Process post week 5

In this week’s lecture, we have been introduced to the editor-author relation, and to what a publishing house is and the different levels within it: I find it interesting to learn more about the different roles. Acquisitions editing are someone who reads manuscript and see whether there is a potential or not. Structural or substantive […]

In this week’s lecture, we have been introduced to the editor-author relation, and to what a publishing house is and the different levels within it:

  • Acquisitions editing
  • Structural or substantive editing
  • Stylistic editing
  • Copy editing
  • Proofreading
  • Indigenous editing protocols

I find it interesting to learn more about the different roles. Acquisitions editing are someone who reads manuscript and see whether there is a potential or not. Structural or substantive editing looks at the beginning and endings, the chronology and chapters and stuff like that. Stylistic editing looks at the voice, tone, sense and flow, and makes sure that the material is consistent and accessible to the intended audience. Copy editing corrects the ‘mechanics’ of the text and cleans up the gramma. Proofreading are checking for typographical errors. Indigenous editing protocols are being aware of what works in Canadian, American and other western countries, because it is no necessarily the same for the indigenous.

We have also learned about the genre-form relation. The fact that these two both overlaps one another, but at the same time they clash. Based on this, they can also create new content containers.

Peer review #1

Review of ‘Little Horrors Reviews‘ This week, I have been reviewing a blog called “Little Horror Reviews”. The blog’s purpose is to review all forms of entertainment within the genre of horror, especially content related to the modern social media world. The author of the blog refers to themselves as ‘little horrors’ and, therefore, appears […]

Review of ‘Little Horrors Reviews

Little Horrors Review’s homepage ⇧

This week, I have been reviewing a blog called “Little Horror Reviews”. The blog’s purpose is to review all forms of entertainment within the genre of horror, especially content related to the modern social media world. The author of the blog refers to themselves as ‘little horrors’ and, therefore, appears anonymous. Since this is a blog that makes reviews and is related to horror, I think the author’s choice of anonymity is fitting and aligns with the theme, which creates some kind of mystery.

Looking at a blog’s cyber infrastructure, it is the technical foundation that allows it to exist online. It is particularly important in this case because it ensures the author’s anonymity while allowing communication with the audience. This infrastructure also keeps user data secure, fitting the blog’s theme of mystery and privacy.

In my opinion, the blog’s appearance and theme fits very good with the content. The colors that are chosen are primarily purple and black, with some text in white and orange too. The pictures on the homepage of the blog are related to horror and gives me a vibe of Halloween. On the homepage, I really like the ‘trending today’ with links, giving a comprehensive view of the blog’s content, which makes it more clear and organized for the user when entering.

⇧ The ‘trending today’

Clicking into the different categories of the blog there is a common thread, as they all feature the same dynamic image, which I like. The different categories in the menu has a drop down feature, which I like as well. However, when clicking on both blog post and process post, there it not any content in there, which may be a thing that is under construction? Nevertheless, I think it would be nice to have something in those categories. Furthermore, I considered the option of placing the categories ‘peer review‘ and ‘mini assignment‘ below the ‘process post’ category, which could be renamed to ‘pub 101’ or something similar. Having fewer categories, could make the website more appealing, by having categories, now that the dropdown feature is used anyway.

The blog is a domain that is created thus a public opinion can be formed. According to Warner (2002), ‘public’ is self-organized, characterized by a mode of speech and a relation between strangers. Looking at Little Horror Reviews, it is possible to be invited into the horror universe as a reader and to leave a comment in the end of a post, which I think is a very nice engagement feature. Based on the website, I would say that the blog adheres to Warner’s definition of ‘public.’ In continuation of public, I think it is relevant to mention that the blog is a counter public to for example genres.

Overall, I find the blog very interesting. Both the themes and look aligns with the content, and I think that it is true to one self. It is a blog I will definitely return to and read more – especially as Halloween is getting closer, this place is the perfect for getting into the horror mood!  

Process post week 4

In this week’s lecture, we discussed the concept of “public” and “counterpublics”. According to Warner, the ‘public’ are self organized, representing a relation between strangers. It is characterized by a mode of speech that is both personal and impersonal, and it is shaped by the temporality of its circulation. Looking at public, one can distinguish […]

In this week’s lecture, we discussed the concept of “public” and “counterpublics”. According to Warner, the ‘public’ are self organized, representing a relation between strangers. It is characterized by a mode of speech that is both personal and impersonal, and it is shaped by the temporality of its circulation. Looking at public, one can distinguish between ‘a’ and ‘the’ public.

Counterpublics is about developing alternative norms for public argument. Furthermore, it is about engaging in political discussions, and they allow individuals to enact identities through new styles of communication. These styles can both be weak (conversations) or strong (action-based). Lastly, counterpublics seeks to formulate oppositional interpretations (identities, interests, needs) by creating a new language.

This lecture got me thinking about my own vision of public, and what some of my counterpublics are and how they got developed. Some of the publics that I find myself in is Vancouver city, at Simon Fraser University and my workspace. Looking at counterpublics, I an example would be the group of exchange students I hang out with. This group is developed on the basis that we are all studying in Copenhagen at home and now we are at SFU together.

Process post week 3

This week’s lecture was about the online self. When thinking about what is the self, one might asking questions such as; who am I, what is my voice, do I recognize it? In the lecture, we worked based on John Suler’s article “The Online Disinhibition Effect” from 2004, an article that gave some valuable and […]

This week’s lecture was about the online self. When thinking about what is the self, one might asking questions such as; who am I, what is my voice, do I recognize it? In the lecture, we worked based on John Suler’s article “The Online Disinhibition Effect” from 2004, an article that gave some valuable and valid points. Among these, I found both the positive and negative disinhibition aspects interesting. Reflecting upon it, there are so many layers of the positive and negative behavioural changes. For instance, people on the internet tend to often feel more comfortable to express themselves and share personal information online, because they can hide behind a screen, which can lead to increased openness. At the same time, can the hiding behind a screen lead to bullying and aggression.

In the lecture, I learned a new term called ‘solipsistic introjection’. When the concept of solipsistic introjection was explained to me, it became clear what it means. I simply did not know that the concept existed to describe that ‘action,’ or whatever you want to call it. Furthermore, I got familiar with the term ‘dissociative imagination’, which combines the solipsistic introjection with the escapability of the online world magnifies disinhibition. An example of this could be a violent videogame, where there is no psychical threat as it is “just a game”.

Overall, it was an informative lecture in terms of concepts, as I was introduced to many new and interesting ones. Looking at my website, I am still struggling to get it to work optimally. It lacks on finish and personality in the form of appearance, and it needs better content structure and organization. However, I got some buttons to work today that were not working yesterday. And as long as I am making progress, even if it is small steps, it is a positive thing.

