Author Archives: Rojan Navah

Transformation #12-Mindful Eating

The Power of Mindful Eating: How It Changed My Life for the BetterThe Power of Mindful Eating: How It Changed My Life for the Better

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Image Source: Unsplash


Mindful eating has transformed my life as someone who used to eat a lot of sugar. It’s been a journey, but today I feel healthier, happier, and more in tune with my body than ever before. In this article, I’d like to share my experience with mindful eating, how it’s helped me overcome binge eating and sugar addiction, and its benefits to my mental and physical health.


My journey with food and how it led me to mindful eating

I’ve always had a sweet tooth. As a child, I would beg my parents for candy and chocolate. I continued to indulge in sugary treats throughout my teenage years and adulthood. However, my love of sugar soon turned into an addiction. I always craved sweets, and I often binge on candy, cookies, and ice cream until I felt sick.

At first, I didn’t see a problem with my eating habits. I thought it was just a harmless indulgence. But as time passed, I began noticing the adverse effects on my health. I gained weight, my energy levels were low, and I struggled with mood swings and anxiety.


The problem with sugar and binge eating

It wasn’t until I started researching the effects of sugar on the body that I realized just how harmful my eating habits had become. Not only does sugar contribute to weight gain and obesity, but it’s also linked to a host of other health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Binge eating, too, can have severe consequences for both physical and mental health. It leads to weight gain and other health problems and can also cause feelings of guilt, shame, and low self-esteem.


What is mindful eating, and how does it work?

Mindful eating is a practice that involves paying attention to the present moment and being fully aware of the food you’re eating. It’s about tuning into your body’s hunger and fullness signals and eating in a way that nourishes both your body and mind.

To practice mindful eating, you need to slow down and savour each bite. Take the time to notice your food’s texture, flavour, and aroma, and pay attention to how your body feels as you eat. This can help you become more aware of your eating habits and make healthier choices.


My experience practicing mindful eating during the Covid pandemic

I started practicing mindful eating during the Covid pandemic when I struggled with anxiety and stress. I realized that my eating habits were making things worse, and I decided to make a change.

At first, it wasn’t easy. First, I had to learn to resist the urge to binge on sugary treats and retrain my brain to crave healthier foods. But as I continued to practice mindful eating, I found it easier and more natural.


The benefits of mindful eating on mental and physical health

The benefits of mindful eating are numerous and far-reaching. Not only can it help you lose weight and improve your physical health, but it can also have a positive impact on your mental well-being.

For me, one of the biggest benefits of mindful eating is reduced anxiety and stress. By tuning into my body’s hunger signals and eating in a way that nourishes me, I feel more relaxed and centred.


Saying goodbye to fast food and embracing a low-carb diet

As I continued to practice mindful eating, I found that my taste buds began to change. I started to crave healthier foods, like fruits and vegetables, and I began to lose my taste for sugary treats.

I also started to say goodbye to fast food and embrace a low-carb diet. This helped me lose weight, improved my energy levels, and gave me a greater sense of overall well-being.


The impact of mindful eating on my hair and skin

Another unexpected benefit of mindful eating has been the impact on my hair and skin. By eating a healthy, balanced diet, I’ve noticed that my skin is clearer and more radiant, and my hair is stronger and shinier.


Tips for practicing mindful eating

If you’re interested in trying mindful eating for yourself, here are a few tips to get started:


·       Slow down: Take the time to savour each bite and fully experience your food.

·       Tune in to your body: Pay attention to your hunger and fullness signals, and eat in a way that nourishes you.

·       Avoid distractions: Turn off the TV and put away your phone while you eat.

·       Listen to your cravings: If you’re craving something sweet, try satisfying it with a piece of fruit or dark chocolate.


Overcoming challenges and staying committed to mindful eating

Like any new habit, practicing mindful eating can be challenging at first. But with persistence and dedication, it can become a natural part of your daily routine.

To stay committed to mindful eating, it’s essential to be kind to yourself and not beat yourself up if you slip up. Remember that every meal is a new opportunity to practice mindfulness and make healthy choices.


Conclusion: The transformative power of mindful eating

In conclusion, mindful eating has truly transformed my life for the better. By paying attention to the present moment and being fully aware of my food, I’ve overcome binge eating and sugar addiction and improved my mental and physical health.

If you’re struggling with your eating habits, I encourage you to try mindful eating. It may take some time to get used to, but the benefits are well worth the effort.

So why not start today? Take a deep breath and savour the first bite of your next meal. You always need to find out where it might take you.

Process Post #12

This is my final post on the course, and I’m sad it’s ending. That’s why it’s lengthy, as I don’t want to finish it unconsciously. The course has been a great source of enlightenment for me, both in real-life situations and online. I’ve learned many new and practical skills, which has made me enthusiastic about pursuing my minor in publishing. I’ve found something that I’m passionate about, and I want to continue with it. 


The most valuable thing I’m taking away from this course is the motivation to start my small business, which I plan to launch in the summer. My buisiness will specialize in creating texture canvas art. And I’m so excited to apply all I’ve learned  from this course to this and my future UX/UI designer career. I want to thank you Suzanne, Mickey, and my amazing classmates, for making this experience so impressive and memorable!!


 So, let’s dive into online hate topic as my very last process post topic, using a recent case study to illustrate its prevalence!

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Photo credit: unsplash

The prevalence of online hate has become an infamous problem, but why has it become so normal? The power of social media can make or break a person’s life in a matter of hours. The Justine Sacco case is one such example where a tweet intended to be a joke caused an uproar on social media, and she became the target of intense online shaming.


