This meme accurately describes the situation of me and many of my peers. I overheard a few people talking about how they suddenly lost their momentum of keeping up with two weekly posts. I could relate and found myself in the same boat as them as this semester’s workload just doubled out of nowhere. Where did 2 midterms, 1 project, weekly posts and three canvas quizzes suddenly come from? I had a good track record of doing all my posts on time but I think I missed one week of posts as there was no class and I just worked on my website instead of writing posts. I have caught up on my posts now and just have one content and one process post left for this week which I plan to do soon.
I think this mountain of work piling on was a wake-up call for me to not snooze and keep on grinding. The silver lining is that I did not get too behind on my posts and am still able to produce quality posts in time before the peer review and marking by the TA.
I am excited to write two of my posts soon after I do the readings as I really enjoy the area of publishing and website design in general.