Author Archives: A Lazy Girl's Guide to Self Care

self care while seeing other people

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dating sucks. If the date goes well, it can be exciting, if it goes bad, you start to reassess everything in your life. In order to keep your head on straight I have a few suggestions.

Know what you want: Know what you are looking for before you start this adventure, be truthful with yourself about what you need, want and can maintain in terms of a relationship at this time in your life. Also if you don’t know what you want thats okay too, don’t try to force yourself into one category

Date yourself too: Make sure you are spending the same amount of time with yourself, if not more. Sure other people are cool, and as cliche as it sounds you should really know yourself before you can know someone else

R-E-J-E-C-T-I-O-N: Ahh the worst part of dating, finally finding someone who you like, ticks a few of the boxes and then nothing. It will happen. The key to dealing with this is all in how you react. The thing with rejection is that it can make you feel like you are less than all the amazing things that you are. My suggestion is to put on some Lizzo, go back to the previous two steps and then move on to bigger and better things.

Manage Expectations: This is a big one, especially for me. Be realistic about what’s going on in the present, stop looking into things so much, stop planning for the future. It’s easy to get sweet up in a moment and also compare every date and every person to what came before. Stay focused, what’s in the past in there for a reason. Embrace the new for good or the bad, and don’t get too wrapped up in it all (remember step 2).

half milk and sugar

Peer Review #3

Half milk and sugar invites its readers to “come take a sip” at their “online virtual cafe” and provides a one stop access to readers giving them a insiders scoop on local Vancouver Cafes.

Design: The simplicity of half milk and sugar pairs well with the blogs content. Each post is held in a square on the home page making it easy to navigate and select the post that you are most interested in. The squares also keep all the blogs content neatly organized and presentable on the home page. The minimalist design on half milk and sugar makes it appealing to all audiences and is comparable to many other food blogs.

Content: half milk and sugar’s café reviews give the reader a front row seat to cafes in the Vancouver area. Not only is the bubble tea in review but the post also discusses the interior of the café, the way it is described the reader knows exactly what to expect the moment they walk in the door, the image of the interior helps with the visual as well.

Then for the item review there is a lot of detail and attention placed into the review. I am an occasional bubble tea consumer but from the reviews on half milk and sugar I can tell that the writer really knows what they are talking about, discussing texture, flavour and the look of the item they are reviewing. I also appreciate that the price is mentioned in each review. Eating out and trying new places can be expensive, by mentioning the price of the item the audience shifts from those who are able to spend a lot of money to include those who are maybe on a budget but still want to explore.

Overall half milk and sugar appeals to like minded individuals who are eager to try new cafes, desserts and experiences. The clean design makes it easy for anyone within that demographic to access and find content, making half milk and sugar a perfect site to visit when planning your next cafe adventure.

Navigating the November Blues

I think we can all agree November is the worst. All the fun fall festivities have ended, the pretty leaves have fallen and coated the side walk with some sort of mush. The cold weather is setting in, it’s dark, it’s foggy. It’s still too early to go full on Christmas mode so we are all stuck waiting. But we aren’t really waiting because the stress of school, or work, or life has set in and all of a sudden you have a million things on your to-do list this month. I’m honestly just trying to make it winter break… and this is how I’m gonna do it:

Spend time outside: I know I just complained about the weather but its not always awful, my advice is check the weather and plan outdoor activities when its sunny. My favourite outdoor November activity is hiking, but even if you don’t want to hike just make sure to get out and get some fresh air everyday or else its going to be a very long month trapped inside

Friends!: It’s pretty easy to become a recluse in November, everyone is busy, swamped with a million and one things. But it doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. Make sure to schedule time to recharge with loved ones, invite them to hike! or to study or to even run errands with you. Everyones is feeling the same pressure this month so make sure to spread the love

Christmas?: So the beginning of November is too early for Christmas in my opinion but the end of November… well thats another story. If the only thing that is gonna get you through this month is the Christmas lights at the end of the tunnel who am I to stop you. I know that at that half-way mark of November my Christmas tree will be going up, I really need that extra joy to make it to finals not to mention the extra sugar of starting in on the Christmas treats. I highly recommend starting your celebration a little early, just don’t go overboard, you still have alot of work to do this November.

Spoooooky Self Care

Halloween is just around the corner and so is the start of a new month. Honestly the scariest thing that someone could tell me is that they are going to start the new month off with the same old thoughts. Take this Halloween as a fresh start, let go of the things that you have been holding on to this month and start again.

Process Post – October 22

“I may suggest making the font size of the text in the menu and side-bar slightly bigger”

After reading Moods & Mixtapes review of my design choices, I decided to implement some changes, Small but important changes. I increased the size of the font on the side-bar, I love this suggestion. Everything seems clearer, easy to read, easier to access