Monthly Archives: April 2023

Process Post #13

One of the most important classes I ever took was “Introduction to Publication,” as it has been quite helpful to me thus far in my early academic career. I’m happy to say that this course was a success for me and that I learned a lot from it.

I can without a doubt say that the course has helped me grasp the numerous facets of academic publication better. I’ve learned a lot that will help you publish your research in the future, from understanding peer review to knowing about the various forms of publishing. Doing peer reviews for other people’s publication websites is, in my opinion, a fantastic method to encourage cooperation, education, and development within a community of authors and editors. Peer evaluations provide people the chance to get helpful criticism on their work, which can help them get better at writing and hone their concepts. Peer reviews can also encourage an environment where writers and editors can share thoughts and viewpoints in order to produce the greatest publication possible. Peer reviews can ultimately result in content that is of a higher caliber and foster a greater feeling of community among those participating in the publication process.

The training has given me practical skills that are necessary for effective academic publishing, which is one of its biggest advantages. For instance, I’ve learnt how to craft convincing posts for my submission, which might be crucial when I’m attempting to motivate those around me. Additionally, I’ve learnt how to properly convey my research findings, which is essential for producing influential articles that other people read and quote. I believe that publishing has taught me a tremendously valuable skill that I can apply to a variety of my passions: how to write effectively and perform great research. By developing these abilities, I may produce articles that interest readers, instruct them, and persuade them to act or change their viewpoints. Persuasive writing and thorough research are crucial skills that help me effectively convey my views and accomplish my goals, whether I’m fighting for social justice causes or creating captivating stories. Finally, because of how adaptable and transferable they are, these abilities are a great advantage for anyone aiming to make a difference in their personal or professional endeavors.

The fact that the course has given me access to a professional network in your industry is another crucial component of it. By interacting with my peers and teachers, I have gathered useful information about the publishing process and discovered fresh possibilities for disseminating your findings. For students who are just beginning their research careers, this can be quite helpful because it can lead to new opportunities and collaborations. I think that the “Introduction to Publication” course is crucial for me as a university student overall. Other students may find it helpful to use the knowledge and abilities I acquired in the course to assist them negotiate the complicated world of academic publishing and improve their chances of publishing significant research that is read and cited by others.

Process Post #12

I believe that community guidelines are essential for any website, but they’re even more crucial for one that sells trading cards. These guidelines are meant to encourage civil and beneficial discourse while also creating a welcoming and safe space for users. In this implementation plan, I’ll mention a few community guidelines that I believe are appropriate for a website devoted to trading cards and explain why I’ve chosen them.

First, I would create a rule mandating that users treat one another with respect and kindness. This would entail refraining from any kind of bullying, harassment, or hate speech. We wish to foster a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued and at home on our trading card website. We can encourage users to participate in meaningful conversations and share their views and experiences without worrying about being mocked or judged by others by encouraging respectful dialogue. Any publication website must include rules requiring users to treat others with respect and kindness. Online interactions can occasionally result in negativity and even harassment, which can turn away readers and harm the website’s reputation. You can make sure that visitors to your website feel secure and welcome by establishing clear rules that encourage a pleasant and inclusive environment. In addition to fostering a sense of community and inspiring reader interaction, this can increase reader engagement and grow a devoted following. It can also help to create the tone for the publication as a whole by defining rules that demand users to treat others with respect and kindness, ensuring that the content is presented in a courteous and professional manner.

Second, while being open to learning from others, I would advise people to share their knowledge and experience about trading cards. To do this, a policy that encourages people to share their own knowledge and experiences as well as to ask questions and seek help from others would need to be developed. Our mission as a trading card website is to build a community of knowledgeable, enthusiastic collectors who can share their love of trading cards and learn from one another. We can build a friendly and cooperative society by encouraging a culture of learning and sharing. A publication website can benefit much from encouraging users to share their knowledge and experience regarding trading cards while also being open to learning from others. The topic of trading cards can be intricate and deep, and readers frequently have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. You may create a feeling of community and promote participation on the website by inviting readers to offer their knowledge and experience. Furthermore, by being open to learning from others, you can make sure that the information on the website is correct and instructive, which can support the development of credibility and reader confidence. Additionally, providing a forum for readers to contribute their knowledge and gain from that of others can draw in new users who are searching for a place to discuss topics with subject matter experts and pick their brains.

Thirdly, I would create a rule that prohibits users from contributing spam or unrelated material. This might include advertisements or links that have nothing to do with playing cards. We can make sure that the website remains pertinent to and helpful to visitors by maintaining the focus on trading cards. Additionally, it aids in streamlining and organising the user experience, making it simpler for users to locate the information they require. I would make a community page on the website outlining the standards and rules for users in order to put these rules into practice. Users would have easy access to this website, which would be clearly posted and frequently updated to reflect any modifications or additions to the rules. In addition, I would employ moderators to keep an eye on user conduct and guarantee that the rules are being adhered to. This would entail keeping an eye on user posts and comments on a regular basis and interacting with those who might be breaking the rules.