Likewise, Iraj Tahmasb, a well-known TV presenter in Iran, faced backlash on social media after cracking a joke about the detention of girls protesting during the 2022 Woman Life Freedom protests in Iran. The joke was seen as insensitive and offensive, causing a lot of outrage among people who demanded that he be held accountable for his words.

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Tahmasb and his puppets-Mehmoon Series

The episode of the Mehmooni series- which takes place in a fictional wedding hall located next to Tahmasb’s newly acquired home, introduces a variety of new puppet characters who are primarily workers at the wedding hall-features a conversation between Sirus, played by Sohail Rahbar Zare, and Tahmasab. 

When Tahmasab inquired if the upcoming year would be better than the previous one, Sirus replied that the last year was much better since they took his sister. Tahmasab was taken aback and asked if his sister had been caught or had gone missing. Sirus revealed that she had gone to work on the streets and that a boy had seen her, meaning she had married. Sirus then asked Tahmasab if he was happy, to which he replied. Finally, Sirus urged Tahmasab to wish his sister happiness. The word “caught” resonated with many people as a reference to the government’s arrest of young girls during the 2022 protests in Iran.

 In response to what happened on his TV show, Shervin Hajipour, the popular grammy-winner singer which I previously mentioned him in my third content post, expressed his thoughts on Twitter as well. In 20 May 2022, he tweeted, “I wish Iraj Tahmasab was my uncle,” but in a recent response to the same tweet, he said, “Not anymore.”Atash Shakarami, Nika Shakarami’s aunt- a victim of the uprising-noted that the joke was akin to torture. Azadeh Samadi, an Iranian actress, critiqued Tahmasb’s anti-woman speeches and views, urging him to reconsider and not ruin her childhood memories. Samadi also questioned Tahmasab about his limited use of women, to which he replied that women aren’t funny. According to Stein J. in the secrect life of internet trolls, this statement represents a clear example of misogyny towards women.

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Shakarami's instagram story
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Shervin's Tweets
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Samadi's Instagram post



The situation that followed could be described as an example of cancel culture. Tahmasb faced much criticism and backlash on social media, with many demanding his dismissal and boycotting him. This incident caused a ripple effect, with many social media users expressing disappointment and anger towards Tahmasb’s actions. Some individuals even went as far as to label his comments as misogynistic and disrespectful towards women. However, many others believed the situation was a misunderstanding and was blown out of proportion. This occurrence sparked a lively debate about the responsibility of comedians to be sensitive to social issues and the role of humour in society.


The problem with cancel culture is that it often leads to a rush to judgment, with little regard for due process or the facts of the case. In the case of Tahmasb, I believe many people jumped to conclusions without actually watching the segment in question. Instead, they reacted to the outrage on different websites and platforms comment sections with a biased mind-set and joined the condemnation bandwagon.


This is not to say that Tahmasb’s allusion was in good taste. It clearly was not. But the rush to judgment and the intensity of online shaming is a worrying trend that is becoming all too common in our digital age. We have to be careful to keep the power of social media from leading us to a place where we lose sight of the value of free speech and the need for open dialogue.


Another frequent critique of online commentary is the potential mismatch between a commenter’s stated views and their actual identity. This reminds me of the “online disinhibition effect,” a phrase coined by John Suler, which I find particularly relatable.


I believe when people are online, they may act differently than they would in person because they can remain anonymous and have no real consequences for their actions. This can sometimes result in them expressing themselves hostilely or disrespectfully. Additionally, factors like group dynamics, their emotional state, and their desire to fit in with others may influence how they behave. 


Konnikova, in the Psychology of Online Comments, suggests that negative behaviour in comment sections is complex and influenced by psychological and social factors while also pointing out that the way comments are displayed or moderated can impact behaviour. To promote respectful interactions, online platforms and individuals have a role.


No matter where you stand on the issue, I think it’s pretty evident that online bullying and harassment are happening more often than ever. Guidelines are set up for commenting to ensure everyone is having kind and respectful discussions online. But let’s face it, and not only some people follow these rules. So it’s up to us to be careful with what we say and do online.


I’m not trying to defend Tahmasb, but it bothers me how trolls and cancel culture have taken over in this digital age. Even if someone has an excellent track record and is highly respected, one mistake can lead to them being cancelled without considering everything they’ve accomplished. It’s essential to address online abuse and harassment; treating others with respect and kindness online is just as crucial as in person. The case study I mentioned highlights that we all have a part to play in creating a positive online community.


Based on the discussion of the dangers of cancel culture and the power of social media in the case of Iraj Tahmasb, online communities need guidelines to ensure that they are safe and inclusive spaces for all. To achieve this, it is essential to develop community guidelines that balance free speech and social justice while promoting open dialogue and constructive criticism.


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photo credit: unsplash

The proper guidelines will vary depending on the specific site and its goals. Still, some key considerations might include rules against hate speech, harassment, and bullying, as well as guidelines for respectful disagreement and constructive criticism. Additionally, it may be essential to have clear policies around anonymity and pseudonyms and procedures for reporting and responding to guidelines violations.

As mentioned by Ball in the Dark Sides of Guardian Comments, implementing these guidelines will require combining technology, moderation, and community engagement. This might involve using automated filters to detect and remove abusive content and human moderators who can review and address reported violations. It will also be essential to involve the community in the moderation process through mechanisms such as user reporting and feedback and community-led initiatives to promote positive and inclusive discourse.


