Peer Review 1 – Spinning Stufful

Spinning Stufful is an adventure log that stores the adventures Becca goes on as she transits to other places while spinning poke stops and catching Pokemon.

A really simple design with just three colors—white, yellow, and grey—welcomes me as soon as I approach the website. I am immediately drawn to the yellow text that directs me to what Becca’s blog is about and what content her blog features. As someone who is not too familiar with Pokemon, I would love to see some colours that correlate to Becca’s adventures or related to Pokemon to link the game to her blog. However, I appreciate Becca’s current theme since it draws my attention to the first thing I would want my reader to read, which is what the site is about.

Spinning Stufful Homepage

Exploring Spining Stufful gives me a sense of who Becca is. However, because her blog is still in its early phases, it is not fully developed. I’d like to learn more about her adventures and get a feel of who Becca is, as well as her relationship with Pokemon, as I’m sure her love for this game stemmed from a certain moment in her life.

As well as, Becca can do some very creative things with her blog and generate a community of Pokemon players to relate to her adventures and she begins to do so by inviting her readers to become friends with her on Pokemon Go.

Spinnning Stufful’s Pokemon Invitation

I love the intention of this but I do find that this method is inconvient to the reader because they essentially need to go out of their way to message and wait for a reponse. This method can lose potential readers who would like an additional friend on Pokemon Go. I think a way to help attract more readers to befriend Becca on Pokemon Go is inserting a QR code or inserting an image of Becca’s trainer code.

In conclusion, Spinning Stufful is off to a great start and I believe that Becca can have so much fun with her blog in some really cool and unique ways. I’m excited to see how Becca level’s up Spinning Stuffuls.