Author Archives: Carissa

It’s A Not Goodbye, It’s A See You Later :)

The Power of Painting had a very funny start. I have told this story in previous posts but essentially, I only became interested in painting because of the COVID-19 quarantine. At around April, I would take my daily walks around my neighbourhood and sometimes I would end up at the dollar store. I grabbed a couple of paints and supplies, and the rest is history. With all of this in mind, when I began this class, I wasn’t too sure what I would make a blog on. At first, I considered a restaurant blog but that seemed generic and hard to do during COVID. But then I remembered my paintings and I thought a blog would be the perfect place to not only show my audience but also a place where I could document the work I have done and also share ideas and tips. This blog acts as a platform for me to be myself and write what I am thinking, which is apparently normal as “some people do report being more like their true self in cyberspace” (Suler, 2004). I like to think of it as my creative space and an online art gallery for myself. 

During my editorial and writing process, the audience that I had in mind was just like me. This is because “the con­tent should speak to the few peo­ple who can iden­ti­fy with this per­son­al­i­ty because this is the only audi­ence that mat­ters”which means that my content should reflect my own personality (Gertz, 2015). This includes regular people who aren’t expert artists, have little to no drawing/painting experience and are just looking to do something for fun when they have time. I think this is one of the reasons why I write the way I do. I specifically add steps and include points that may be simple to artists but are things that never would cross the mind of a beginner. I also took a very friendly and casual tone when writing my posts. I never wanted to be too serious with my audience and I wanted to make it seem like I was having a one-on-one conversation with the person reading. By doing this, it made the flow of the posts to be more natural and also easier to read.

In terms of the paintings I have made, they were all chosen by me and are designs that I really enjoyed. Therefore, the look and aesthetic of the paintings may be geared towards a younger audience but in all honesty, it can really be for anyone. The same can be said when I was choosing my theme and designing the blog. I already had a bit of an idea in my head and decided to do what I know I would love. Since I am a very minimalist person who enjoys very simple and easy to navigate things, that was what I wanted to see on this website. I chose a theme and template called “New blog WordPress theme” because it looked clean and had a nice menu bar at the top. 

With this audience in my head, I am glad I used Google Analytics and WordPress analytics to actually figure out who the people visiting my blog were. Having these tools was “like hav­ing an all-see­ing eye gaz­ing direct­ly into the hearts and minds of our audi­ence” which is really helpful as a publisher who wants to increase engagement on their platforms (Gertz, 2015). As I figured, my demographics were what I anticipated. In terms of age, it ranged between individuals aged 18-34. This makes sense because that’s who my target was, and I know a lot of my friends who followed my blog journey fall between these ages. For gender, I predominantly attract females which also makes sense because of the girly aesthetic of my website and also the more feminine paintings that I choose to replicate. 

Regarding value, I hope that I am giving helpful advice, tips and tricks to beginners just like myself. As mentioned before, I am no expert and what I am writing about comes from other artists that I have learned from. Also, I have no plans on monetizing this website because my intentions were never to make a profit or generate really anything from doing this blog. It’s just a creative and space for me to use to talk about my newfound hobby and also for other people to learn and get inspiration for their future endeavours.  

In the beginning, “The Publication of Self in Everyday Life” didn’t exactly make sense to me. I was reluctant to take this class, but this experience has really changed my perspective of publication in general and I would highly recommend this class to anyone thinking of building an online presence. With all of this being said, the end of this semester is approaching, and all of my assignments are wrapping up. This was a difficult semester (and year) for all of us but I am very proud of what I accomplished this term. Under the circumstances, I managed to create a blog that I grew to love and become passionate about. Although sometimes tedious, documenting my progress through my process posts really showed how much my thinking and thought process grew over the past couple of months. This website was really my own personal digital garden because I “frequently adjust[ed] and change[d] [ my website] to show [my] growth and learning” (Basu, 2020).

In terms of the Power of Painting, I would love to continue it. A passion that I gained over quarantine at the beginning of the year now holds such a big influence in my life. It has made me so happy to paint or come up with ideas each week and be able to share them with my audience. Even if the people reading my content were just my friends and classmates, it was still so exciting to see my analytics go up and it proved to me that I could continue this in the future. Obviously, I do say this now as my optimistic self, but I know that life gets busy and a lot of what I love gets pushed to the side. That is why my goal will be to try to continue this blog to the best of my ability. I think it is important to prioritize things that make me happy and this definitely does!


Gertz, T. (2015, July 10). How to Survive the Digital Apocalypse. Louder Than Ten.

Basu, T. (2020, September 3). Digital gardens let you cultivate your own little bit of the internet | MIT Technology Review

Suler, J. (2004, June 1). Psychology of Cyberspace—The Online Disinhibition Effect

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1 Colour and 1 Brush: How to line paint

Hi Everyone! Today I will be teaching you guys about line paintings 🙂

Line paintings are the best if you love something minimalistic or want to create something simple. These types of paintings are definitely a fan favourite when my friends ask me to paint them something and I love painting it for them.