In conclusion, community rules are an important component of any trading card website since they aid in fostering a welcoming and inclusive community for users. We can build a community that is informed, encouraging, and enthusiastic about trading cards by setting rules that encourage respect, learning, and relevancy. We can make sure that the website continues to be a helpful resource for collectors and hobbyists by putting these rules into practice and keeping an eye on user behavior’s.

Process Post #11

More transmedia integration, in my opinion, may significantly improve the user experience and increase engagement in an online magazine for trading cards. To do this, I would concentrate on a multi-channel strategy that makes the most of the advantages of each platform to give users a smooth and engaging experience.

An online publication for trading cards can dramatically improve the user experience and increase engagement by integrating additional transmedia elements. A single story or narrative is told through a variety of media channels, such as video, social media, and interactive experiences, in a process known as transmedia storytelling. You may give readers a more immersive and interesting experience that keeps them coming back for more by employing a variety of mediums to tell a story. When it comes to trading cards, adding transmedia components like films, interactive games, or social media posts might assist readers get a better grasp of the trading card industry. Transmedia aspects can also aid in creating a sense of community for the magazine by allowing readers to communicate with one another across various media. In general, I think that adding more transmedia integration to an online trading card magazine can significantly improve the user experience and boost engagement, helping to establish a devoted audience and expand the publication.

To start, I’d concentrate on using social media sites like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to advertise the book and display the trading cards. Social networking is a great way to spread the word about new releases, engage with potential readers and collectors, and share graphic content. Instagram and other social media sites, in my opinion, can be quite efficient in promoting a website that publishes trading cards. Social media is the perfect instrument for advertising the publications on your website since it offers a strong platform for sharing content and interacting with a wide audience. You may stimulate the curiosity of potential readers and increase traffic to your website by posting excerpts and teasers of your material on Instagram. Additionally, social media gives you the chance to interact with your audience and get feedback, both of which may be helpful for enhancing your publication’s quality and content. In general, I think that Instagram and social media can be really helpful in spreading awareness of and promoting a website for trading card publications, allowing you to expand your following.

Second, I might think about producing interactive content in the future, like games or puzzles that readers can access via a mobile app or the publication’s website. This would provide a new level of user interaction and provide a reason for users to visit the website and engage with the business. A trading card publication website can be effectively promoted and used to interest readers by adding interactive elements like games and riddles. You may give readers something special and worthwhile by providing an interactive experience, which increases the likelihood that they will visit your website again. By combining trading card themes and aspects into the interactive experience, games and puzzles may also be a powerful tool for promoting your content and business. Additionally, as readers are likely to tell others about the experience, interactive experiences can promote social sharing and word-of-mouth advertising. Overall, I think that adding interactive elements to a website for a trading card magazine can be a good approach to boost traffic and advertise the site while also giving readers a good time.

Overall, a multi-channel strategy that makes use of social media, interactive content, virtual and augmented reality, and collaborations can assist to develop a distinctive and engaging transmedia experience for consumers and ultimately spur growth and engagement for the online trading card publication.

Process Post #10

In my opinion, website owners and marketers trying to expand their audiences can benefit greatly from the information gathered by Google Analytics. Google Analytics offers helpful insights into how visitors are interacting with a website and where changes can be made by monitoring website traffic, user activity, and other important information.

Finding out which pages and content are performing well and which are not is one method to leverage Google Analytics data to increase your audience. I believe that by letting website owners and marketers know which pages and pieces of content are doing well and which need improvement, Google Analytics data is a potent tool for increasing audience size. Website owners may identify which pages are appealing and engaging readers and which may need improvement by analysing important metrics like page views, bounce rates, and time on page. With this knowledge, website owners can improve their content strategies, update current content, or produce new content that is more suited to the tastes of their audience. Website owners may enhance user experience and eventually bring in and keep more visitors by continuously modifying and optimising content based on user behaviour. Overall, the data from Google Analytics can be a useful tool in the continual quest to expand and engage a web audience.

Data-driven marketing tactics have the potential to be quite successful. I believe that using data-driven marketing methods can significantly increase a company’s audience and conversion rates. Marketers may determine which channels and approaches are producing the best results and change their strategy by examining user behaviour and conversion rates. By focusing marketing efforts on the audiences and distribution channels most likely to result in sales, this data-driven strategy eventually increases ROI and promotes company expansion. Furthermore, data findings can aid marketers in honing their messaging and creative to better connect with their audience and spur interaction. Businesses can stay ahead of the competition and have sustained growth over time by iteratively testing and fine-tuning marketing plans based on data results. In general, a data-driven marketing strategy can assist companies in connecting with their audience more successfully and achieving greater outcomes than a “spray and pray” strategy that relies on assumptions and guesswork.

Although it’s crucial to be mindful of its limitations, social data can also be helpful in expanding audiences. Social media platforms have the potential to reveal important information about user demographics and activity, but they might not necessarily be a reliable indicator of a website’s overall readership. Building awareness and expanding audiences require the use of search engine optimisation (SEO). Regularly updating material with pertinent keywords, constructing high-quality backlinks, and optimising website speed and mobile friendliness are some strategies to make sure your rating keeps rising. Finally, taking a look at statistics and trends on a worldwide basis might help us understand how audiences behave and what they want. For instance, website owners can improve their mobile user experience by using Data-ai’s State of Mobile report, which offers insightful information on mobile usage patterns.