Developing and implementing community guidelines is crucial to creating safe, inclusive, and constructive online communities. By balancing the need for free speech with the importance of social justice and open dialogue, we can create spaces where everyone feels welcome and valued and work towards building a better and more tolerant society.


 In onclusion, the case of Iraj Tahmasb is a cautionary tale about the dangers of cancel culture and the power of social media to influence public opinion. We must learn to balance the need for social justice with the value of free speech and the importance of open dialogue. We need to create a culture where people feel safe to make mistakes without fear of being cancelled or ostracized. Only then can we hope to build a truly inclusive and tolerant society?



Ball, J. (2016, April 12). The dark side of Guardian comments. The Guardian.


Konnikova, M. (2013, October 28). The psychology of online comments. The New Yorker.


Ronson, J. (2015, March). When online shaming goes too far [Video]. TED Conferences.

Suler, J. (2004). The online disinhibition effect. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 7(3), 321-326.


Stein, J. (2016, August 18). The secret life of internet trolls. TIME.

Process Post #11


This week, our focus has been on various types of media and trans media storytelling, a concept that has gained a lot of popularity recently. Social media has become an indispensable part of our lives, serving as more than just a means to connect with friends and family members. It has now become an impactful tool for businesses and individuals to showcase their brands and engage with their audience. 

As a social media enthusiast, I found this idea to be particularly fascinating. In this blog post, I will share my thoughts on the subject, and also discuss how I use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok for different purposes. Furthermore, I will delve into the reasons why I haven’t shared my transformation journey on any of these platforms yet. So, let’s explore the topic together!


Recently, I have been thinking about sharing my website as it is a part of my online art portfolio. As someone who aspires to be a UX/UI designer, I want potential employers to see my characteristics alongside my projects. Furthermore, by sharing my story, I hope to provide insight into my self-development and the journey I have been on. I believe that posting blogs is an excellent way to achieve this, as social media platforms are not suitable for long-form writing.


While transmedia storytelling is often associated with large corporations, brands, or franchises such as Pokemon, Harry Potter, and Star Wars, it also exists on a personal level through our involvement in the social web. Social media platforms, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and personal blogs, provide a platform for us to share unique narratives about ourselves, our interests, and our passions.


Building digital legacies involves accumulating tweets, status updates, and blog comments, which tell a story and are fed by our social media outposts. Adopting social technologies is driven by the compulsion to seek out those who share common ideas and beliefs (Lynch, 2021).


As a content creator, how we tell our stories can have a powerful impact on our audience. Using multiple platforms to share our content and weave a coherent narrative, we can reach a wider audience and connect with them on a deeper level. However, it is also crucial to find a balance between the different platforms we use. Each platform has strengths and limitations, and we must adapt our storytelling approach accordingly.


For instance, Instagram may be great for visual storytelling and building a personal brand. At the same time, LinkedIn can help us showcase our professional skills and connect with potential employers or clients. Similarly, TikTok is an excellent short-form video platform that captures attention quickly (Social Pilot, 2021). 

Of course, creating content for multiple platforms can be challenging and time-consuming, especially for someone who is just starting. But I believe that the benefits of transmedia storytelling outweigh the costs. By investing in our personal brand and online presence, we can create opportunities for ourselves and achieve our career goals.


In conclusion, transmedia storytelling is a powerful tool for individuals who want to build their personal brand and share their stories with the world. Using different platforms to showcase other aspects of our lives and interests, we can create a more complete and compelling narrative that resonates with our audiences and helps us achieve our goals. So, if you’re looking to transform your online presence and tell your story in a more engaging and effective way, I encourage you to explore the world of transmedia storytelling and see what it can do for you.

To conclude this post, I would like to encourage you to take a few moments to watch a comprehensive video on social media strategy. This video has been a great help to me in gaining a better understanding of the subject, and I hope it can provide you with valuable insights as well!!








Britten, K., & Lauren, L. (2013, November 21). Pokémon as Transmedia Storytelling. Kevin Britten & Lauren.

Patel, N. (2018, April 3). How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan: The 6 Step Framework. Neil Patel.

SocialPilot. (2021, April 22). The Power of Social Media Storytelling: Why It Matters and How to Do It Right. SocialPilot.

Lynch, M. (2021, March 1). Which Social Networks Should You Focus on? 5 Key Questions to Help You Decide. HubSpot.



Transformation #11-From Entertainment to Education: The Many Benefits of Listening to Podcasts in My Transformation Journey

Unlocking New Horizons: How Podcasts Helped Me Learn Unique Topics Directly from Experts

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Image source: Pexels

As the world went into lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I found myself with a lot of free time on my hands. With limited options for entertainment, I turned to podcasts as a way to pass the time. Little did I know that this simple decision would change my life forever. In this post, I’d like to share how podcasts have played a crucial role in my growth journey by providing me with access to expert knowledge on various topics without having to incur the costs associated with traditional classes or the risk of failing through trial and error. I will also highlight the significance of podcasts in my daily life and how they have helped me to broaden my horizons and deepen my understanding of the world around me.

Podcasts as a Personal Therapist, Mentor, and Resource

One of the things I love most about podcasts is their versatility. Depending on your needs and interests, you can find a podcast that serves as a personal therapist, mentor, or resource.

If you’re struggling with mental health issues, some podcasts focus on mindfulness, meditation, and self-improvement. If you’re looking for career advice, some podcasts feature interviews with successful professionals in your field.


Whatever your needs and interests, there is a podcast out there that can help you grow and learn.