Although I want to say that line paintings are easy, they do take some time to paint because you need to get your hand super steady and make sure your lines are even in thickness. But in the end, it is all worth it, trust me and trust the process!

Supplies Needed

  • A canvas of your choice
  • A thin paintbrush for crisp lines
  • White Paint (or whatever colour your canvas is or will be)
  • Black paint (or whatever paint colour you would like your line to be)
  • Water Cup with water inside
  • Paper Towel
  • Optional: Picture from online you want to draw

If you aren’t too comfortable with drawing or want to take inspiration from elsewhere, you can trace a picture onto your canvas. Check out a blog post I wrote on how to do this here.

With that being said, a pencil sketch isn’t necessary. If you are confident with your stroke or want to let the paint brush take control, go for it! But if you do mistakes, don’t worry. You can simply cover up any mistakes with a swipe of white paint or whatever colour your canvas is.

Heres an example of one that I painted for a friend of mine.

If you are interested in more of my paintings, check out my gallery!

Thats all for today, I hope you enjoyed!

<3 Carissa

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Process Post #10- Reviewing My Final Peer Review

As things are slowly ending for this class, I received my final peer review from Marylou Villegas. Marylou wrote me a really awesome peer review here and I can’t thank her enough for the kind words.

Her peer review revolved around the topic of audience and monetization for the Power of Painting and she had some very interesting insights and thoughts about our future.

To begin, her first paragraph made me so happy to read! She completely understood the vibe I was trying to go for in terms of theme and colours. She also really nailed my intended demographic and I appreciate her taking the time to analyze my site.

First paragraph of Marylou’s Peer Review

In terms of monetization, she touched on some points on monetization that I found really interesting. She mentioned that I have an opportunity to monetize through my paintings and gain revenue. While I love this idea and hope that there is people out there who would buy my art, I don’t think that this is something that I would like to pursue.

As mentioned previously, this website is just a personal gallery and blog for my friends, family and I. Personally, I like to share my experiences and post about the paintings that I have and hope that other people get inspired by my work.

Overall, I am glad that Marylou loved my site! She noticed the progress that I have made since the beginning of quarantine and that makes me so happy! I loved her site as well and I wrote her a peer review here, check it out!

Until next time 🙂

<3 Carissa

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Process Post #11- The Truth About How It Is All Going

Hi everyone! Today on this process post, I am going to be super honest about everything going on, how I am feeling and just the struggle life has been through these hard times.

Our guest lecture Andrew touched on this topic and really sparked something in me. Everyone in the lecture was also sharing their stories of how this semester was going for them and it was nice to hear that we were all in the same boat.

School on its own is exhausting and every semester we all go through the same thing. The cycle of papers, assignments, tests over and over again for 3 months straight is tiring and mentally straining. But there are some pros. Going to campus to see your friends, going to school events, talking with your classmates and much much more.

But with the times we are in, this isn’t possible. Instead of your commute from the bus stop to your classroom, it’s from your bed to your desk. Your classmates are your roommates, your parents or no one. Your friends are through a screen and spontaneous meetups are no longer a thing. All of this on top of regular school life is mentally challenging me and as far as I know, all of my classmates.

Zoom Fatigue is real. My eyes are sore from staring at a screen all day during my classes and all night when I am doing my homework. My back is sore from sitting down all day, with short walks between my kitchen and my room every now and then. This is tough both mentally and physically and a lot of people are going through it.

It’s nice that professors and TAs are very understanding of what is going on. I can tell everyone is trying their best and we are all working to the best of our ability. Students aren’t the only ones who are suffering so we shouldn’t forget the teachers.

To sum up this rant I will leave you with this: I am tired, I am unmotivated, and I really want this pandemic to be over with. I miss my friends, I miss regular life but I know that won’t be back to normal unless we all do our part. SO PLEASE, do your part and stay safe 🙂 We will all get through this together.

Until next time!

<3 Carissa

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Process Post #9- Finding Out Who You Guys Are!

Hello! Today on this process post, I will be finally looking at the analytics for the Power of Painting!

Currently, I am using Google Analytics and Monster Insights, a plugin on WordPress. Google Analytics is a very in-depth look at my audience while the Monster Insights that I am using is only a free version, therefore limiting me from all of its features. But ultimately, both of these tools are super helpful and interesting to use because now I get to see what you guys are like!

After a quick glance at both tools, Monster Insights shows me the same thing as Google Analytics, just with less detail. Therefore, I will just be focusing on Google Analytics, more specifically the general overview, the city and the browser of my audience.

General Overview

This area was the most fascinating to me. I got a chance to see how many users come to my site over this semester and see how many sessions I have had in total. While to most these numbers seem very small, I am actually quite excited to see this amount of people! I did’t even think more than 10 people have seen my site but 56! Wow thats really a huge accomplishment to me.