Overall, the data collected by Google Analytics and other tools can provide valuable insights into audience behavior and preferences, helping website owners and marketers optimize their strategies to grow their audiences.

Process Post #9

I am aware of the value of employing analytics programmed like Google Analytics and Facebook Insights to increase website traffic. I’ll go into great length in this essay about why these analytics tools are crucial for knowing your audience, enhancing the functionality of your website, and increasing website traffic. The behavior, interests, and demands of your audience can be better understood with the help of analytics technologies. You may get a deeper understanding of your audience and produce content that appeals to them by monitoring indicators like website traffic, bounce rates, and user demographics. For instance, you can adjust your material to your audience’s interests and preferences if you see that a sizable fraction of them are from a specific region, which will enhance engagement and loyalty.

Additionally, analytics tools might aid in performance optimization’s for your website. You can pinpoint problem areas and make the required adjustments to your website’s design and content by tracking metrics like page load times and conversion rates. For instance, you may utilize analytics to identify which pages are driving people away from your website and make modifications to enhance their user experience if you see that your website’s bounce rate is high. You can monitor the success of your marketing campaigns using analytics tools. You may assess the efficacy of your social media and search engine marketing campaigns by setting up conversion tracking. With the use of this information, you can tweak your efforts to maximize engagement and conversion, ensuring that the right people receive the correct message.

Additionally, analytics technologies can assist you in finding possible growth prospects. You may make educated decisions regarding your website’s future marketing efforts by keeping track of how your website performs over time. For instance, if you see an increase in traffic to a certain blog post or landing page, you can take advantage of this trend by producing additional content on that subject or improving the user experience of your website. Finally, real-time website performance tracking is possible using analytics tools. With this capability, you can quickly make data-driven decisions to keep your website optimizer for optimal engagement and conversion. You can keep one step ahead of the competition and accelerate audience growth by using analytics to track the effectiveness of your website.

In conclusion, analytics tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Insights are essential for growing an audience for a website. By providing valuable insights into your audience’s behavior, interests, and needs, you can create content that resonates with them, optimize your website’s performance, and track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. With the help of analytics, you can make data-driven decisions that drive traffic, engagement, and conversions, ensuring that your website continues to grow and thrive.

Process Post #8

Copyright vs Creative Commons - what's the difference and why does it  matter?

In this weeks process post, I have the opportunity to explore more about the importance of copyright, Creative Commons, and free music or content for creators and consumers alike. In this essay, I will explain in detail why these concepts are vital for the protection and promotion of creativity and innovation.

Copyright is an essential legal concept that protects the original works of authors, artists, and creators. It ensures that they have exclusive rights to their creations and that others cannot use or reproduce them without permission. This protection encourages innovation and creativity by providing a financial incentive for creators to invest time, effort, and resources into their work. Copyright also ensures that creators receive recognition and compensation for their work, which is crucial for sustaining their livelihoods and careers.

However, copyright can also be restrictive, limiting the availability and accessibility of creative works to the public. This is where Creative Commons comes in. Creative Commons is a licensing system that allows creators to share their work with others while retaining some rights. By using Creative Commons licenses, creators can specify how their work can be used, such as allowing others to use, modify, and share their work, or only allowing non-commercial use. This system encourages collaboration and sharing, fostering a culture of creativity and innovation that benefits everyone.

Moreover, free music or content provides a valuable resource for creators, educators, and consumers. Free music or content is often released under Creative Commons licenses or made available in the public domain. This means that anyone can use, modify, and share the work without restriction, promoting collaboration and creativity. Free music or content also provides an accessible and affordable resource for education and research, allowing people to learn and discover without financial barriers.

In addition, free music or content is an important tool for social justice and equity. It allows creators from marginalized communities to share their work and stories with a wider audience, giving them a voice and a platform. Free music or content also enables communities to preserve and share their cultural heritage, preventing it from being lost or appropriated by others.

In conclusion, copyright, Creative Commons, and free music or content are essential for promoting creativity, innovation, and equity. Copyright protects the rights of creators and encourages them to invest time and resources into their work. Creative Commons allows creators to share their work while retaining some rights, fostering collaboration and innovation. Free music or content provides an accessible and affordable resource for education and research, promotes social justice and equity, and allows communities to preserve and share their cultural heritage. Together, these concepts create a thriving ecosystem of creativity and innovation that benefits everyone.


Younging, Gregory. (2015). “Traditional Knowledge Exists; Intellectual Property is Invented or Created

Younging, Gregory. 2018. “The Elements of Indigenous Style” pp 1-7

Process Post #7

As a way to enhance my website, I’ve considered adding Google AdSense, but I’m still unsure if I want to do so. But after some research and consideration, I’ve come to the conclusion that it might not be the best choice for my website. These are some justifications:

First and foremost, I’m worried about AdSense’s meagre revenue. Although it can bring in some money, it might not be the best way to monetize my website. My website has a modest amount of traffic, thus my visitors might not be motivated to click on adverts. Other forms of income, including affiliate marketing or the sale of digital goods, would be more appropriate for my website.

