterative, meaning that you are meant to do it over and over again. 

Here, I would like to propose an analogous iterative framework for the completion of tasks in everyday life. 

Act, recognize, plan.

Acting is about getting started on what it is that you want to do.

Recognizing is about realizing changes that need to be made to what it is that you are doing.

Planning is about incorporating what it is that you have recognized into an actionable plan to accomplish the job-to-be-done.

Acting is how you get started, recognizing is how you learn about what you are doing, and planning is realizing the best way to do what you need to do.

Going through this process repeatedly is almost automatic when you start by acting. However, cognitizing and recognizing it can also be incredibly helpful for individuals who struggle to get started.

For me, this means that sometimes the to-do lists need to be developed after I start a task, rather than before.

If you need to begin, just act.


Klement, A. (2016). What is jobs to be done? Jobs to be done.

Regarding the Importance of Rest and Community

The End

This site was created as part of a class at Simon Fraser University titled, Publication of Self in Everyday Life

As part of the class, we were required to develop one post a week about the process of creating our website. The teaching team supported the course in this endeavour, by providing materials to reference and prompts to adhere to. In the course, we referred to these posts as “process posts”; each and every post on this website that has the word regarding in the title is a “process post.”

This post is the final “process post” that will be created for the class.

Unfortunately, I was sick for last week’s lecture and unable to make it, however, I do know that the lecture was about community and am able to access the readings and slides from the course. Subsequently, this final process post is going to be about the importance of rest and community. 


Last week, I fell sick. 

When I was sick, I came across a Linkedin post by TED Conferences which made the point “by doing nothing, you are actually being your most productive and creative self. It might feel weird and uncomfortable at first, but boredom truly can lead to brilliance.”

<iframe src=”″ height=”673″ width=”504″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”” title=”Embedded post”></iframe>

What the post explained, is the value that you receive when you take time to sit with your ideas. It explained that when you take time to do nothing, you are allowing your brain to process all the information from your life so that you can spend time daydreaming and realizing your aspirations in life.

Truthfully, over the course of the semester, I cannot help but feel that I have spent too little time doing that. 

However, it makes sense. Just see my post 30 Minutes: Working a 99 Hour Work Week. Since making that post, I did experience a period of severe burnout but thankfully recovered quickly after having a few days of rest. 

When I was sick last week, I had the opportunity to spend some time reflecting on my life, and as a result, I honestly feel much more in tune and aligned with myself than before I was sick. 

Ironically, having no rest is what truly has allowed me to realize the value that rest does provide.


On the internet, there are communities, that would not exist if it were not for the internet. 

One such community that I am incredibly thankful to have participated in is Lookout Landing, a Mariners fan site, with an incredibly loyal audience and fun community. 

I found the site sometime in 2016 and have ever since been a follower of the site. In fact, almost every morning one of the first things that I do is take a look at posts which the site calls Moose Tracks. Moose Tracks are daily posts that share links to news around baseball. However, the content of the posts themselves are only a small part of the Lookout Landing experience, the comments below each post is where you actually get the opportunity to engage and talk to individuals in the lookout landing community. Typically Moose Track posts have around 300 comments per day, and if something big in baseball happens you can guarantee that these posts will have 500+ comments. 

Although based off my initial explanation it may not seem this way, Moose Tracks are actually only a small part of what makes Lookout Landing what it is. The staff of the site also posts game recaps, game threads (for discussion), game charts, analysis, creative writing pieces and more. All content based around the Seattle Mariners. 

Although I myself rarely comment and am a bit more of a lurker, I still feel very much a part of this community and it has helped fuel my Mariners fandom.

Lookout Landing most certainly is my favourite online community, they have a fantastic audience, great policy, and even better writers. 

If you are at all interested in the Seattle Mariners, I highly recommend checking out some of the posts on the site.

The Secret to Maintaining Energy and Creating Great Products

We are a product of the people around us. 

This is a fact. Simply start hanging around a different group of people and evaluate your speech pattern before and after. It will change. 

People around you also influence how you think of and view yourself as a person. A lot of the time, the people around you will either provide you with energy or drain you of it.

