Monthly Archives: April 2019

Process Post #11: Online Shaming.

During this week’s lecture, we discussed online comments and online shaming. Online shaming has a huge impact in the digital world. Many stopped having constructive conversations online and instead started to use public shaming to shift the beliefs. People can shame each other by using different sources- online, through Twitter, Facebook, and email.

Being the victim of a public shaming has the potential to ruin someone’s life—financially, emotionally, and physically. We’ve seen through time how young people took their own lives and adults lost their livelihoods. People should understand that they can’t change something through online shaming, it would just create noise.

In the online world, everyone is a public figure and everyone is a target. The emotional impact of digital shaming can be overwhelming. Everyone should control their actions towards other people.

Process Post 11 – Community Guidelines

If you haven’t already done so, you can examine my angle on the democracy of social media here. I feel this is a great starting point for understanding the foundation for which I value social media, online content and the ways in which people and groups interact with what is published online. Through interpreting these views, one can perhaps understand my vision of an online community, which as suggested by Ryan Holmes, founder of Hootsuite, is a viable vehicle for democracy and how we should be ‘tapping social media for good.’ You can read Holmes’ article on Venture Beat here.

With the positivity of online usership said, there is of course a cloud of shaming, bullying, trolling and demoralization. Mark Shrayber (2016) discusses hate crime here in the context of Leslie Jones’ (Ghostbusters, Saturday Night Live) experience with having her personal site maliciously hacked. Do community guidelines mitigate these actions? Certainly not. People break rules, ignore laws and evade ethics on a daily basis online and in-person, so in developing expectations, can we actually expect to prevent wrongdoing? As Konnikova (2013) suggests in the New Yorker, the anonymity of commenting online provides a safe, but confident place for threatening civility. However, she also notes that people tend to devalue anonymous comments, which researchers at the University of Wisconsin (2013) reiterate here.

So, arguments litter every angle of each side of the fence; do you make guidelines, will they be adhered to, do you screen comments and are you hypocritical if in fact you limit engagement on your site when you’re preaching the asylum-esque quality of the Internet? In looking at the course resources, as well as exploring the Internet for guidelines that support a positive and inclusive community online, I have found the most suitable and relatable for me to reflect those of Book Riot, which you can see here. I appreciate these guidelines because they are clear, concise and current. They are inclusive, well-articulated and are relatively easy to understand and follow. They are fair.

However, when do we, as a democratic society, say why do we need a list of guidelines? The Golden Rule is dated, which you can read about here in Peter Economy’s proposal for the ‘Platinum Rule,’ but are we over-complicating the desire to just be good people? I’m not saying it’s right, but if rules are meant to be broken, are we better off not listing them but instead having the trust and confidence in humanity that we can be good, and that when we’re not, we lose the privilege to take advantage of that which democracy provides? What if websites emblemized the notion of acting in a manner that expects people to“ be kind.” That’s it; be kind. Appreciate the content and accept different views, but contribute, as opposed to degrade, and as such, you will adhere to kindness. If someone hates, I feel they will do exactly that, so in establishing guidelines, am I inviting the trolls? When one walks into a coffee shop, is there a sign indicating how to behave? There are no guidelines, but a social contract that suggests kindness.

So, do I need to be explicit in generating and sharing guidelines for this blog, or can I assume goodness? Or, do I expect the unexpected and create some guidelines that protect liability and govern what occurs? For now, I’m going to gamble on humanity and hope for kindness, until of course a literal laying down of the law is warranted…

Essay 2_ Not the end, but a new beginning.

Everyone has his or her dream job, so do I. When I first gain the access to the online platforms, I was amazed by the beauty bloggers and YouTubers. Undoubtedly, being a social influencer such as beauty blogger and YouTuber has become my dream job. In the past, I always thought that these online social influencers are the “easy profitable jobs.” To emphasize, they can make money very easily just by writing posts and filming videos via the internet. However, I totally change these stereotype on social influencers when I start writing my personal blog. In other words, I know now that being a blogger is not as simple as it seems. Today, I will discuss my personal experience of being a startup blogger.