The crowded appearance that AdSense may give my website is another worry I have. My website may appear unprofessional due to the numerous adverts that are there, and they may also divert attention away from my content. This could result in a bad customer experience and damage the reputation of my website. It’s crucial to me as a website owner to design a simple and straightforward website for my visitors.

Last but not least, I’m concerned about the subpar ad relevancy that AdSense occasionally exhibits. While the AdSense algorithm is intended to display advertising based on the content of my website, there are occasions when the displayed ads may not be pertinent to my content or, worse still, may even be insulting to my visitors. This could result in a bad customer experience and harm the reputation of my website.

Despite the fact that Google AdSense is a well-liked option for website owners, I’ve concluded that it might not be the greatest option for my website. I’m investigating other monetization techniques that may boost my income and improve the user experience for my visitors.


Bridle, James.  November, 2017. “Something is Wrong on the Internet”

Peiyue, Wu. 2022. “She Spent a Decade Writing Fake Russian History. Wikipedia Just Noticed.

Pilates At Home Workouts To Try

Even when life gets busy, it is crucial to ensure that you are still prioritizing your mental and physical health. Taking care of your body and mind can greatly improve your quality of life and even help lower stress when you are constantly on the go.

One of my intentions for 2023 was to prioritize my physical wellbeing. I have come to love working out as a means of self care and I’ve noticed that I always feel better after I get some movement into my day.

While I kicked off this year focussing on weightlifting, cardio, and gym-based workouts, finals season and having a lot of upcoming work deadlines has made it harder for me to include the usual 45 minutes to 1 hour I would usually spend at the gym on my schedule. With that said, I have opted for more home-based workouts over the past couple of months, and I have actually been enjoying it.

The bulk of the home workouts I have been doing are pilates workouts. If you haven’t heard, pilates workouts are an incredible way to tone muscle, improve core strength, decrease stress, prevent injuries, and much more. Over the past several weeks that I have been doing, pilates consistently, I have noticed a difference in my core strength and endurance. I’m excited to continue implementing pilates into my workout split even when I go back to the gym once I get my exams over with.

Below are 3 of my favourite pilates videos to follow through with. Don’t knock it until you try it, and I would highly encourage you to get out your mat and get moving! 🙂

  1. 15 Minute Everyday Pilates Abs and Core
  2. 15 Minute Full Body Pilates Workout – No Equipment Needed!
  3. Mat Pilates Legs + Butt Workout

With care & joy,



  1. YouTube. (2020, June 13). 15 minute everyday pilates abs and core. 15 Minute Everyday Pilates Abs and Core. Retrieved April 10, 2023, from
  2. YouTube. (2021, December 6). 15 Minute Full Body pilates workout – no equipment needed! 15 Minute Full Body Pilates Workout – No Equipment Needed! Retrieved April 10, 2023, from
  3. YouTube. (2022, July 26). Mat Pilates legs + butt workout | gratitude focus. Mat Pilates Legs + Butt Workout | Gratitude Focus. Retrieved April 10, 2023, from

Process Post Ten

Copyright is a hot topic, and always has been. After all, there are so many definitions as to what exactly constitutes intellectual property. The law may have one definition, and then we as individuals may have opinions and thoughts of our own as to what intellectual property is exactly. 

Peter Henein’s “You Say Tomaydo , I Say No Copyright Infringement: Recipe Book Not An Original Compilation” brings up a really interesting case of copyright infringement, or rather a lack thereof. The case involved two restaurant business partners who had parted ways. One of the partners held ownership over the restaurant and all associated materials. The other who had then started up a catering company was apparently using the same restaurants recipe book for their catered food. So, this caused a lawsuit between the two as one maintained the ownership of initial restaurants materials, recipes included.

But did he?

Well, after what I assume would be a long and arduous trial, the judge found the defendant not guilty. So, it would seem as though the business partner who used the same recipes in his new catering company did not infringe on any copyright. But how?

Well, according to the judge, recipes are not protectable under copyright. A list of ingredients, according to the judge are merely statement of facts and as such are not copyrightable. Then, when it comes to the instructions for preparation, well those are statutorily excluded from copyright protection in the United States. In my opinion, this ruling does make sense. After all, there are so many different versions of the same recipe out there that are virtually the same with maybe slight exceptions. It does not seem like recipes are something that can be reasonably copyrighted. 

But how does this affect what we do here?

When it comes to my site and copyright, the outlook is rather simple. If I were to be posting up the full episodes of the television shows I review, or even the full films, then I would definitely be violating some copyright. However, there’s a reason I don’t do that, beyond being sued. I like to think there are certain ethical obligations we all have in life, and this is one of them, especially as someone who would loosely call themselves an artist. 

The content of my site doesn’t infringe on any copyright. After all, it’s mostly just me talking about what I thought of a certain episode or film. Having an opinion doesn’t violate copyright (thankfully).

