Tag Archives: Weekly Progress

Goal 9 – Reading for 10 Mins Every Day (November 28 – December 4)

Reading for 10 or More Minutes Every Day

November 28 - December 4


This week I attempted to read for ten or more minutes every day. When I was a kid, I was an avid reader and sometimes stayed up all night reading books that I really loved. However, as I got older and was forced to read certain books in high school, I stopped reading as much. In the last few years, I have gotten back into reading, though not as much as when I was a kid. Part of the reason I got back into reading was because of audiobooks and #BookTok. I really enjoy the convenience of being able to listen to a book while I am doing other things. I always listen to audiobooks (specifically on Audible) while cooking and doing other chores, and I find it super therapeutic. I have also discovered a lot of fantastic books on TikTok because my algorithm is super tailored to my interests. However, before diving into my experience, I want to highlight some of the perceived benefits of reading regularly, according to Healthline. 


  1. Reading strengthens your brain.
  2. Increases your ability to empathize.
  3. Builds your vocabulary.
  4. Helps prevent age-related cognitive decline.
  5. Reduces stress
  6. Prepares you for a good night’s rest
  7. Helps alleviate depression symptoms
  8. May even help you live longer

My Experience 

I am happy to say I completed this challenge this week. I listen to more than 10 mins every day of the audiobook When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress by Gabor Maté. I am really enjoying it so far and think it is highly relevant to my website. The book’s main argument is that constantly being stressed out can cause you to become physically sick. Therefore that I honestly a large part of why I started this website. I want to cultivate these healthy habits before it’s too late. In conclusion, I would challenge anyone reading my blog to really take time to invest in their physical and mental well-being. You do not need to do anything as elaborate as my website, and you do not need to be perfectly consistent because I certainly wasn’t. However, I think at least trying is better than nothing.


Here is an Interesting Talk from Gabor Maté Going More 

In-Depth On This Topic


Stanborough, R.(2019, October 15). Benefits of Reading Books: How It Can Positively Affect Your Life. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/benefits-of-reading-books 


Goal 7 + 8 – Spending 20 Minutes in Nature Every Day & Working Out 3 Times or More Per Week (Nov 21 –27)

Spending 20 Minutes in Nature Every Day & Working Out 3 Times or More Per Week

November 21 - 28


This week I combined 2 of my challenges and attempted to spend 20 minutes in nature every day while working out. I live beside a park, so I regularly go for runs, have picnics, read, and generally chill there during summer. I also love hiking, paddle boarding, and kayaking in all of BC’s beautiful parks when the weather is good. Unfortunately, I stay indoors as much as possible when its rainy and or cold. In fact, I am almost wholly cut off from nature from September – May. I realize this is not ideal for my health, so that is why I decided to go for a daily jog regardless of the weather this week. However, before diving into my experience, I want to highlight some of the perceived benefits of spending time in nature and exercising regularly. 


Some of the Benefits of Spending Time In Nature

1. Spending time in nature can help lower your risk of respiratory concerns.

2. Spending time in nature can help improve your sleep.

3. Spending time in nature can help improve your mood.

4. Spending time in nature can help you feel more relaxed and focused. 

5. Spending time in nature can help boost your immune function.

6.Spending time in nature can lower your chance of developing myopia or nearsightedness.

7. Spending time in nature can make you feel happier, more peaceful, and more optimistic.


Some of the Benefits of Exercising Regularly

1. Exercise can make you feel happier.

2. Exercise can help with weight loss.

3. Exercise is good for your muscles and bones.

4. Exercise can increase your energy levels.

5. Exercise can reduce your risk of chronic disease.

6. Exercise can help skin health.

7. Exercise can help your brain health and memory.

8. Exercise can help with relaxation and sleep quality.

9. Exercise can reduce pain.

10. Exercise can promote a better sex life.

My Experience 

Unfortunately, I failed to complete this challenge. I was able to go on runs on the days I didn’t have school or work, but on the three days I had to go to school, I didn’t go on any runs. I have classes later in the afternoon, so by the time I am home from school, it is already really dark, and I honestly did not feel safe running alone at night. I also did not wake up early enough to go on runs before my classes. However, I get to spend a little time in nature when I walk to my bus on the days I go to school. So in the future, on days when I come home late, I will count my walk to the bus as my time spent in nature, and I will try to do some other form of cardio indoors instead.


Here is an Interesting TEDTalk About the Psychological Effects of Spending Time in Nature


Pattemore, C. (2022, August 5). Spending Time In Nature Is Good for You. New Research Explains Why. Healthline. 