Community is key to shaping who we are and providing us with energy to move forward.

We are a product of the decisions we make.

The decisions we make, forge the path that we take and subsequently shape the history and future of our lives. When we do one thing, it will close some doors and open others. 

Oftentimes, the decisions we make are impulsive. When we are well-rested and aligned with who we truly are as people, these impulsive decisions can be effective. However, when we are tired and in dire need of rest, we often make poor and sloppy decisions.

Rest is critical to the decisions we make.

It should also be noted that we all have the opportunity to choose who it is that we spend time with. Rest enables us to choose the right communities for us to be a part of.

To maintain energy, be our best selves, and subsequently make great things, it is critical we are well rested and engaged with the right communities.


Zomorodi, M. (2022). By doing nothing, you are actually being your most productive. Ted Conferences. 

Mini Assignment #4

The Mini Assignment called for us to remix something. In order to achieve this I used Dall-E, the AI art generator, and experimented with creating iterations of images through multiple prompts that I felt were related to the content of Kafe Corrective. For the first iteration I used the phrase: An oil painting of a person stress baking. Resulting Images: For the second iteration, I slightly changed the the used phrase to: An oil painting of a person stress baking while ranting. Resulting Images: For the third iteration I decided to add the phrase “digital art”, as Dall-E kept recommending the addition of the phrase for higher quality images: An oil painting of a person stress baking, digital art Resulting Images: My experience with using Dall-E overall was very entertaining. The program generates four images based on the prompt entered into the prompt bar. For all my prompts I decided to stick with oil painting as the style, just as I like the look of a painting rather than a more realistic image. Something that surprised me was the speed and quality of images generated. Typically each round of iterations only took about thirty seconds to generate, and all images resulted in cohesive art pieces that clearly convey their respective prompt. Another thing intriguing about the AI technology is it’s ability to incorporate certain societal nuances when generating pieces. For instance, a majority of the artworks came back with female subjects, when the gender was not actually specified within the prompt. Through using Dall-E to create these remixed images, it was interesting to see the capabilities and quality of artificial intelligence generated artwork.

Why Deep Fakes Are Both Amazing and Terrifying

[Original Post Date: 11/1/22]

In one of the readings titled ‘Here’s How Worried You Should Be About Those Tom Cruise Deepfakes’, Vice News author David Gilbert writes about a viral video on Twitter of a guy imitating Tom Cruise. However this video doesn’t just showcase some guy doing some half-assed impression of Tom Cruise by exuding his mannerisms and voice. The guy doing the impression is using AI technology to place Tom Cruise’s face on his. This type of process is called a ‘deep fake’. What the AI is essentially doing is mapping out Tom Cruise’s face using either the images that are given to it by the user or scanning the internet (cause there’s a lot of pictures of Tom Cruise’s face on the internet) while simultaneously scanning the face that its going to place Tom Cruise face on. The images that are being scanned look for details involved whenever one person is expressing a certain emotion (think of wrinkles around the eyes when one is genuinely smiling) and banking that information. Therefore, when the original face is expressing an emotion, the AI knows what details to place and for the most part, it does a pretty good job.

I think this type of technology is interesting but certainly terrifying. In this day in age where misinformation and disinformation spreads quickly across social media platforms, this type of technology can cause chaos and panic. Anyone with the knowledge and capacity to use deepfakes can essentially imitate anyone, especially people with power such as politicians. Furthermore, if that person has the same body type and hairstyle as the person they are imitating, deep fakes would be even harder to spot. With deep fakes now, people would know what is a deep fake if they know what they are looking for but with average viewers, they may not be able to tell. With AI getting better with each day that passes, it is going to be difficulty for both average and knowledgeable viewers to determine what is real or fake.