The post Process Post Ten appeared first on Watch With Zeh.

Process Post #12: Website Guidelines

Website Guidelines

Reading the article titled The dark side of Guardian comments explains how comments vary depending on the type of article. It was found that articles written by women got more negative comments, as well as articles about world news,  opinion, and environment (Gardiner et al., 2016).

Reading this article made me reflect on the guidelines that I would like to implement on this website. On this website, I have comments enabled; therefore, there is the possibility of receiving rude or hateful comments. One way that I will ensure comments on my website remains respectful is through preventing comments from automatically being made public. The comment settings on my website require me to approve them before they are seen by the public. This way, I can screen through the comments I receive and only approve respectful ones.

Additionally, I may decide to block offensive words from being commented on to avoid having to deal with disrespectful comments. As of right now, the comment section is not my biggest concern; however, as my website starts getting more attention and comments, I may decide to put more limitations on my comments.

Another precaution I may decide to take if comments become offensive is publish a guideline page regarding respectful audience behaviour. I may decide to write about audience expectations on this website to encourage respectful behaviour and to create a community where my audience can connect and share their thoughts.


Gardiner, B., Mansfield, M., Anderson, I., Holder, J., Louter, D., & Ulmanu, M. (2016, April 12). The Dark Side of Guardian comments. The Guardian.

Process Post #11: Transmedia Integration

Transmedia Integration on My Website

The article called Pokemon as Transmedia Storytelling shares how this fictional world has expanding to many forms of media. For instance, Pokemon is present in books, TV shows, video games, card games, and much more (Whippersnappers, 2013). Pokemon has found a way to attract an audience in many forms of media.

This made me reflect on my website and if I could create transmedia content. Upon reflection, I do not believe I want to implement transmedia integration into my online website. I believe that transmedia integration would not make sense with my website’s vision. The way that I think of transmedia integration for this website is through expanding my website to multiple channels. For instance, I could create an Instagram account, a podcast, or a YouTube channel as an extension to my website. One thing that I enjoy about my website is the idea of my website being in one place. I like that every piece of content I publish is accessible through blog posts.

One way that I could integrate transmedia content is through providing links to my other platforms onto this website. For instance, if I were to make a YouTube channel, I could have a category in my website’s menu that connects to the YouTube channel. Although I am not opposed to the idea of creating content on other platforms, at this point in my life, I would like to stick to publishing on my website.

Situations where I would consider posting on other platforms, such as YouTube, is if something huge and exciting occurred in my life. For instance, if I were to go on a month long trip, I would consider vlogging highlights of my trips. This video would provide additional content that would support my blog posts about my trip. I did something like this in Mini Assignment #3 where I created a video that recapped my trip to LA in January. I think that if I were to implement transmedia integration into my website, I would do it through short videos.


Whippersnappers. (2013, November 21). Pokemon as transmedia storytelling. kevinbrittenylauren.

Nails! Nails! Nails!

Last summer I had the idea to start saving money by doing my own nails at home instead of getting them done, so I hopped on Amazon, got a bunch of supplies, and got to work! I am no professional and went in to this with no experience, so they didn’t start off too great, but with lots of practice my technique has improved quite a bit. I even started doing nails for some of my friends. Here are some of my favourite sets that I have done in the past year:

A hand with a sparkly nail design with  drawn-on snowflakes on the index and middle finger
A woman's hands with different shades of pink nail polish on the tips of her nails.
A woman's hands with black and clear swirled nail polish.
A woman's hand with pink and clear swirled nail polish.
A woman's hand with pink, yellow and orange nail designs.

Once again, I am NOT a professional. However, I have really enjoyed learning to do my own nails as it can be a great outlet for creativity, saves me a bunch of money, and is honestly a very therapeutic activity!

Content post #12

In a major plot twist, it is revealed that Colin, the soccer player known for muttering about being a strong man in the previous season, is gay and has a boyfriend. This is shown as he wakes up and meets his partner in the kitchen, kissing him goodbye before leaving for practice. Colin appears to be wary of being seen as he puts on his sunglasses and rushes to his car. Later, at practice, Ted and Roy make the decision to bench Colin for Zava, a move that may have been influenced by his sexuality. It remains to be seen how this development will impact Colin’s storyline and relationships with his teammates.

The thord season is full of suprises and it’s a smart move to make more inclusive and introducing one character that it LGBTQ+ community. A great move by showrunners as I said in content post #11 that this season make character more human and now there is more people who can relate to characters.

Process Post Nine

Community is important. After all is said and done, it’s really the only adaptive advantage us Homo Sapiens have over the rest of the animal planet. 

So how and why is it that the internet seems at times to be so divisive? Even within our smaller communities online, there seem to be those who just don’t want to contribute, at least not in a productive sense. We know these people as trolls, haters, or any of the many other terms we may have for these people. 

I have to admit, as someone on TikTok and other social media, sometimes trolls can be funny. It’s a fine line between being mean and being funny. In fact, I think in many ways comedians tow that same fine line. But that only accounts for what I would call tasteful trolling. The rest of it seems to be born of hate, spite, and malice. In other words, some of our worst qualities as a species. 