The Benefits of Listening to Podcasts

Listening to podcasts every day can be empowering. It provides an opportunity to learn valuable insights, receive free coaching, and gain new ideas. It can also be a source of motivation and inspiration. Listening to podcasts in the morning helps to set a positive tone for the day and gives me the confidence to tackle new challenges.

Furthermore, listening to podcasts can be a form of self-care. It allows you to take a break from the stresses of daily life and focus on your personal development. It’s like having a personal therapist, mentor, or life coach that you can access for free whenever you need it.


Learning Unique Topics Directly from Experts

Listening to podcasts has been a game-changer for me when it comes to learning about my favourite topics. I mean, have you ever stumbled upon a podcast about something super niche like AI, relationships, politics, or startups? Because I have, and let me tell you, it’s been a total game-changer for me.

The experts on these shows have taught me so much, and I’ve gained a much deeper understanding of these topics. When it comes to technology and startups especially, listening to these experts’ chat feels like you’re getting insider knowledge worth way more than any book or course could ever offer. They’re not trying to sell you anything or teach you something for a grade; they’re just two people shooting the breeze and sharing their hard-won wisdom. It’s real talk, and it’s precious.

And honestly, some of the best parts of listening to these podcasts are the moments when you hear your favourite experts just chatting and being themselves. It’s like you’re a fly on the wall of their conversation, and you get to learn from their stories and experiences. The lessons I’ve learned from these podcasts have helped me so much in my personal, educational, and social life. I am still determining where I’d be without them!


The Empowering Effects of Daily Podcast Listening

Listening to podcasts every day can be empowering. It provides an opportunity to learn valuable insights, receive free coaching, and gain new ideas. It can also be a source of motivation and inspiration. Listening to podcasts in the morning helps to set a positive tone for the day and gives me the confidence to tackle new challenges.

Furthermore, listening to podcasts can be a form of self-care. It allows you to take a break from the stresses of daily life and focus on your personal development. It’s like having a personal therapist, mentor, or life coach that you can access for free whenever you need it.

Different Types of Podcasts and Their Benefits

there are so many different types of podcasts out there, and each one has its own dope benefits. Like, interview-style podcasts are great for getting inside the heads of experts and hearing about their experiences and insights. 

 Personally, I’m into podcasts where two experts just shoot the breeze on topics I’m already familiar with. But when I’m trying to learn something new, I like the narrative style that takes me on a journey. When it comes to relationship stuff, I’m all about solo experts dishing out the advice or an interview style where they share their experiences and wisdom.

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Image source: Capterra

My Top Podcasts

Here are some of my favourite podcasts that cover a diverse range of topics. If you’re new to the world of podcasts, these shows might be a great starting point:


      • Tabaghe 16When it comes to podcasts, my all-time favorite is Tabaghe 16, hosted by Soheil Alavi. On each episode, he and one of his friends, who are usually tech industry leaders in Iran, meet on zoom or in-person, in Soheil’s 16th floor apartment in Toronto to dive deep into discussions about startups, technology, and daily life habits.

I really enjoy this podcast because Soheil and his guests have such candid and insightful conversations. It’s refreshing to hear experts and thought leaders share their knowledge and experiences in an unfiltered way, and I find their discussions to be engaging and enlightening.

But what really sets Tabaghe 16 apart is the personal touch. The hosts are not afraid to share their own struggles and experiences, making it relatable and inspiring for listeners like me. It’s a podcast that not only entertains but also educates and empowers, making it a must-listen for anyone interested in the tech industry or entrepreneurship. 

Overall, I highly recommend Tabaghe 16 to anyone looking for a podcast combining expert insights and personal anecdotes. So tune in and join Soheil and his friends on the 16th floor for an unforgettable listening experience.

  • Lex Fridman Podcast: 

Tune into this podcast for fascinating conversations on science, technology, history, philosophy, and the nature of intelligence, love, consciousness, and power.

The Joe Rogan Experience logo

 • The Joe Rogan Experience: 

 This podcast covers an eclectic mix of topics, including comedy, pop culture, politics, and philosophy.

 • How I Built This: Join this podcast to hear interviews with successful entrepreneurs and innovators about their journey to success.

• Inner peace: For those interested in self-improvement, psychology, self-consciousness, and personal growth, this solo podcast is definitely worth a listen.


I hope these recommendations inspire you to explore the world of podcasts and find some shows that resonate with you!

Finding the Right Podcasts for You

It might take some time to find the perfect ones for you, but trust me; it’s definitely worth it!

To get started, think about your passions and what you’re curious about. You can also browse “top podcasts” or suggested podcasts from Spotify or Castbox apps or chat with your friends and family for recommendations.

When you’ve found a few podcasts that spark your interest, hit that subscribe button and tune in regularly. And don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try out new podcasts or explore different topics – you might find your new favourite! Remember, the more you listen, the more you’ll discover!


Conclusion: The Endless Possibilities of Podcast Learning

As I reflect on my experience of listening to podcasts during the pandemic, I see it has been a life-changing journey for me. Through the power of podcast learning, I have broadened my horizons and gained a deeper understanding of the world around me.

By listening to various podcasts, I have been able to explore new ideas, perspectives, and insights in a non-biased format, which has expanded my knowledge in ways that I never thought possible. The daily dose of motivation and inspiration from my favourite podcasts has given me the push I need to achieve my goals and has helped me make every single moment of my life productive.

I encourage everyone to give podcasts a try and experience the endless possibilities of podcast learning for themselves. Whether you’re looking to expand your knowledge, gain inspiration, or pass the time, there’s something out there for everyone. So, put on your headphones, hit play, and unlock new horizons with the power of podcast learning. Trust me; it might just change your life!