Goal 9 – Reading for 10 Mins Every Day (November 28 – December 4)

Reading for 10 or More Minutes Every Day

November 28 - December 4


This week I attempted to read for ten or more minutes every day. When I was a kid, I was an avid reader and sometimes stayed up all night reading books that I really loved. However, as I got older and was forced to read certain books in high school, I stopped reading as much. In the last few years, I have gotten back into reading, though not as much as when I was a kid. Part of the reason I got back into reading was because of audiobooks and #BookTok. I really enjoy the convenience of being able to listen to a book while I am doing other things. I always listen to audiobooks (specifically on Audible) while cooking and doing other chores, and I find it super therapeutic. I have also discovered a lot of fantastic books on TikTok because my algorithm is super tailored to my interests. However, before diving into my experience, I want to highlight some of the perceived benefits of reading regularly, according to Healthline. 


  1. Reading strengthens your brain.
  2. Increases your ability to empathize.
  3. Builds your vocabulary.
  4. Helps prevent age-related cognitive decline.
  5. Reduces stress
  6. Prepares you for a good night’s rest
  7. Helps alleviate depression symptoms
  8. May even help you live longer

My Experience 

I am happy to say I completed this challenge this week. I listen to more than 10 mins every day of the audiobook When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress by Gabor Maté. I am really enjoying it so far and think it is highly relevant to my website. The book’s main argument is that constantly being stressed out can cause you to become physically sick. Therefore that I honestly a large part of why I started this website. I want to cultivate these healthy habits before it’s too late. In conclusion, I would challenge anyone reading my blog to really take time to invest in their physical and mental well-being. You do not need to do anything as elaborate as my website, and you do not need to be perfectly consistent because I certainly wasn’t. However, I think at least trying is better than nothing.


Here is an Interesting Talk from Gabor Maté Going More 

In-Depth On This Topic


Stanborough, R.(2019, October 15). Benefits of Reading Books: How It Can Positively Affect Your Life. Healthline. 


Review of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

It has taken me a while to write a review of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) because I find myself getting stuck on what I want to say. I watched the film opening day on November 11, and instantly thought it was such a deep and culturally impactful film. Most times I can formulate my thoughts on a movie and convey them with ease. However, with Wakanda Forever, there is an immense number of layers and weight that surround the film as a whole.

Being a sequel to the critically acclaimed Black Panther (2016), the movie needs to effectively build on the last film and evolve the world of Wakanda and its lively characters, while also managing to live up to the massive expectation put in place by the last installment.

Furthermore, Wakanda Forever must also fit within the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe, that has started to become more and more critiqued post Avengers: Endgame (2019). Most fans seem to be unsatisfied with many of the newer MCU films and television series. While I agree with many of the critiques regarding the MCU formula growing stagnant and stale, I find many of these people who are critiquing Phase 4 of the MCU to perpetuate hateful ideologies. For instance, it seems many of these “fans” that hate She-Hulk (2022) and Ms. Marvel (2022) are actually just toxic men who are irrationally angry and criticize the show for baseless reasons. This increase in toxicity within the MCU fandom discourse has bleed into Wakanda Forever. Much of this toxic hate stems from problematic views surrounding underrepresented minority groups such as the LGBTQIA2S+ community, women, and people of colour. Therefore, a film like Wakanda Forever, that prominently features each of these communities will be targeted with unwarranted hate.

Additionally, amid the challenges COVID-19 presented to the film industry, Wakanda Forever also had to navigate through controversy surrounding lead actress Letitia Wright’s alleged anti-vax position.

And finally, the heartbreaking passing of Chadwick Boseman who played King T’Challa, the Black Panther deeply impacted the production of this film. Originally, the movie was written around Boseman and his depiction of the Black Panther. But, after Boseman’s tragic death, Ryan Coogler, the writer and director of Wakanda Forever had to completely rework the film to pay tribute to Chadwick Boseman, and address the absence of T’Challa from the story.