In Maria Konnikova’s “The Psychology of Online Comments” we learn more into just why it is that the online platform tends to bring this dark side out of people. I wasn’t surprised to find out that anonymity plays a huge role in this. Yet, what’s actually at play here is a false sense of anonymity. After all, no one is really anonymous on the internet. If someone really wants to find out who you are, they can. 

Anyways, in the article, Konnikova goes onto talk about the different ways anonymity can also be beneficial in fostering a sense of community. These are things I had not really thought of. For example, anonymity could actually encourage people to participate constructively without having to stand out as an individual. Also, promotes the sharing of creative ideas, because people fear judgement less. So, it would seem that my initial negative thoughts on internet anonymity may have a few misgivings. Though I do think that the negatives are certainly apparent, it looks like there may be some benefits after all. 

This made me think of developing my own community guidelines, though I have yet to receive a single comment on any of these posts >:)

My Community Guidelines

  • No Racism, Hate Speech, Or Discrimination of any form
  • No sharing of explicit materials
  • No cursing or foul language 
  • No Spam
  • No Spreading of Misinformation

These are the rules of my site. I plan to uphold them through moderation of comments, should I get any. I think they’re rather basic. Many of them are the same rules we learn in grade school. If I had to state all these rules in one sentence…

Just be a kind, decent human being.

The post Process Post Nine appeared first on Watch With Zeh.

Charizard UPC

Collectors and supporters of the Pokémon trading card game love the Charizard UPC, also referred to as the Universal Pokémon Collection. A rare Charizard card and other special items make this product, which was released in a limited edition, a hot commodity in the collecting world. In this essay, I’ll make the case that the Charizard UPC is a fantastic buy and a wise long-term investment.

The Charizard card is a prized collectible due to its widespread use. Since Charizard is one of the most recognisable and adored Pokémon characters, collectors have long sought after his card. With exclusive artwork and a holographic foil design, the Charizard card shown in the Charizard UPC is a rare and special variation of the card. Due to its rarity and distinctiveness, the Charizard UPC is an even more sought-after treasure for collectors and will only appreciate in value with time. The Charizard UPC’s value as a collectible is increased by its limited edition status. The Universal Pokémon Collection is a rare and special item because it was only produced in small amounts and for a brief period of time. The limited availability will increase the value of the Charizard UPC as collectors and enthusiasts continue to seek it out. The Charizard UPC is a special investment potential due to its uniqueness as there are only a limited quantity of these products in existence.

The Charizard UPC is a valuable investment for long-term collectors due to its sentimental worth. Many fans have grown up with the Pokémon series because it has been a cherished franchise for more than 20 years. For many collectors, the Charizard card represents nostalgia for their younger years, and owning a rare or unusual example of the card is a method to preserve those memories. The Charizard UPC will only increase in value as a memento of the fun and thrill of childhood as collectors mature and become more sentimental. The Charizard UPC is worth more now that the Pokémon franchise is becoming more well-known and collecting is becoming more widely accepted. With regular releases of new sets and merchandise, the popularity of the Pokémon trading card game has recently increased. Additionally, collecting as a pastime has gained popularity and social acceptance, which has increased demand for expensive and rare artefacts like the Charizard UPC. The worth of the Charizard UPC as a collectible will rise as the Pokémon series broadens and develops more.

Finally, purchasing the Charizard UPC is a means to engage with the Pokémon fandom and community in addition to being a financial decision. Pokémon card collecting has always been a means for fans to interact with the series and spread their enthusiasm to others. Collectors might have a sense of pride and accomplishment as well as a connection to the larger Pokémon community when they possess a rare and special item like the Charizard UPC. In conclusion, the Charizard UPC is a fantastic deal and a wise long-term investment. Its high perceived worth among collectors and investors is a result of a variety of factors, including its popularity, limited edition status, nostalgic appeal, expanding mainstream acceptance, and link to the Pokémon fan base. Purchasing the Charizard UPC presents a special chance to connect with the larger fandom while also acquiring a treasured and uncommon piece of Pokémon history. The Charizard UPC is a wise investment for people who are prepared to hang onto it for the long term because its value will only rise over time.


SGA on the rise to fame?

Shai Gilgeous-Alexander (SGA), also known as SGA, is a young and talented basketball player who has quickly become a force in the NBA. His rookie card has thus grown in value among investors and collectors alike. I’ll make the case in this essay that Shai Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card has incredible value and is a wise long-term investment.

Gilgeous-Alexander is a great investment because of his on-court performance and potential. He is a dynamic guard with a good basketball IQ who can score from any point on the field. He has already demonstrated a great deal of promise in his brief career, averaging 19.3 points, 4.7 rebounds, and 4.0 assists per game in the 2020–2021 campaign. He is also only 23 years old, which means he has lots of time to refine his technique and advance as a player. His rookie card will increase in value as he continues to establish himself as a star in the league, making it a fantastic long-term investment. Gilgeous-Alexander is a desirable investment due to his marketability. He is a rising star in the NBA and could eventually become one of the best players in the competition. He is a fan favourite due to his talent and charm, and as his popularity has grown, so has his marketability. His background as a Canadian basketball star who attended the University of Kentucky for college basketball makes him even more appealing to collectors and investors. His rookie card is a great investment because of all of these elements that increase its perceived value.