Peer Review #3

My final peer review is here! For the final one, I had the pleasure of exploring Jolene’s enchanting website:Mama Jo’s Family!

Mama Jo's Website HomePage
Mama Jo's Website HomePage

Introduction and first impression 

 Upon landing on her site, the first thing that caught my attention was the introductory paragraph, which provided a welcoming and family-oriented vibe. Jolene’s website is informative and engaging, with her about page particularly noteworthy. I was drawn to her mention of her First Nation heritage and culture, which reminded me of Suler’s article’s Personal and Cultural Values section on “the online disinhibition effect”. This section emphasizes the impact of our personal and cultural values on our online interactions and how we perceive ourselves, which is an important consideration when navigating online relationships with people from different cultures.

One suggestion for Jolene’s blog is to include a photograph of her family on the homepage and about page. Since Jolene introduces her sons and husband by name and age, it would be beneficial to see and recognize their faces. This would make it easier for her audience to follow their stories and create a more engaging experience.

Jo Mama's About page
Mama Jo's About Page

Audience and SEO

Referring to Campbell’s article “A personal cyberinfrastructure,” Jalone has demonstrated her cyberinfrastructure to her audiences. By exploring her blog content and photos, the target audience for Jolene Auger’s blog mainly consists of caring and compassionate parents in their 30s-50s who lead a busy and family-oriented lifestyle and juggle multiple responsibilities balancing work and family life. I believe Jolene’s sharing of her moments and experiences perfectly resonates with their interests, goals, and needs. 

Although I’m not sure whether Jolene plans to use her blog for marketing and monetizing, I still recommend that she include ways to engage with her audience, such as a contact page, social media sharing buttons, adding her email, or a comment section below her posts if she decides to separate her posts from category pages. This would allow her to connect with her audience and interact with them.

Given that her audience is likely to relate to Jolene’s experiences, they may provide valuable feedback and suggestions for her blog posts and the concerns she has discussed. It would also be helpful for her to incorporate SEO strategies such as embedding videos from YouTube, adding appropriate keywords to her blog posts, and including related hyperlinks to increase credibility and engagement with her content.

As Hollingsworth mentions in “15 Reasons Why Your Business Needs SEO,” good SEO means good user experience, increasing the likelihood that more people will hear Jolene’s message. Implementing these strategies could help Jolene grow her audience and increase engagement with her content.


Jolene’s blog topics are incredibly engaging, and I appreciate that they are pure and relevant to her daily routine. Parents with similar concerns to Jolene’s will also find her blog valuable. Like Basu’s digital gardens, Jolene’s blog truly resonates with her inner voice, which is reflected in her comfortable writing style.

However, her content’s grammatical and punctuation errors could be easily corrected using AI grammar checkers like Grammarly. Overall, Jolene’s blog is an excellent resource that offers her audience a genuine and comforting perspective.

Design decisions 

As Pagé suggested, having a visual hierarchy is one of the critical factors in website design. Using the same font sizes for headings and subheadings may decrease the visual hierarchy. I appreciate the font sizes and typeface choice, which are well-chosen and readable.

In order to meet “The Accessible Publishing Learning Network (APLN)” guidelines for accessibility on her website, I highly recommend incorporating plugins that provide multiple accessibility options for different disabilities, as well as a dark/bright mode feature for improved vision during the day or at night.I am sharing my thoughts on the posts section of the menu bar. When I first clicked on it, I assumed it was a category page, and I thought I would be directed to its specific page by clicking on each process post. However, I later realized that no separate pages were intended for each process post.

To enhance the consistency and accessibility of the content and improve the user experience, I highly recommend creating separate pages for each process post. This will allow each post to be self-contained, organized, and more accessible for readers to navigate. Additionally, as Suzanne and Mickey suggested, adding images and bibliography to each process post would be a great way to improve the overall quality of the content. However, having numerous photos and bibliographies on a category page can be overwhelming and distracting for readers, so creating separate pages is the best option.

I also want to note that the lack of white space on a category page, as highlighted by the Pagé presentation, is another consideration. Creating separate pages for each process post allows her to utilize white space more effectively and create a cleaner, more visually appealing layout for her readers.

Mama Jo's Posts Page
Mama Jo's Posts Page

I suggest applying the same recommendations for the assignments section as well. Additionally, for the mini assignments, I suggest providing short descriptions for some assignments that require extra information to improve user engagement, such as telling a story through media. Finally, I found the photos section lovely and exciting, and I appreciate Jolene’s family’s warm, sweet, and intimate vibe. I hope all the good vibes in the universe protect their energy! Thank you, Jolene, for sharing your moments with us!

Regarding aesthetics and design decisions, I suggest adding more storytelling and organization to the pictures from the audience’s perspective seeking family moments and stories. For example, adding dates under the photos and sorting them based on dates or dividing them into separate content posts, each with a unique story and related images. Another recommendation is to add a date for each post.

I recommend using a transparent logo for the homepage because it appears too large for its purpose and is challenging to recognize as a logo rather than a picture.

I suggest reconsidering the color theme. Pure black (RGB 0) can be hard on the eyes, and it may be beneficial to incorporate color principles discussed in Mauve’s presentation. On the other hand, given the family-oriented and joyful mood of the blog, a dark theme might not be the best decision, especially considering the many pictures with white backgrounds on the website. Additionally, the target audience is likely Gen X, who prefer bright themes over dark themes, which are more prevalent among Gen Z (Web flow, 2019).

