
Process Post #2

Q: Write a blog post about the work you did this week. How does what you’ve created so far relate to the vision board you …

Q: Write a blog post about the work you did this week. How does what you’ve created so far relate to the vision board you made last week?

I will be completely honest in saying I really struggled to grasp the straws of what was necessary to work on our blog. There is so much freedom in the assignment that I feel like a fish out of water, flailing to identify what is good and necessary to fulfill what required of me. I definitely visited the semantics of WordPress because it is also something completely new to me and left me baffled and confused. I wish I also had more technical support on how to navigate and best organize the blog.I’m behind because I haven’t been able to decide the theme of the blog. I know what I will have the easiest time producing content about is kpop because that is a huge hobby of mine. However I don’t know how profound that content will be, and honestly I feel somewhat embarrassed at the thought of peer reviewing something that’s so personal to my interests. It feels sort of… silly.

I basically have two branches. I stick to a kpop group stan blog, sprinkled with Korean cultural commentary. Or I drop kpop all together and focus of social critique of online spaces and the kpop industry, none of my own interests in kpop reflected in the blog. What a dilemma.

Process Post #1

Q: Reflect and comment on your stranger encounter. How did it differ from your online interactions? I find that my stranger encounter was a bit …

Q: Reflect and comment on your stranger encounter. How did it differ from your online interactions?

I find that my stranger encounter was a bit plain. I ended up going the most obvious route and speaking to someone in an elevator. To be completely honest I am painfully aware of how I am different online and in person. With my fair share of social anxiety, I often pull out all the stops to make the best first impression in every physical interaction I feel reflects on me as a person. I dare say I have made a formula of things that seem like “green flags” to strangers and act accordingly. I also am not much different online. Despite the anonymity of a faceless space I am no less of a people pleaser. But at least there, I have the freedom to leave.

An elevator traps you in bare minutes, caged by all the social norms one could ever name. It was awkward towards the end, and I spent a good 5 minutes overthinking it.

Process Post 2

For week 2 session, the in-class activity for brainstorming about personal identity was really interesting.

For week 2 session, the in-class activity for brainstorming about personal identity was really interesting.

WK2 The Blogging Progress

WordPress Setup and Configuration This site is titled “The Weekly Grain of Malt” and I would love for this site to become a place where I can create and post blogs, reviews, podcasts, travelling advice, and more. I want to have a variety of content featured within this site because I personally enjoy many different things and it would nice to share it all in one place for others to…

WordPress Setup and Configuration

This site is titled “The Weekly Grain of Malt” and I would love for this site to become a place where I can create and post blogs, reviews, podcasts, travelling advice, and more. I want to have a variety of content featured within this site because I personally enjoy many different things and it would nice to share it all in one place for others to see.

This week I choose a simple theme in the meantime to get things sorted out but I would ideally like to keep it clean, simple, and easy to navigate through all the content. I decided on this white clean theme but hopefully I’ll be able to spice it up with colour and pictures once I figure that out slowly but surely.

The setup this week is choosing a theme, slowly edit bits and pieces of the site to be more appealing and hopefully add more colour to this black and white contrast without having to pay for pro themes. This week I’ve also created posts and with every post I hope to include a picture that I’ve taken or something that would match me and my website via online pictures.

The vision board I created for ‘MaltiGrains’ is the bits and pieces of my life as a Malt, Stephanie Malt. So far my mini assignment is a rave festival meme, and my first process post is about my recent trip in South Korea. I would say that my content is on par of my creation in regards to being everywhere and all over the place with ideas. In regards to content structure, I want to follow a simple format of organizing categories for simplicity, tagging posts with relevant information and making sure the font and structure is easy to read.

WK1 Stranger Encounters

Strangers to Friends in a Matter of Minutes On a weekly basis I chat with strangers very often due to working in a retail space and those encounters can range from exchanging hello’s and how are you’s to customers ranting about their lives. Most of those times the conversations last anywhere from a minute to five minutes, nothing more, nothing less. You make those small connections for a matter of…

Strangers to Friends in a Matter of Minutes

On a weekly basis I chat with strangers very often due to working in a retail space and those encounters can range from exchanging hello’s and how are you’s to customers ranting about their lives. Most of those times the conversations last anywhere from a minute to five minutes, nothing more, nothing less. You make those small connections for a matter of minutes but it’s never really something more in a work place setting.

