Tag Archives: Rojan Navah

Process Post #9

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Photo Credit: Unsplash

Hello everyone! This week I’ve been busy trying to improve my website by analyzing its performance and figuring out new ideas that could help make it even better. 

In this lecture, I was fortunate enough to attend a talk given by Trevor Battye from Clevers Media, who shared his insights on monetization and ways to make money from your audience. He stressed that it’s important to identify the needs of your audience and to be unique in your niche when starting a business. One key takeaway for me was that your first business might not be the most profitable one, but it’s a valuable learning experience that can set you up for success in future endeavours.


Trevor also mentioned that starting a business when you’re young can be advantageous because you tend to be more determined and willing to take risks, and people are more compassionate and are generally more forgiving of mistakes. I found this encouraging, as I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist, and that’s held me back from starting my own business or even just creating my own public social media pag e. But As a  part of Rojan’s Road to Roj transformation journey, I recently shifted my mindset and focused on continuous improvement.


One thing that really resonated with me was Trevor’s experiences with selling candles. As someone who wants to get a publishing minor, I’m eager to learn more about these kinds of experiences in this field by taking the PUB 456. Overall, it was an inspiring and informative talk that left me feeling motivated to keep pushing forward with my own projects.

As a content creator for my blog, I’ve become increasingly aware of the digital breadcrumbs I leave behind daily, from checking the weather on my phone in the morning to using my contactless card to buy coffee, various apps and technologies record and track every action I take.

But what does this mean for my readers and me? Who has access to this information, and how can it be used? These are essential questions to consider as we navigate the world of big data.

According to Dr. Elisa Oreglia, a lecturer in Global Digital Cultures, a digital trail is a trace that we leave behind through technology. This can include our location information, app usage, and internet searches.


Digital Footprint
Photo Credit: Unsplash

But where does all this information go? Dr. Oreglia in “Digital breadcrumbs” explains that it’s stored in various places, from our mobile phone network to GPS satellites and data centers scattered worldwide. And while there are laws and processes in place to protect our digital privacy, it’s essential to be aware of what data we’re sharing and who we’re sharing it with. For example, when I search for my name on Google, I still see some very old profile pictures. Although I don’t want them to be public anymore, I cannot delete them because I can no longer access those accounts. 


I believe I am responsible for informing my readers about the digital breadcrumbs they may be leaving behind, especially in this digital age where companies like Amazon are trying their best to make every action digital and collect every single piece of data from users.


 Also, Suzanne Norman’s experience in “Trying not to drop breadcrumbs in Amazon’s store” when visiting Amazon’s first physical store was mind-provoking, as she could not purchase a physical book with cash, which is scary for me as a reader as well. By sharing this information, we can all become more mindful of our digital footprint and take steps to protect our privacy online. So, the next time you check your phone or purchase with your card, remember that your actions leave a trail of data behind you. Stay informed and stay mindful.


Besides, this week I made some changes to my design website based on the peer reviews I have received. I was glad that both of my peers were engaged with the overall design decisions, the flow of my content, and the consistency of my website for my audience. Both mentioned that my logo might not represent the intention behind my overall blog content and the other homepage elements. At that time, I had not yet posted my content about the transformative miracle of meditation and yoga on my journey and the following posts on topics such as my “ACL surgery” and “bypassing materialism“, which these practices have had a huge impact on my life, bringing me a new sense of balance and helping me to form this new perspective.


On this blog, by sharing the stories of each step of my transformation journey, I want to show the balance I have gradually gained through all these stages, wether in physical, mental or social stage. Thus, the Lotus pose is a powerful symbol of the balance between mind, body, and spirit (Luthra, 2021) and this is the reason I chose it as my logo 😉


Also, to make my header image more balanced with the overall homepage aesthetics, I updated the images of the featured homepage slider. I made it consistent with my header image. As Cass mentioned in her peer review # 2 I also added more pictures to my content posts and process posts to make them more engaging. I also shortened my paragraphs, as Ashley mentioned in her peer review #1, while reducing the white space in each post. I am grateful for the constructive peer reviews I have received so far.


Affeldt, C. (2023, March 9). Peer Review Number Two. Completely Cass. http://completelycass.com/personalblog/peer-review-number-two/

Chia, A. (2023, February 7). Peer Review #1: Exploring Rojan’s Road to Roj. Two AM Thoughts. http://twoamthoughts.com/posiel/peer-review-1-exploring-rojans-road-to-roj/

Luthra, A. (2021, October 30). Padmasana Benefits. Be Body Wise. https://bebodywise.com/blog/padmasana-benefits/

Norman, S. (2016, March 7). Trying not to drop breadcrumbs in Amazon’s store. Publishing | Graduate and Undergraduate Studies – Simon Fraser University. Retrieved March 25, 2023, from https://www.sfu.ca/publishing/news/editorials/trying-not-to-drop-breadcrumbs-in-amazon-s-store.html

Pod Academy. (2015, September 28). Digital Breadcrumbs: Our Data Trail. https://podacademy.org/podcasts/digital-breadcrumbs-our-data-trail/

Transformation #9

From Materialism to Mindfulness: My Transformation Journey towards Paying for Experience 

This leg of my journey towards transformation is particularly special to me because of the revolutionary changes it has brought deep within me. It’s the culmination of all the past steps that I have taken to get here, and that’s why I hold this stage of my journey in high regard. It has helped shape me into a better version of myself. In my younger days, I was notorious for spending all my earnings on expensive brands and fashion labels. I was a shopaholic, believing that material possessions would bring me contentment and happiness. But as I progressed on my transformation journey, I realized that investing in materialism no longer gave me the satisfaction I sought. I wanted to explore new experiences and invest my money in creating memorable moments. While I still indulge in branded products, I’m way more mindful of my choices now. My focus is on creating experiences and memories that are worth cherishing!