I also appreciate the hyperlinks for referring to reading materials in the process posts, making it easier for readers to access the sources. However, I recommend using high-quality images instead of some outsourced images and mentioning the source of the photos due to copyright matters.

Mama Jo's Menu Bar
Mama Jo's Menu Bar

Menu Bar 

The navigation bar is well-organized and easy to navigate. However, I found one aspect of it to be slightly unclear. Instead of using the word “posts,” it would be more helpful to use the term “process post” since it pertains to all posts related to a specific process in WP terminology. It’s worth noting that the navigation bar is solely used for process posts.

Additionally, the peer review section does not currently have any peer reviews available. Therefore, hiding this section might be more effective until content is added temporarily. At this point, it can be made public.

Final words 

I believe Jolene’s blog has much potential to gain popularity among parents and even younger generations like myself. I’m particularly drawn to the sincerity and authenticity of her cyberinfrastructure, which is somewhat rare among people of my age group.

Upon exploring her blog, I found that it offers a unique perspective on topics related to motherhood and parenting. Her writing style is engaging and relatable, making it easy for readers to connect with her and her experiences. However, what sets her blog apart is the genuine and honest approach she takes toward her content.

Overall, her blog has the potential to become a go-to resource for mothers and parents who are seeking inspiration and a sense of community. Her commitment to authenticity and openness is commendable, and I look forward to seeing how her blog evolves and grows.


Webflow. (2019, March 6). Generational marketing: How to use color to appeal to different age groups. Webflow Blog. Retrieved March 26, 2023, from

Hollingsworth, S. (2021, August 9). 15 reasons why your business absolutely needs seo. Search Engine Journal. Retrieved March 26, 2023, from 

Campbell, G. (2009, September). A personal cyberinfrastructure. EDUCAUSE Review, 44(5), 58-59

Basu, T. (2020, September 3). Digital Gardens let you cultivate your own little bit of the internet. MIT Technology Review. Retrieved March 26, 2023, from

Page, M. (2023). Web Design and Type on Screens [PowerPoint Slides]. Department of Publishing, Simon Fraser University.

Website accessibility archives. APLN. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2023, from 

Suler, J. (2004). Psychology of cyberspace – the online disinhibition effect. Retrieved March 27, 2023, from 

Transformation #10-Avoiding Toxic People

My Own Experience: How I Learned to Recognize and Avoid Different Types of Toxic People

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Image source: Unsplash

As I sit down to pen my experience, my mind wanders back to when I realized the power of courage and overcame the guilt of being entangled in toxic relationships. It was a life-changing journey that taught me how to identify and avoid different types of toxic people. Growing up, various personalities surrounded me, and it was difficult to differentiate between good and bad relationships. As a result, my emotional and mental well-being was negatively impacted. It took me a long time to recognize and understand the different types of toxic people and their behaviour. In this post, I will share my personal journey of recognizing and avoiding toxic people. In addition, I will offer tips and tricks that worked for me and recommend books, podcasts, and videos that helped me in my journey of personal growth.


Recognizing Toxic People: Different Types of Toxic Personalities

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Image source:

Navigating through life, I met various individuals with toxic personalities. Toxic people come in all forms – some are overt, while others are more subtle. The different types of toxic characters that I have encountered include:


·      The Manipulator: Manipulative individuals use deception, coercion, or intimidation to control others. They have hidden agendas and will stop at nothing to get what they want.

·      The Victim: Individuals with a victim mentality often blame others for their problems and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They seek sympathy and attention, and their presence can be emotionally draining.


·      The Narcissist: These individuals are self-absorbed, lack empathy, and have a grandiose sense of self-importance. They are attention seekers and will go to any lengths to obtain validation.


Recognizing Toxic Behaviours: Signs to Look Out For


Recognizing toxic behaviours is critical in avoiding toxic people. Constant criticism, manipulation, gaslighting, bullying, and belittling are some behaviours to look out for. Toxic people often exhibit controlling behaviour and try to dominate others. They lack empathy and are self-centred. They blame others for their mistakes and lack accountability.



The Impact of Toxic People on Mental Health


Toxic people can significantly impact an individual’s mental and emotional well-being. Being around toxic people can lead to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. As a result, an individual may experience constant stress, feel drained, and be exhausted. Toxic people can also cause feelings of guilt and self-blame, leading to a loss of self-worth and confidence.



Coping with Toxic People at Work, School, Family, Friends, and in Personal Relationships


Dealing with toxic people can be challenging, especially if they are family members, close friends, or coworkers. However, it is essential to set boundaries and communicate assertively. It is crucial to understand that you cannot change a toxic person, and it is not your responsibility to fix them. Avoid engaging in their toxic behaviour and practice self-care. Seeking support from a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional is also crucial.


My journey to Finding Courage and Overcoming Guilt


During my transformation journey to becoming Roj, I used to feel guilty in front of toxic people. However, I eventually realized that I was not responsible for their behaviour and could not change them. I found courage and strength in setting boundaries and removing myself from toxic situations. I learned to prioritize my mental and emotional well-being and started engaging in self-care practices.



Experimented Tips and Tricks to Avoid Toxic People


Here are some tips and tricks that I experimented with to avoid toxic people:


  • Identify toxic people and their behaviours and avoid engaging with them.
  • Surround yourself with positive people who uplift and support you.
  • Practice self-care and engage in activities that bring you joy.
  • Set boundaries and communicate assertively.
  • Offer compassion, but don’t try to fix them.
  • Remember, you aren’t at fault.
  • Don’t expect change!
  • Understand the cycle!