Semco, A. (2021, December 14). The Top 10 Benefits of Regular Exercise. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-benefits-of-exercise#TOC_TITLE_HDR_8 

Goal 6 – Do yoga for at least 10 mins every day (Nov 14 – 20)

Doing Yoga for at Least 10 mins Every Day

November 14 - November 20


This week I challenged myself to do yoga for 10 minutes daily consistently. I have been doing yoga since around 2019, and I am fairly consistent when life is not too busy. However, whenever I am really busy with work and school, I tend to neglect it. I have taken a few in-person classes, but for the most part, I follow videos on Youtube just because they are free and allow me to do a session whenever I want. I also recently read the book Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy by Sadhguru which outlines the more spiritual origins of Yoga which often gets ignored in modern-day western yoga classes.

However, before I dive into my experience, I want to highlight some of the perceived benefits of meditation, according to Healthline.com. 


Some of the Benefits of Yoga

  1. Yoga improves flexibility
  2. Yoga helps with stress relief
  3. Yoga improves mental health
  4. Yoga may reduce inflammation
  5. Yoga will likely increase your strength
  6. Yoga may reduce anxiety
  7. Yoga may improve quality of life
  8. Yoga may boost immunity
  9. Yoga can improve balance
  10. Yoga may improve cardiovascular functioning
  11. Yoga may help improve sleep
  12. Yoga may improve self-esteem
  13. Yoga may improve bone health
  14. 14. Yoga can promote better posture and body awareness
  15. Yoga can improve brain functioning
  16. Yoga can help with burnout

Experience & Effects

I am happy to say I successfully completed this challenge this week. I found that the best time to do a yoga session was a few minutes after I woke up. I often wake up feeling a lot of muscle tension, and practising yoga in the morning helped me feel a lot less tense and better physically. It also ironically helped me feel more awake. It also helped me feel a lot more relaxed and happy while getting ready for work or school. 


Here is One of My Favourite Yoga Video for Beginners

Here is a Video on the Origins of Yoga



Ezrin, S. (2021, December 14). 16 Benefits of Yoga That Are Supported by Science. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/13-benefits-of-yoga#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2  


Week 7 – 8: Goal 4 + 5 – Reducing my social media usage and sleeping for 8 or more hours every night

Reducing My Social Media Usage and Improving My Sleep Pattern

October 31 - Novemeber 13


In the last post, I discussed how I failed to reduce my social media screen time. I also said I would combine my social media challenge with my challenge to sleep 8+ hours daily.

Two weeks later, I am happy to report that I have successfully completed both challenges. 


Strategies that Helped Me the Most

  1. Disabling my notifications.
  2. Putting my phone in another room while I was doing homework helped a lot too. 
  3. I often lose track of time when I am scrolling through social media during the day, so another strategy that helped me a lot was setting a timer for 20 minutes every time I started scrolling on social media just to remind me to put my phone down after 20 mins.
  4. The final strategy that helped me the most with sleep was putting a daily timer on when I needed to put my phone down and go to sleep.

Benefits of Getting Enough Sleep

1. May help you maintain or lose weight

2. Can improve concentration and productivity

3. Can maximize athletic performance

4. May strengthen your heart

5. Reduces your risk for type 2 diabetes 

6. Reduces risk and symptoms of depression

7. Supports a healthy immune system

8. Reduces inflammation

9. Helps you regulate your emotions better 

10. Reduces your risk of accidents 


My experience

Reducing my screen time and getting more sleep has significantly impacted my life. I feel a lot calmer and less stressed. My concentration during lectures and work has improved, and my under-eye circles have also slightly improved. 



Leech, J. (2022, January 6).10 Reason to Get More Sleep. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-reasons-why-good-sleep-is-important 

WeeK 5: Goal 3 – Meditating 10 mins Every day (Oct 17 – 23)

Goal 3: Meditating 10 Mins Everyday

October 17 - 23


This week I challenged myself to meditate for 10 minutes daily consistently. This summer, I read a book called Mindfulness in Plain English By Bhante Gunaratana, which motivated me to get more into meditation. So throughout the summer, I meditated fairly consistently and saw some positive changes in my mental health. However, I did not meditate every day, so I am really excited to see if it would have an even more positive effect on my mental health if I do it more consistently. Before I dive into my experience, I would like to highlight some of the perceived benefits of meditation, according to Healthline.com. 