The last time I spoke to a stranger and made a friend out of that talk was during my recent trip to South Korea.

While vacationing in South Korea, I signed up for a tour experience to an event with a friend I was travelling with. The tour included a bus that travels to and from the event, a café pit stop, a surfing lesson, and last but not least a ticket to the event. For the surfing lesson, we arrived at a beachside roughly 1.5hrs away from the final destination and during that time we were all led to a swimsuit store to change into surf wear attire. Within the tour there had been a split between groups – Group A and Group B, my friend and I were in Group B so when it was announced that Group A would change first, my friend and I lingered outside the shop chatting. We noticed a girl standing alone looking confused to which I approached her and asked if she needed help.

The stranger looked at us very happily that we spoke in English and asked if we needed to change into swimsuits to which I answered ‘only if you wanted to, you can dress in whatever swimwear you’d like.’ We chatted with her briefly before we went to change into swimsuits ourselves and found her waiting for us at the front of the store. The three of us introduced ourselves, the typical ‘where are you from?’, ‘what are you doing in South Korea?’, ‘How old are you?’, and ‘How are you enjoying the day so far?.’ My friend and I had learnt that she was in Korea for an exchange program until the end of the year and from that point onwards we talked a lot about our lives very easily with each other.

From that one instance of asking if she needed help, we all became friends pretty quickly. We learnt how to surf together, we grabbed snacks at a convenience store afterwards together, and we even sat near each other on the bus to the event! At the event, we even stayed grouped up with one another and had lots of fun watching the artists perform. In the end, we all exchanged social media accounts and eventually met up another day after the tour experience to hang out one last time while my friend and I were still in Korea.

It was a great experience I would say in the least, as an extrovert I enjoy meeting new people constantly and being able to make an English speaking friend in a foreign country was exciting and new. Building these in person connections is not something you can do easily online because you can’t gauge a person’s behaviour through a voice channel or text interface. I also think that moments like these are much more memorable because I was able to experience it in person and within real time.

While it is 100% scary to engage in a conversation with a complete random stranger, you’ll never know what you can get out of it and sometimes the encounters you get can be pretty pleasant.

Mini Assignment #1

The above meme I created was sparked by several memes I saw regarding people purchasing many festival/event tickets despite their daily lives as students and workers with many responsibilities to handle. I recreated this meme to something similar I saw and I found it to be pretty funny and very relatable since I too also buy tickets asap once I see festival lineups release. I would be busy with school…

The above meme I created was sparked by several memes I saw regarding people purchasing many festival/event tickets despite their daily lives as students and workers with many responsibilities to handle. I recreated this meme to something similar I saw and I found it to be pretty funny and very relatable since I too also buy tickets asap once I see festival lineups release.

I would be busy with school with countless assignments and deadlines coming up yet I would still be like ‘wow look at this lineup!’ and then start immediately planning how to get to the event, what to wear, and message all my friends to come with. The meme really screams ‘buy the tickets no matter what is happening in life’ which honestly, everyone should be able to do. Buy those tickets to see your favourite artist, buy those tickets to have a good time and a memorable night not worrying about being an adult!

I Talked to a Stranger, and I Made a Friend

I talk to strangers all day long while working as a server, but there is something about talking to a…

I talk to strangers all day long while working as a server, but there is something about talking to a stranger in a setting where I am not obligated to do so that is quite intimidating. So, when faced with this task for class, I had to swallow my fears, and I am glad that I did!

I thought that the best way to approach this challenge would be to do it in a setting that I am comfortable in. The day after class, I went to the gym and noticed a girl wearing super cute shorts. I see cute outfits in the gym all the time, but normally I just make a mental note to try and google the clothes later. This time, I asked where she got her shorts. I had no idea what to expect, but the interaction was so pleasant. She complimented my shorts, told me where she got hers, and we ended up chatting for a few minutes about all of our favourite activewear. We have had conversations every time that we have seen each other in the gym since that day, and I would go as far as to call her a friend. 

I really appreciated having a genuine in-person interaction with someone new. Creating a connection face-to-face has helped me create the sense of community in the gym that I’ve been looking for, and that I have not been able to find in any online spaces.