Recommended Videos, Books, and Podcasts That Have Helped Me on My Journey: 

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click for more info
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click for more info


Eliminating Toxic People from Your Life: When It’s Necessary

While trying to avoid toxic people is essential, sometimes it’s necessary to eliminate them from your life entirely. This can be a difficult decision, but it’s essential to prioritize your well-being. For example, if the person is causing you more harm than good, it may be time to say goodbye.


Living a Happy Life Without Toxic People: Conclusion


Toxic people can have a profound impact on your mental health and well-being. It’s crucial to recognize toxic behaviours and set boundaries to protect yourself. Remember that your mental health should always come first. Don’t be afraid to eliminate toxic people from your life if necessary. By surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people, practicing self-care, and trusting your instincts, you can live a happy, healthy life free from toxic people. Ultimately, the only way to win with toxic people is not to play.


Smith, J. (2022, March 15). The Mental Health Effects of Toxic People. Wanderdolls.

Saint Twenty. (2022, June 20). Types of Toxic People to Ditch. Retrieved from

Process Post #9

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Photo Credit: Unsplash

Hello everyone! This week I’ve been busy trying to improve my website by analyzing its performance and figuring out new ideas that could help make it even better. 

In this lecture, I was fortunate enough to attend a talk given by Trevor Battye from Clevers Media, who shared his insights on monetization and ways to make money from your audience. He stressed that it’s important to identify the needs of your audience and to be unique in your niche when starting a business. One key takeaway for me was that your first business might not be the most profitable one, but it’s a valuable learning experience that can set you up for success in future endeavours.


Trevor also mentioned that starting a business when you’re young can be advantageous because you tend to be more determined and willing to take risks, and people are more compassionate and are generally more forgiving of mistakes. I found this encouraging, as I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist, and that’s held me back from starting my own business or even just creating my own public social media pag e. But As a  part of Rojan’s Road to Roj transformation journey, I recently shifted my mindset and focused on continuous improvement.


One thing that really resonated with me was Trevor’s experiences with selling candles. As someone who wants to get a publishing minor, I’m eager to learn more about these kinds of experiences in this field by taking the PUB 456. Overall, it was an inspiring and informative talk that left me feeling motivated to keep pushing forward with my own projects.

As a content creator for my blog, I’ve become increasingly aware of the digital breadcrumbs I leave behind daily, from checking the weather on my phone in the morning to using my contactless card to buy coffee, various apps and technologies record and track every action I take.

But what does this mean for my readers and me? Who has access to this information, and how can it be used? These are essential questions to consider as we navigate the world of big data.

According to Dr. Elisa Oreglia, a lecturer in Global Digital Cultures, a digital trail is a trace that we leave behind through technology. This can include our location information, app usage, and internet searches.


Digital Footprint
Photo Credit: Unsplash

But where does all this information go? Dr. Oreglia in “Digital breadcrumbs” explains that it’s stored in various places, from our mobile phone network to GPS satellites and data centers scattered worldwide. And while there are laws and processes in place to protect our digital privacy, it’s essential to be aware of what data we’re sharing and who we’re sharing it with. For example, when I search for my name on Google, I still see some very old profile pictures. Although I don’t want them to be public anymore, I cannot delete them because I can no longer access those accounts. 


I believe I am responsible for informing my readers about the digital breadcrumbs they may be leaving behind, especially in this digital age where companies like Amazon are trying their best to make every action digital and collect every single piece of data from users.


 Also, Suzanne Norman’s experience in “Trying not to drop breadcrumbs in Amazon’s store” when visiting Amazon’s first physical store was mind-provoking, as she could not purchase a physical book with cash, which is scary for me as a reader as well. By sharing this information, we can all become more mindful of our digital footprint and take steps to protect our privacy online. So, the next time you check your phone or purchase with your card, remember that your actions leave a trail of data behind you. Stay informed and stay mindful.


Besides, this week I made some changes to my design website based on the peer reviews I have received. I was glad that both of my peers were engaged with the overall design decisions, the flow of my content, and the consistency of my website for my audience. Both mentioned that my logo might not represent the intention behind my overall blog content and the other homepage elements. At that time, I had not yet posted my content about the transformative miracle of meditation and yoga on my journey and the following posts on topics such as my “ACL surgery” and “bypassing materialism“, which these practices have had a huge impact on my life, bringing me a new sense of balance and helping me to form this new perspective.


On this blog, by sharing the stories of each step of my transformation journey, I want to show the balance I have gradually gained through all these stages, wether in physical, mental or social stage. Thus, the Lotus pose is a powerful symbol of the balance between mind, body, and spirit (Luthra, 2021) and this is the reason I chose it as my logo 😉


Also, to make my header image more balanced with the overall homepage aesthetics, I updated the images of the featured homepage slider. I made it consistent with my header image. As Cass mentioned in her peer review # 2 I also added more pictures to my content posts and process posts to make them more engaging. I also shortened my paragraphs, as Ashley mentioned in her peer review #1, while reducing the white space in each post. I am grateful for the constructive peer reviews I have received so far.


Affeldt, C. (2023, March 9). Peer Review Number Two. Completely Cass.

Chia, A. (2023, February 7). Peer Review #1: Exploring Rojan’s Road to Roj. Two AM Thoughts.

Luthra, A. (2021, October 30). Padmasana Benefits. Be Body Wise.

Norman, S. (2016, March 7). Trying not to drop breadcrumbs in Amazon’s store. Publishing | Graduate and Undergraduate Studies – Simon Fraser University. Retrieved March 25, 2023, from

Pod Academy. (2015, September 28). Digital Breadcrumbs: Our Data Trail.

