Week 1 – Sep 12

Q – Reflect and comment on your stranger encounter. How did it differ from your online interactions?  In the class, we discussed about the the course submission – one process post and one blog each week. We also played many menti activities. One of the other interesting activity was Neil.fun password game that give increases […]

Q – Reflect and comment on your stranger encounter. How did it differ from your online interactions? 

In the class, we discussed about the the course submission – one process post and one blog each week. We also played many menti activities. One of the other interesting activity was Neil.fun password game that give increases the password requirements with each step.

Later, we were asked to encounter a stranger and start conversation. After 3 days, I was going back home in train and was thinking about the ways to break an ice with a stranger. I overheard two passengers next to me discussing about the heightened interest rates by the Bank of Canada. As I am already familiar with these types of financial discussion, I awkwardly jumped in their conversation by saying “are you guys talking about the interest rates ? Man, they are really high right now and everything has become so expensive”. To my surprise, the ice was broken their and we had a smooth discussion with laughers.

In-person conversations with strangers really differ from online conversation, as online I never had to give too much thoughts about breaking the ice, tone of my words; however, in-person these speaking aspects really matter and I was a little conscious as well about how I just jumped in-between two strangers
