Tag Archives: Westham Island

The George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary is for the birds!

Westham Island, Delta

Greeted by a swarm of hungry ducks

Make an online reservation before heading out to this beautiful bird sanctuary. It’s a wonderful place to visit if you need to get away from it all and immerse yourself in nature. The trails are easy to walk and you’ll always have the company of a duck or two.

duck walking on a tree covered pathway

The Sanctuary consists of a mix of 300 hectares of ponds, treed pathways, marshes, and channels. There have been over 300 species of birds recorded there. You are allowed to feed the ducks and chickadees. They also sell the seeds for two dollars a bag at the front counter.

red-winged black bird feeding on seeds from a hand
Anna's hummingbird drinking at a hummingbird feeder