Personally, all these factors wrapped Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) in layers of complications that had me worried. However, I am greatly happy to say that this film not only lives up to the first film, but in my opinion surpasses it.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) is able to achieve this by continuing to explore many of the themes that underlie Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Most, if not all of Phase 4 has been touching on the grief that many characters possess because of the personal losses they experience (ie: Wanda Maximoff in WandaVision, Peter Parker in Spider-Man: No Way Home), the pressure a superhero legacy inflicts on the individual (ie: Sam Wilson in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier), and shared trauma within a community (ie: Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk). Wakanda Forever, thematically explores each of these elements. This is on display in the profound conversations the main antagonist Namor, played by Tenoch Huerta Mejía has with other characters. Namor can serve as a foil to our heroes while also challenging their beliefs around grief, legacy, and shared trauma, which solidifies him as one of the best antagonists in an MCU film. This exploration of themes the MCU explored in Phase 4 makes Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) a beautiful conclusion to this chapter of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

This film also features some of the most breathtaking visuals and settings in the MCU. Since audiences were introduced to Wakanda in the first movie, it has gone on to become an important cultural moment in film history. Practically everyone knows the “Wakanda Forever” salute. And many people can now recognize the iconography of Wakanda. With all this in mind, it was absolutely amazing to witness the sequel able to effectively deepen audiences’ connection to Wakanda by exploring more of their culture. Moreover, this film introduces a whole separate culture with the underwater kingdom of Talokan, and their radical leader Namor. Their society and culture are given an immense amount of development which strengthens these two warring nations conflict.

This film was essentially a tribute to Chadwick Boseman, and the palpable sense of loss the black community, MCU fans, and his friends and family experienced. Therefore, the cast had to provide some of the most powerful performances I have ever seen. The character interaction between Letitia Wright as Princess Shuri, Danai Gurira as Okoye, Lupita Nyong’o as Nakia, Winston Duke as M’Baku, Dominique Thorne as Riri Williams, Tenoch Huerta Mejía as Namor, and Angela Bassett as Queen Ramonda were all massive highlights.

Overall, the film was brilliant! Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) had the impossible task of making a movie that could live up to the legacy of Chadwick Boseman. I personally thought that the cast and crew did a fantastic job, and I loved every second of the movie.

Design Critiques on YouTube

[Original Post Date: 10/25/22]

Link to Website:

After learning about best design practices from our guest presenter, Mauvé Page, I decided to take her lessons and conduct a small design evaluation on a website.

Therefore, I decided to do a quick basic design evaluation on YouTube’s user interface as it is a website I frequent.

Screenshot of YouTube's homepage
Screenshot of YouTube’s Homepage

I first took a look at the contrast and saw that YouTube uses a dark grey background with light grey for all of the text elements. The contrast between the background and the text makes it so that viewers will have an easier time reading the necessary information related to the video at a quick glance.

An example would be as shown within the video underneath where the text elements denote the information of the video such as the title, the uploader, the number of views, and when it was uploaded. Viewers would be able to quickly glance at the text and discern the information being conveyed easily.

Furthermore, the font weight chosen helps establish a hierarchical order. Thicker font weights call for more attention than thinner font weights as they take up more space and are wider, creating more contrast with the background than thinner font weights. Therefore, using thicker weights for the title elements I think was a smart choice by the design team at YouTube. It also helps me discern which text element I should read first, which was the title of the video. For the rest of the test elements, a thinner font weight was used throughout, thus establishing the order to be read from top to bottom.

To add to that, close proximity was used effectively with all of the elements of the video including the images. Due to how all of the elements could be defined in one square, the images and the text elements are associated as one item on YouTube’s homepage. None of the text elements or images overflowed into other video items, thereby eliminating potential confusion as to what text elements belong to what video item.

Screenshot of Markiplier's video titled 'drowning... | RAFT"
Screenshot of Markiplier’s video titled ‘drowning… | RAFT”

Community Guidelines

Community Guidelines

I have decided to enable comments on my site. However, please be respectful with all your comments. I will reserve the right to delete the following types of comments:


  • Comments that use slurs
  • Comments that threaten me or any other person
  • Comments that are blatantly racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic, or transphobic
  • Comments that are completely irrelevant to the topic
  • Spam 
  • Hate speech or any content that advocates for violence

If you violate any of the above, your comment will be deleted, and you will be blocked from commenting again. 


If you have any questions about the comment section, please email me at

However, if you have a different opinion on a topic than me, please feel free to voice it in the comment section. I am not a trained doctor, psychologist, dietitian, or personal trainer, so if you have expertise in any of those areas, I would especially love to hear your feedback. I want this website’s comment section to be a place for open dialogue where we can all learn from one another.