This is kind of creepy but I know what cit you guys are in! That’s a pretty cool insight to have and interesting to see people from all over the province. A little weird to see a few people out of the country, and I know that these are most likely bots, but hey, maybe I have some fans in Russia, the US and Finland. It makes sense the Burnaby is the highest as that’s where I live and where all of my friends do as well.


This insight gives information on what sort of browser my audience uses. I personally use Safari to create my website but it was cool to see what others are using. Between my friends, it’s a pretty even split of what they use but I have never heard of Android Runtime or Samsung internet (maybe these are the people from Russia or Finland).

I hope these were as interesting for you guys as it was for me. I think it’s really good for me to be transparent with you guys so I am glad you got to see more of an insight into the backend of the Power of Painting.

Thats all for today, see you guys soon!

<3 Carissa

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Peer Review #3- Marylou Villegas

For my final peer review, I will be reviewing a blog by Marylou Villegas. On her About page, Marylou describes herself as “a singer-songwriter, a YouTube content creator and a full-time student”. When I read this, I was so impressed, I barely have time being a full-time student!

At first glance, her blog looks to be about her singing and music career. This was really interesting to me because I had not seen a blog like this before and was quite different than the other two blogs I previously peer-reviewed.

I first chose to watch a bunch of her covers, she has a really beautiful voice! You can really tell she is passionate about music and that she has a lot of experience. Clearly, her music and channel are well-loved by her audience, she has over 180k subscribers on her YouTube channel!

In general, I think Marylou’s audience comes for her amazing covers and updates about her music. She has a really great following on other platforms and hopefully, that transfers over to her blog!


I think Marylou’s blog is a great place to market herself and push her brand. For starters, she mentions that she has multiple channels like YouTube, Instagram and Spotify. I noticed them all linked at the bottom of her about page, but I think that they could be more prominent on the home page or have their own tab! This way, her blog can act as a home base for everything Marylou and if some people didn’t know she had a Spotify or YouTube channel, they could find it all in one convenient place.

Speaking of her YouTube channel, while I was watching one of her covers, I got an advertisement right before. This is really interesting to me because she is already monetizing on this platform, which makes sense because the video I clicked on had 3.8 million views!!

Advertisement on Marylou’s most viewed video!

One of my suggestions would be that when she include outside links, she could choose the option to open that link in another tab, that way her audience can easily come back to her site. It’s a super small thing, but I personally find it a little annoying when I am on a site and when I click a link it leaves that site and if I keep clicking, I eventually lose the original site I was on.

In her future, I definitely see merchandise as a way for her to get some income from this blog and her other channels. This could be in the form of clothing and accessories or Vinyl/CDs that she would want to sell. I think that would be really cool to have and this could easily be included in a store tab or sidebar. This way of making money reminds me of some really big artists and Trevor Battye‘s friend who took his prints and paintings and made them into pillows.

While there is no shame in using her platform as a source for revenue by using advertisements for things other than herself, I personally don’t think they fit on this page. If you go on any authentic artists’ websites, you never see any pop-up ads or ads on the side-bar that do not have to do with the artist themselves. Because of this, the audience can tell that the artist is not just in this for the money but for the passion.


Overall, I think Marylou’s blog is a great place to market herself and bring together all of the different platforms she is on. I am really excited to see what she has in store for her in the future and I will definitely be following along with her journey!

Go check her blog out here!

Bye for now 🙂

<3 Carissa

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Baking Powder + Paint + Glass = Ceramic Art?

When I first saw a TikTok video from @genevavanderzeil about her creating beautiful ceramic pieces with only 3 main supplies, I was truly shocked. It looked so authentic and really looked like real ceramic. I had to try it for myself and I am so glad I did.

Supplies Needed

  • Glass container
  • Paint
  • Baking Powder
  • Paintbrush

Step 1

Begin by mixing your paint and baking powder. I personally eyeballed it depending on the size of the glass container that you were painting.

In terms of containers, try whatever you like! Be unique and find some funky shapes to paint. If you are looking for some really cool figures, look through thrift stores like Value Village.

Step 2

Use straight strokes up and down the container while trying not to layer on top of each other just yet. Once you fully cover the container, let it fully dry before attempting another coat. This way the paint will look smooth and even all over.

Add as many coats as you need in order for it to be opaque!

Step 3

You are done! It’s that simple. Display these pieces wherever you like, I personally have them on my dresser because they fit the theme of my room.

Hope you guys enjoyed and I hope you get a chance to try this out! Until next time 🙂

<3 Carissa

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Remix Something


For this assignment, I was trying to think what I could remix. For some reason, I instantly thought of remixing a song, but that doesn’t really make sense for my blog and/or is really out of my abilities.

So I decided to remix a painting I found on Pinterest.

I decided to paint the exact same painting, just in cooler colours.

Thats all for this assignment! Let me know what you think 🙂

<3 Carissa

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