First of all, the progress from 0 to 100 is extremely difficult, especially as an new blogger. To emphasize, blogging is not the hardest part for me throughout this experience. Creating a website from bare bone, for example creating menus, categories ,and tags, is a challenge for me as I am not as tech-savvy as the other people. However, once I persevere, it is a joyride from then on. In this case, let’s start with my original intention and goal of my blog. Before creating the blog, I am already familiar with buying and trying many different types of beauty products. Also, I really like to share my personal reviews of these products with my family and friends. As a result, beauty products are the main focused topic that I would like to share with my audiences. In these circumstances, “Maggie Loves to Share” is the first slogan that pops up in my mind when I start my personal blog. Hence, I set this line of sentence on the top of my website. In my opinion, this slogan not only clearly express my desire to share but also easy understood by my audiences. In addition, I choose pink as the main colour for my website. With this design, just like Emma- my peer reviewing partner states, the baby pink accent that I used represents a very charming appearance which is clear that my website is very girly and attractive (Emma, 2019.) Following on the setting and design of my personal website, I hope that my audiences are able to have a better understanding of products that they interested after reading my reviews and sharing information that I have provided throughout my posts. Moreover, to attract more readers and to find out more interesting topics are my first challenge. There are thousands of beauty bloggers around the world; yet, I have to figure out ways to stand out from the cloud. At this point, I decide to apply the concepts of “know [my] audiences” and “[build] the connection” that I have learned from the publishing class. Linking back to these process posts that I wrote within this semester, I believe that my family and friends are my main readers. In the case, I then ask them to help me to develop the connections to other younger females who may also like my blog. Thus, I have more chances to create diverse topics for my readers from these connections.

Furthermore, most importantly, there are many new lessons that I have learned since I start my personal blog. Significantly, in my opinion, Google Analytics is the most useful tool that I learned when I start writing blog. Even though I have never used Google Analytics before, being the online publisher, this new tool has helped me easily track various datas about my blog. In this circumstance, Google Analytics gives me the overview of my audiences’ reactions towards to my website. For instance, I personally think that bounce rate that is calculated on Google Analytics is one of the most important data that I should track. According to Shivar, bounce rate represents the number of people who land on a page of your site… and then immediately leave (2018.) Although Shivar has also mentioned not too focused on the numbers, from my understanding, the lower bounce rate tend to present the better performance for a startup blogger. To indicate, as an new online publisher, I want my audiences to stay longer on my website to explore around. In other word, the less people immediately leave my website, the more sense of accomplishment I will get. Myself as an example, the bounce rate has dropped from 56.25% to 50% via the last two weeks. From this outcome, I believe that there are more people actually spend time on visiting my blog. Additionally, Google Analytics has also informed its users about what page their audiences visit the most. With this valuable information, I can easily recognize what topics I should share with my audiences more in the future. For example, my “What’s in my causal bag?” recently has the highest views throughout my blog. Following on the result, I have created the collection of “What’s in My Bag?” on my website to attract more audiences. Despite of bounce rate and page views, Google Analytics eventually has delivered useful functions to the online publishers. Therefore, I will continuing to use this tool to improve my blog.

Ultimately, I really treasure that I finally have chance to achieve my dream-being a blogger. Looking back to the past thirteen weeks, I would conclude that it really required a lot of effort to be an online influencer from my experience. To emphasize, writing a perfect blog requires tons of time to complete it. In my case, it is really hard to come up different and creative topics to share with my audiences. Afterwards, I have to choose the best way to present my posts. However, the most difficult challenge that I have faced is my writing skills. I am not a professional English writer; thus, sometimes I am afraid that my readers will not continuously visiting my blog because of constant grammatical error. Although there are many challenges occurred since I start my first blog, I am proud of what i have done so far. I have never imagined that I am able to upload posts weekly not even to mention in my second language. Lastly, if you ask me: “will you continue to blog?” I would say, YES! Yet, I will consider to blog in my first language so I can express myself more comfortably and confidently. In short, “Maggie Loves to Share” is my first milestone in my online publishing life. I hope and I am looking forward for my next milestone.

