Peer Review 1- Due Oct 17

Peer Review 1 Name-  Stephanie Malt URL- For this peer review, I will be reviewing Stephanie’s website. I have…

Peer Review 1

Name-  Stephanie Malt


For this peer review, I will be reviewing Stephanie’s website. I have been visiting this website for a week and I see that it is frequently updated, follows a consistent theme in all the posts and I really enjoyed the content I see on there. On the About page, Stephanie explains the meaning of the website’s name and I liked the puns she made of her last name. This page is concise and clear and gives us the perfect introduction we need to herself and the website. This website is about her daily life where she has podcasts, SMISKI stories and unboxings, game reviews, and much more.


As the requirements wanted, the website has easy-to-navigate POSIEL/PUB 101 menus in the header. There are proper subheadings for all assignments and all links work as illustrated. I found her website very easy to use and all the posts and assignments were easy to navigate.

Header menus on

Content and Process Posts

Posts on this website were informally written, which makes it engaging and easy to follow. Stephanie used a combination of written posts, images and podcasts as her weekly content posts, which I found to be very cool. There were times I found that there could be a better use of grammar, but this could also be a personal choice in order to make the posts set their informal tone. I listened to her 35-minute podcast and I found it to be very well done. The teacher had told us that podcasts/video making as content posts should be done only if we have a history of making them, and I feel Stephanie has successfully proven to deliver a well-finished product.

The dates on the process and content posts show that they were worked upon and published in groups on the same day. Even though this is not a problem, WordPress offers an option to change the date of publishing, so my suggestion would be that Stephanie changes the dates in order to show these posts were published on different weekly dates.

The content posts are well-written and engaging, and the only suggestion I have is to probably tag them as “content” posts rather than blogs.

(PS- This is a personal suggestion and I would check with the TA or teacher if tagging “content posts” as “blogs” is also acceptable)


I like the overall design of the page and there is a simplistic yet consistent theme throughout. The landing page of the website shows all the posts with their respective featured images and a little excerpt of the post. This layout increases the accessibility of the website and gives the user a snippet of each post which they can continue reading upon clicking on the post. The website is also very accessible on phone and no feature is left behind even when viewing on a smaller screen.

Mobile vs Web Version

Overall, I find the blog very interesting and interactive. Both the theme and content with the course, and adding the Spotify widgets add look as well as interactivity. I will definitely return to this website and am looking forward to seeing what Stephanie does with it. Good luck.
