Week 2 – Sep 19

Write a blog post about the installation and setup work you did this week: your decisions, your rationales; make sure you link out to at least a couple of other resources. How does what you’ve created so far relate to the vision board you made last week? The class on Sep 19 was really interesting […]

Write a blog post about the installation and setup work you did this week: your decisions, your rationales; make sure you link out to at least a couple of other resources. How does what you’ve created so far relate to the vision board you made last week?

The class on Sep 19 was really interesting as we watched many memes and discussed about what they’re trying to say. We also watch the apple’s mother nature video showing how apple is contributing to the fight against climate change as all apple offices and factories are already carbon neutral and by 2030, they promise to carbon neutralized all apple products as well.

We also did various interesting activities – In one of them, the class was divided into 6 groups and we were given topics to discuss and present on.

We also had a chance to draw our passion, goals, ideas etc on a vision board that would help us to evaluate the topic of our blog and I created the following board using 4 venn diagrams.

My ideas about myself really drive me towards the ways to build wealth and understand the latest technologies and I believe blockchains are one of the best tech innovation that is capable to changing the world.

Being a tech guy, I am highly fascinated by the innovations in technical world and Blockchain is one of my favorite topic to talk about. So, I already decided it as my Blog title for this course.

Being a software developer, I am also highly familiar with the html/css languages that I used these languages to customize and design the header of my website –

I also wanted to customize the theme of my website and being a dark theme guy, I though its better to darken my blog as well; so I installed Elementor plugin to customize the theme and used the following image for background of my content –

I also used The Post Grid plugin to arrange the the boxes of the process posts and blogs and redesigned the colors to achieve the following look –