Finally, I would like to thank Suzanne and Ellen for the wonderful semester. Also, much appreciation goes to my peer review partners- Emily, Helen and Emma for the very helpful feedbacks and insight on my posts. Most importantly, I thank my audiences for visiting my blog. I really appreciate for everything that you have done for me. Thank you!


Adams, E. (2019, March 14). Sharing Is Caring. Retrieved from

Shivar, N. (2018, September 28). What is Bounce Rate & How should you use it?. Retrieved from

Su, M. (2019, February 25). Process Post_6 Know your audiences. Retrieved from

Su, M. (2019, March 11). Process Post_8 Connection. Retrieved from

Pav Dharia

I was honoured and thrilled to showcase some of my work at Pav Dharia’s concert and meet&greet. Pav Dharia is a very famous Indian singer. Showcasing my artwork was a great opportunity to get people to know who I was and enjoy my art. I got him to sign my painting I did of him for my giveaway contest. After showcasing my work at this event, I realized that I should get more involved with other events to create stronger network and connection.

Community Guidelines

Leave it better than you found it

Hello, and welcome to One More Klick!

A common saying in the outdoors community is “leave it better than you found it”.  While this often relates to trail conservation, it also relates to this community.  Do not comment anything you wouldn’t want your mother to read.

In other words:
  • There is zero tolerance for disrespecting or degrading any race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, identity, etc..
  • Any hateful, disrespectful, or derogatory comments will not be approved.
Stay on the trail:
  • Promotional and spam-like content will not be allowed.
Look, but don’t take:
  • All of the artwork and writing should not be copied, used, or taken without explicit permission granted by the owner of these works.
  • All writing, photography, videography, and other artworks are made by me, unless specified otherwise in their caption. If you are wanting to use any of the footage, art, photography, and/or quotes, please reach out.
Join the community:
  • You are welcomed and encouraged to ask questions, share your experiences and suggestions.
  • This is a safe space for travellers, artists, adventurers, outdoor enthusiasts and the like to share thoughts, experiences, and tips. If you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them.

Thank you for respecting these simple rules, and happy klicking!


Magali Bureau

Process Post_11 Online Shaming

People often think that the internet has provided lots of advantages for their daily purposes. However, in my opinion, the issues of cyberbullying occur more and more often within the current society. This week, we are assigned to watch a TED Talk, “When online shaming goes too far,” by Jon Ronson. Throughout the presentation, Ronson uses a real story on Twitter to represent how cyberbullying can actually affect one’s life. To illustrate, Justine Sacco who unintentionally posts the funny little acerbic joke- “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!” on Twitter. Sacco was just a PR woman from New York with 170 Twitter followers before making this post; however, all the sudden she was targeted on the cyberspace. Afterwards, people who saw and share Sacco’s post tend to start making jokes-very despicable ones at her. In this case, even her job and her employers were as well affected by this cyberbullying. In addition, according to Jon, [Justine Sacco] was Googled 1,220,000 times. Also, Google made somewhere between 120,000 dollars and 468,000 dollars from Justine’s annihilation (Ronson, 2015.) In other words, Sacco’s life was changed in a really bad way just because of this unintentional joke. Nonetheless, people who shame Sacco behind their electronic devices got nothing. At this point, even though Sacco should look before she leap the acerbic joke online, people should also think from different point view before they make the comments. As we know, there are more and more people take others’ comments very serious on the internet. In this circumstance, these sharp comments sometimes will cause the tragedy that cannot be undone. To indicate, there are many celebrities tend to be mental illness after reading the comments on social media. For example, Cindy Yang, one of the social influencer in Taiwan who suicided in 2015 because of cyberbullying. After understanding of these two cases- Sacco and Yang, I personally believe that cyberbullying does significantly affect human’s life. Therefore, people should really think deeply before taking these “shaming actions” towards each other via the internet since they do not know when these actions will lead to the unrecoverable tragedies. In short, cyberbullying no doubt is one of the serious problem that needs to be solved in this generation.