The opportunity to invest in a young player with the potential to become an NBA superstar is special thanks to Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card. Collectors and investors can join in on his career early by purchasing his rookie card, potentially earning big returns on their investment in the future. Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card will increase in value as he develops and solidifies his position as one of the league’s best players, making it a wise investment for those who are prepared to keep it for the long haul. Purchasing Shai Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card is not only a wise financial move, but also a method to develop a closer relationship with basketball.

The opportunity to invest in a young player with the potential to become an NBA superstar is special thanks to Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card. Collectors and investors can join in on his career early by purchasing his rookie card, potentially earning big returns on their investment in the future. Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card will increase in value as he develops and solidifies his position as one of the league’s best players, making it a wise investment for those who are prepared to keep it for the long haul. Purchasing Shai Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card is not only a wise financial move, but also a method to develop a closer relationship with basketball. Since it gives fans a special and meaningful way to interact with their favourite players and teams, collecting sports trading cards has long been a cherished hobby. Owning an artefact from basketball history, such as Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card, enables fans to remain devoted to the game and spread their enthusiasm to others.

In summary, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander’s rookie card has incredible value and is a wise long-term investment. His talent and promise, together with his marketability and club circumstances, all help to explain why investors and collectors place such a high value on his rookie card. Purchasing his rookie card presents a special chance to seek future gains that are greater!


Anthony Edwards Rookie Card

The first overall choice in the 2020 NBA draft, Anthony Edwards, has gained media attention since joining the league. He is quickly becoming as one of the most intriguing young players in the NBA thanks to his combination of size, quickness, and scoring ability. His rookie card is now highly sought for by investors and collectors as a result. In this essay, I’ll make the case that Anthony Edwards’ rookie card has incredible value and is a wise long-term investment.

First off, Edwards is a very marketable player due to his talent and potential. He has already displayed flashes of greatness throughout his rookie campaign, including the highest-scoring rookie game in Timberwolves history (42 points) in April 2021. He is a dynamic and exciting player to watch due to his size, athleticism, and ability to score from all areas of the court. His rookie card thus has a high perceived worth among investors and collectors who think he has a chance to become an NBA superstar in the future. The fact that Edwards represents a team in a small market raises the value and rarity of his rookie card. Due to the lack of elite players on small market clubs like the Minnesota Timberwolves, when a player like Edwards develops into a potential superstar, his rookie card gains even more value. Edwards may not receive as much national attention as players on teams with larger markets, such as the Los Angeles Lakers or New York Knicks, because he plays for a small-market team. This could increase the value of his rookie card among investors and collectors.

The age and growth potential of Edwards make him a desirable long-term investment. He has already demonstrated a great deal of promise at the age of just 19, and he still has plenty of time to refine his skills and advance as a player. As Edwards continues to develop and become a star in the NFL, collectors and investors who purchase his rookie card today could see large gains in the future.Purchasing Anthony Edwards’ rookie card is a wise financial move that also shows support for and involvement in basketball. Sports trading card collecting has long been a popular activity that enables fans to develop closer relationships with their favourite athletes and teams. Owning a piece of basketball history like Edwards’ rookie card allows one to keep a stake in the game and spread the love of basketball to others.

In summary, Anthony Edwards’ rookie card has incredible value and is a wise long-term investment. His talent and promise, as well as his young age and tiny market team, all help to explain his high perceived worth among investors and collectors. Along with the potential for financial benefit, purchasing his rookie card enables basketball fans to participate in the game in a memorable and enjoyable way. For those who are prepared to hang onto their rookie card for the long haul, Edwards’ rookie card will probably increase in value as he solidifies his status as a star in the NBA.


Process post #11

As I mantioned in process post #10 I started to take a closer look in plugins that are avaliable and migth hellp user to enhance their expirince. So far I took a look at plugins called  All in One SEO, still have to learn how to navigate it, but it is a tool to optimize SEO and make website show in a higher search result, which might come in handy if I choose to continue posting.

Regarding this week reading, we had an article Pokemon as Transmedia Storytelling, in which author xplores how Pokemon has maintained its popularity over the years, citing transmedia storytelling as a key factor due to its ability to appeal to various age groups and facilitate effective marketing. This success illustrates the value of interrelation across various domains and media. To incorporate this technique into their own website, the author suggests implimenting more visual elements, such as photos, videos, and graphics, to enhance the transmedia storytelling and presentation of information.

Considering the fact that my websote is about movies and TV shows, it might be usefull to impliment diffrent media to keep user involved in my content, maybe even start doing podcasts to provide audio of what I am writing about, so that more users would be able to consume my content.