Transformation #9

From Materialism to Mindfulness: My Transformation Journey towards Paying for Experience 

This leg of my journey towards transformation is particularly special to me because of the revolutionary changes it has brought deep within me. It’s the culmination of all the past steps that I have taken to get here, and that’s why I hold this stage of my journey in high regard. It has helped shape me into a better version of myself. In my younger days, I was notorious for spending all my earnings on expensive brands and fashion labels. I was a shopaholic, believing that material possessions would bring me contentment and happiness. But as I progressed on my transformation journey, I realized that investing in materialism no longer gave me the satisfaction I sought. I wanted to explore new experiences and invest my money in creating memorable moments. While I still indulge in branded products, I’m way more mindful of my choices now. My focus is on creating experiences and memories that are worth cherishing!


Changing Mindset from Materialism to Mindfulness

My journey towards paying for experience started with a simple shift in my mindset. I began questioning the value of material possessions and their effect on my life. I realized that the pursuit of materialism only left me feeling empty and unfulfilled, and I wanted something more meaningful.

I started reading books and articles about minimalism, mindfulness, and the benefits of investing in experiences. I learned that adventures bring us more happiness than material possessions, creating lasting memories we can cherish forever.


The Negative Effects of Materialism on Our Lives

Materialism can negatively affect our lives, including financial stress, social pressure, and environmental damage. Moreover, when focusing on material possessions, we often overlook the value of experiences and relationships, leading to a shallow and unfulfilling life.

Moreover, chasing the latest trends and designer labels can be expensive, leaving us in financial instability. We also contribute to environmental damage by supporting fast fashion and other unsustainable industries.


The Benefits of Investing in Experiences

Investing in experiences, on the other hand, can bring us many benefits, including personal growth, connection with others, and a sense of fulfillment. In addition, experiences create lasting memories that we can cherish for a lifetime and help us grow and learn new things.

Moreover, experiences can be shared with others, creating deep and meaningful connections that enrich our lives. Whether it’s a weekend getaway with friends or a solo adventure to a new country, experiences bring us closer to others and ourselves.


Solo Travel: A Life-Changing Experience

One of the most life-changing experiences I mentioned in detail in my content post #4 was travelling solo to Qeshm Island. It was a scary thought at first, but I knew deep down that I needed to step out of my comfort zone and explore the world on my terms.

Travelling solo allowed me to discover new cultures, meet new people, and learn more about myself. It taught me to be independent, adaptable, and open-minded, creating lasting memories I will cherish forever.


Discovering Yoga and Meditation: A New Way of Living

In my journey towards paying for experiences instead of material things, I found that practicing yoga and meditation-as I have discussed earlier in my last content post-was, was a key factor in my mindset transformation. Instead of constantly seeking material possessions, I learned to appreciate the present moment and focus on my well-being. Yoga and meditation allowed me to slow down, be more mindful, and connect with myself deeper. As a result, I could find greater fulfillment and satisfaction by prioritizing experiences that enriched my life rather than accumulating more possessions. This shift towards mindfulness and a more minimalist lifestyle have transformed how I live and see the world around me.



Balancing Materialism and Mindfulness: Tips for a Conscious Lifestyle


Living a conscious lifestyle means finding a balance between materialism and mindfulness. It’s about investing in experiences that bring us joy and fulfillment while being mindful of our environmental and societal impact.

Some tips that have helped me in my journey toward paying for experience are:

  • Practicing gratitude: Expressing gratitude for what we have can help us shift our focus from material possessions to experiences and relationships.
  • Setting priorities: Prioritizing experiences that align with our values and goals can help us invest our money wisely and create meaningful memories.
  • Supporting sustainable and local brands: Choosing to support brands that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices can help us minimize our impact on the environment and society. For instance, nowadays, I invest much of my money in Iranian designers’ beautiful and unique designs instead of investing in the worthless fast fashion industry.
  • Being present: Being present in the moment can help us appreciate the beauty of the experience and create lasting memories.

Creating Meaningful Memories: How to Invest in Experiences


Experiences are a great way to create meaningful memories that last a lifetime. Investing in experiences can also help us connect with ourselves and the world. Here are some tips for investing in experiences:

Invest in yourself: Investing in activities that promote self-discovery, such as sports, yoga, or art classes, can help us connect with ourselves and create a deeper understanding of who we are.

Engage with nature: Connecting with nature can be a powerful experience that helps us appreciate the beauty of the natural world and our place within it.

Exploring new destinations: Exploring new places and cultures can help us appreciate the beauty of life, broaden our horizons, and create meaningful memories.

Trying new foods: Exploring new cuisines and local dishes can be a fun and delicious way to invest in experiences, especially in lovely Vancity!, with its diverse culinary scene, offering plenty of unique words gathered from all around.

Embracing a Mindful Lifestyle


In conclusion, my transformation journey towards paying for experience has been a life-changing experience. It taught me the value of investing in ventures and helped me balance materialism and mindfulness.

Living a conscious lifestyle means being mindful of our impact on the environment and society while investing in experiences that bring us joy and fulfillment. It’s about creating meaningful memories and cherishing the present moment.

I encourage everyone to embrace a mindful lifestyle and invest in experiences that bring joy and fulfillment. Whether travelling solo, practicing yoga and meditation, or trying a new hobby, investing in ventures can bring us closer to ourselves and others, creating lasting memories we will cherish forever. So GIVE IT A TRY!!!!!!