Some of the Benefits of Meditation


1. Reducing stress. 


2. Reduced Anxiety. 


3. Improve mood.


4. Enhance self-awareness 


5. Improve your attention span 


6. Focused-attention 


6. Improve memory 


7. Can generate kindness


8. Improve sleep


10. Helps control pain


11. Decreased blood pressure

Experience & Effects

I am happy to say I successfully completed this challenge this week. I found that the best time to meditate was just after I got home from work or school. I felt like it helped me decompress after a long day, and I saw an improvement in my general stress levels throughout the week too. I also felt like it was easier to focus on my schoolwork. Typically, when I come home from school or work, I binge on social media, and then I find it hard to start doing any other work I have to do for the night. However, starting my homework became more manageable when I switched to meditation.  


Here is One of My Favourite Meditation Videos


Thorpe, M. (2020, October 27). 12 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-benefits-of-meditation#12.-Accessible-anywhere 

Gunaratana, B. (1991) Mindfulness in Plain English. Wisdom Publications

Week 4: I failed (October 10 – 16)

Week 4: I Failed

October 11 - 17

  • This week, my goal was to meditate for 10 minutes or more daily. 
  • However, I ultimately failed this week’s challenge as it was mid-term season, and I was super busy at work. 
  • I tried to meditate in the morning but did not have enough time. Then I tried to meditate in the nighttime but always forgot about it because I was so tired.
  •  So I paid my friend $3 and decided that I would try to find another time in my schedule that is better for me to meditate for next week.

Goal 2 – Taking My Vitamins Every Day (October 3 – 9)

Taking My Vitamins Every Day

September 26 - October 2


This week I challenged myself to take all my vitamins and supplements consistently. I am taking Iron, Calcium & Magnesium +D3, Zinc, Omega-3, and Vitamin B-12. The reason I take so many supplements is that I am a vegetarian (who rarely consumes dairy or eggs), and I have also been diagnosed with iron deficient anemia. 


Iron Deficient Anemia

According to Medical New Today, Iron deficiency anemia can cause fatigue, heart palpitations, pale skin, and breathlessness. So this is the reason why I take Iron supplements. However, you should not take Iron supplements if they are not Iron deficient.


A white supplement container with a few tan pills spilling out.

Challenges of a Vegan Diet 

Vegans or people who don’t consume animal products regularly like tend to be deficient in Vitamin B 12, Calcium, Iron, and Iodine. According to Medical News Today, a diet deficient in vitamin B12 can cause fatigue, lethargy, light-headedness, heart palpitations, weight loss and a host of other health complications. Additionally, they discuss how a diet deficient in calcium increases the risk for osteoporosis, bone fracture and heart failure. I am at little risk for Iodine deficiency because I use iodized salt in all my cooking. Omega 3 fatty acids are another substance that vegans are likely to be deficient in. Omega 3 fatty acids may reduce inflammation, decrease blood triglycerides, and even reduce the risk of dementia. So those are the other reasons I take so many different vitamins/supplements daily. 


However, I must make a disclaimer and say that many of these vitamins can be found naturally in foods, and many vegans/vegetarians do not need to take as many vitamins as me. I am just a super busy broke college student, so taking supplements is much more convenient. 

How did it go?

Well, to put it short, I failed. I took the majority of my pills, but I wasn’t able to take all of them every day. I have a pill box that I use to help me remember what vitamins I need to take. However, throughout the day, I tend to leave my house a lot as I go to work, school, etc. So sometimes, my pill box would be at home, and by the time I got home in the evening, I didn’t have much time to take all the pills I needed. 



Though I failed this challenge, I was a lot more consistent than I usually am with taking my vitamins. Therefore I did notice a few positive effects on my general health and well-being. I felt slightly more energetic, and I also felt like my head didn’t hurt as much as it usually does too.  


Strategies for the Future

  1. Set an alarm on my phone to remind me about my pills,
  2. Take a few of them with me in my backpack, so I can take them throughout the day 
  3. Get a drinkable version of some of these vitamins so I can just put them in my water bottle and drink them throughout the day.   


Ware, M. (2018, February 23). Iron: Recommended intake, benefits, and foods sources. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/287228

Kirkpatrick, K. (2021, August 6). Vegan and Omega-3 Deficiency: EPA is Easy, DHA is Hard – Gene Food. https://www.mygenefood.com/blog/the-vegan-omega-3-problem/

Robertson, S. (2019, May 2). Vegans are often deficient in these four nutrients. Medical Life Science News. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20190502/Vegans-are-often-deficient-in-these-four-nutrients.aspx

Link, R. (2021, December 22). The Best Plant Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Healthline.  https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/7-plant-sources-of-omega-3s#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2