Pokemon as transmedia storytelling. (2013, November 21). Retrieved April 6, 2023, from

Song Recs Based on Books

Malibu Rising By Taylor Jenkins Reid

Malibu Rising follows Nina Riva, daughter of the world famous singer Mick Riva, as she hosts a huge party. Mick abandoned his family and Nina’s mother died when Nina was still in high school. Being the oldest child, she had to step up and take care of her siblings. The themes of this book include sacrifice, family, healing, and independence.

Song recommendations:

  • Matilda by Harry Styles
  • Vienna by Billy Joel
  • You’re On Your Own Kid by Taylor Swift

Love and Other Words By Christina Lauren

Love and Other Words is a romance book that has an alternating past and present timeline. The book follows Macy and Elliot as they become friends (and more than friends) during their childhood. Macy has a vacation home next door to Elliot’s home and they quickly form a bond. Something happens that causes them to not speak for 11 years. The present timeline follows them as adults. They run into each other for the first time since they were kids, where it is revealed why they have not spoken for so long.

Song recommendations:

  • Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo
  • 18 by One Direction
  • History by One Direction
  • Daylight by Taylor Swift
  • Last Kiss by Taylor Swift
  • New Year’s Day by Taylor Swift
  • From the Dining Table by Harry Styles

The Song of Achilles By Madeline Miller

The Song of Achilles is a greek mythology that follows Achilles and Patroclus as they grow up together and fall in love. Eventually, they must fight in the Trojan War. The themes of this book include love, sacrifice, and betrayal.

Song recommendations:

  • The Great War by Taylor Swift
  • Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift
  • Dark Red by Steve Lacy
  • Pluto Projector by Rex Orange County

Red, White & Royal Blue By Casey McQuiston

Red, White & Royal Blue follows the First Son of the United States and the British prince as they are forced to hang out together and pretend to be friends for publicity reasons. As they fake their friendship, their bond becomes closer than they expected.

Song recommendations:

  • London Boy by Taylor Swift
  • American Boy by Estelle
  • Only the Brave by Louis Tomlinson
  • Who Cares? by Rex Orange County
  • Late Night Talking by Harry Styles

The Summer I Turned Pretty By Jenny Han

The Summer I Turned Pretty follows Belly as she spends her summers in a beach house with two brothers whom she has known since they were kids. As they’ve grown up, feelings start to develop.

Song recommendations:

  • Silver Tongues by Louis Tomlinson
  • Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift
  • Tongue Tied by Grouplove
  • Heat Waves by Glass Animals
  • August by Taylor Swift
  • Summer Love by One Direction

The Last of Us – Episode Seven

It happened again…

I don’t know why I’m surprised every time we get a gut-wrenching episode, and I’m not referring to the baseball bat lodged in Joel’s stomach. 

Oh don’t worry he can’t die yet that wouldn’t work for the story. 

Anyways, I am really glad we finally got more on Ellies backstory. There was too much vagueness there for a bit too long I think. I mean, there are only nine episodes in this season and we get her backstory on the seventh? Seems a little late in my opinion. But as they say, better late than never I suppose. 

I really like how the entire episode built up to the point when Ellie finds out she’s immune to the fungal infection. Rather, it builds up to the event that causes her to find out she’s immune. To put it simply, she got bit. But what I also really liked is that this episode showed what she was up to before she joins the fireflies, the resistance forces. 

I liked this not so much for the character depth, which was great, but rather cause it answered a question I’ve had for awhile now. 

How is a child raised through the apocalypse?

Well, in the case of Ellie, it was military school. Makes sense. In fact, that’s probably one of the better ways to be brought up during the apocalypse, in my opinion. Also, what this episode really highlighted too is how much we take for granted in our youth. Seeing Ellie go to the abandoned mall and be absolutely mind-blown by so many simple things like a carousel sees strange. After all, such seemingly ordinary things have been staples in many of our upbringings. So, seeing it all be so foreign to Ellie really made me think about how much society would change in such situations. But more than that, it made me think back on the mundanity of my own childhood. A good one to be sure, and I’m blessed for that. Yet, it’s not something we often consider really. It’s easy to look back at the good times and reminisce, but we rarely ever think about how drastically different those times could have been. After all, we were just children and the world around us is completely out of our control. 

This episode really made me grateful for the life I’ve gotten to live. It’s been a good one.

With a bit of luck, and a bit of grit, it’ll continue to be so 🙂

Some of my favourite frames:

The post The Last of Us – Episode Seven appeared first on Watch With Zeh.

Kiss Me Lashes

I have only worn false lashes a handful of times, and when I have worn them I never applied them myself. Last week I had a function to attend, so I asked my friend who’s a makeup artist what lashes she recommends and she gave me a great list to go off of. From Walmart I picked up the Kiss Me lashes for $10. I absolutely loved how they looked. They were whimsical and made my eyes pop. I found them pretty easy to apply, and they didn’t feel heavy on the eyes or anything. I’d definitely recommend you to get these lashes if you’ve been wanting to try falsies out.

The other brands the makeup artist recommended were the Ardell ones, Quo & NYX (though she did say they can be hit or miss as sometimes they’re so fragile), and House of Lashes if you can justify dropping $20+ on a pair of lashes.