Spring/ Summer’19 accessory

In the warm season, accessories are the key part of any outfit. There are no girls who would not like accessories. They easily complement any look and make it more catchy and stylish. An accessory can be minimalistic and modest, and sometimes you can choose something that is bright and emphasizes attention. When selecting accessories, you need to rely only on your own taste and style.

Large and expressive earrings are the most practical accessory for the warm season. The most popular are earrings in geometric shapes and earrings with pearls, large beads, and other details.

Beads, chains, and necklaces are other essentials for summer and spring. They fit perfectly into any style- classic, office, ethnic, as well as everyday. Bright, contrasting beads in bold colors, of various sizes and materials, are most popular. Also, the warm range of colors such as red, coral or orange, and pastel colors are great for the warm season. And of course black and white colors remain in fashion.

Headbands and straw hats are also the perfect accessory for the warm season. There are so many different options of hats in a market that anyone can find the one the one that perfectly fits them. Headbands are the most elegant and sophisticated accessories. They can be richly decorated with stones and glass beads or more practical options for every day will be voluminous printed nylon rims.

Green Leaf Cafe

I have been so excited about the food at Green Leaf Cafe after reading Helen’s blog. Before visiting Green Leaf Cafe, I have already heard many great reviews about it from my friends. This week, I finally have chance to visit this restaurant!

  • Address: 9604 Cameron St, Burnaby (It takes about 10 to 12 minutes driving from SFU burnaby campus)
  • Google Review: 4.4 out of 5 (Pretty high and I wasn’t disappointed at this rate!)

Today, I will share with you guys what I ordered. It was a lunch for two

Appetizer: “Osaka Style” Takoyaki

  • I really like the sauce on the top! It’s not too strong but it balances out the richness of the takoyaki itself!

Soup: Seafood Spicy Miso Nabe

Seafood Spicy Miso + OMG
  • It has lots of seafood inside the soup. Although it says it’s spicy on the menu, I personally think that the level of spiciness is acceptable!

Fresh Oshi: Mango Scallop Oshi

Oshi: Fresh Mango Scallop + Salmon
  • Mmmhhh… I personally think this was the only that I don’t really like. The sauce on the top was a little too rich and the flavour of this oshi is a little bit boring. I think I will try other fresh oshi next time!!

Aburi Oshi: Salmon Oshi

  • I really love this one!! This salmon oshi seems pretty classic; yet, it is the first time for me to have oshi with the real jalapeno. The little piece of jalapeno on the top of the oshi balances out the richness of the salmon oil. I really recommend you guys to order this if you haven’t tried it before!

Pasta: “Mentaiko” Creamy Linguine

Mentaiko Pasta
  • Like it’s named on the menu, it is really CREAMY which I really like it! However, the only thing I would say is that the shrimps don’t have much flavour. If the shrimps taste more salty, it will be perfect!

Gimbab: OMG

My Oh, My God “OMG”
  • “OMG” was the first word that came out of my mouth when I saw the plate lol. It’s really big and looks tasty! I think it is similar to deep fried california roll but it combines with salmon inside the roll.

These were all I have ordered for my first time Green Leaf Cafe.

Overall, I would rate them 4.2 out of 5. I not only enjoy their food and but also the decorations inside the restaurant. Definitely, I will visit it again!!

Thank you guys for reading, please feel free to share your favourite sushi place with me!