Changing Mindset from Materialism to Mindfulness

My journey towards paying for experience started with a simple shift in my mindset. I began questioning the value of material possessions and their effect on my life. I realized that the pursuit of materialism only left me feeling empty and unfulfilled, and I wanted something more meaningful.

I started reading books and articles about minimalism, mindfulness, and the benefits of investing in experiences. I learned that adventures bring us more happiness than material possessions, creating lasting memories we can cherish forever.


The Negative Effects of Materialism on Our Lives

Materialism can negatively affect our lives, including financial stress, social pressure, and environmental damage. Moreover, when focusing on material possessions, we often overlook the value of experiences and relationships, leading to a shallow and unfulfilling life.

Moreover, chasing the latest trends and designer labels can be expensive, leaving us in financial instability. We also contribute to environmental damage by supporting fast fashion and other unsustainable industries.


The Benefits of Investing in Experiences

Investing in experiences, on the other hand, can bring us many benefits, including personal growth, connection with others, and a sense of fulfillment. In addition, experiences create lasting memories that we can cherish for a lifetime and help us grow and learn new things.

Moreover, experiences can be shared with others, creating deep and meaningful connections that enrich our lives. Whether it’s a weekend getaway with friends or a solo adventure to a new country, experiences bring us closer to others and ourselves.


Solo Travel: A Life-Changing Experience

One of the most life-changing experiences I mentioned in detail in my content post #4 was travelling solo to Qeshm Island. It was a scary thought at first, but I knew deep down that I needed to step out of my comfort zone and explore the world on my terms.

Travelling solo allowed me to discover new cultures, meet new people, and learn more about myself. It taught me to be independent, adaptable, and open-minded, creating lasting memories I will cherish forever.


Discovering Yoga and Meditation: A New Way of Living

In my journey towards paying for experiences instead of material things, I found that practicing yoga and meditation-as I have discussed earlier in my last content post-was, was a key factor in my mindset transformation. Instead of constantly seeking material possessions, I learned to appreciate the present moment and focus on my well-being. Yoga and meditation allowed me to slow down, be more mindful, and connect with myself deeper. As a result, I could find greater fulfillment and satisfaction by prioritizing experiences that enriched my life rather than accumulating more possessions. This shift towards mindfulness and a more minimalist lifestyle have transformed how I live and see the world around me.



Balancing Materialism and Mindfulness: Tips for a Conscious Lifestyle


Living a conscious lifestyle means finding a balance between materialism and mindfulness. It’s about investing in experiences that bring us joy and fulfillment while being mindful of our environmental and societal impact.

Some tips that have helped me in my journey toward paying for experience are:

  • Practicing gratitude: Expressing gratitude for what we have can help us shift our focus from material possessions to experiences and relationships.
  • Setting priorities: Prioritizing experiences that align with our values and goals can help us invest our money wisely and create meaningful memories.
  • Supporting sustainable and local brands: Choosing to support brands that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices can help us minimize our impact on the environment and society. For instance, nowadays, I invest much of my money in Iranian designers’ beautiful and unique designs instead of investing in the worthless fast fashion industry.
  • Being present: Being present in the moment can help us appreciate the beauty of the experience and create lasting memories.

Creating Meaningful Memories: How to Invest in Experiences


Experiences are a great way to create meaningful memories that last a lifetime. Investing in experiences can also help us connect with ourselves and the world. Here are some tips for investing in experiences:

Invest in yourself: Investing in activities that promote self-discovery, such as sports, yoga, or art classes, can help us connect with ourselves and create a deeper understanding of who we are.

Engage with nature: Connecting with nature can be a powerful experience that helps us appreciate the beauty of the natural world and our place within it.

Exploring new destinations: Exploring new places and cultures can help us appreciate the beauty of life, broaden our horizons, and create meaningful memories.

Trying new foods: Exploring new cuisines and local dishes can be a fun and delicious way to invest in experiences, especially in lovely Vancity!, with its diverse culinary scene, offering plenty of unique words gathered from all around.

Embracing a Mindful Lifestyle


In conclusion, my transformation journey towards paying for experience has been a life-changing experience. It taught me the value of investing in ventures and helped me balance materialism and mindfulness.

Living a conscious lifestyle means being mindful of our impact on the environment and society while investing in experiences that bring us joy and fulfillment. It’s about creating meaningful memories and cherishing the present moment.

I encourage everyone to embrace a mindful lifestyle and invest in experiences that bring joy and fulfillment. Whether travelling solo, practicing yoga and meditation, or trying a new hobby, investing in ventures can bring us closer to ourselves and others, creating lasting memories we will cherish forever. So GIVE IT A TRY!!!!!!