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Recent Blender projects

So, I noticed that I have not posted anything much about Blender. Yeah, I know this was originally meant to be a blender website so let me fix it.

Also to go off topic for one second, these blog posts are nice and everything but there has been something I have been questioning. I am making these blogs purely because this is something I enjoy. But one thing that is making me think is how this is for the PUB 101 class. And I feel that makes a difference. Let me explain, if I were to make a blog because I wanted to I would make one out of fun. Though with these blogs being graded, I feel as if all blogs must need a certain length. For me, this makes these blogs more of a pile-on with all the other assignments, process-post, and reviews we have to do. But hey, I am just a guy stating his opinion online and it may not matter. So my bad for going off track, let us continue our blogging!

Here are some nice dominos being tumbled over, I was trying out the physics feature on this. Watch out for the little surprise at the end of this video. Oh, and just for one more add-on to this piece, the “S” and “G” are meant to be my initials. šŸ™‚

Hey, this one took a while to do, mostly because I was trying to figure out how to make the ground look realistic. Apparently, in some versions of blender, there was a template for rock texture and depth. So that is being used in this little short video. As for animating the text, I had to make sure the text lit up at the right times, so each text are there own separate object, not as one big text.

A picture of a sheep in cube shapes. facing the left side.

Here is a sheep, we do not talk about the sheep. the sheep although made of simple things, but knows a lot of things.

bright gold text on a checker floor saying "Stirling"

Here is a cool thing I did here, notice something? Yes, the floor is reflective, that’s what you thought right? Yes, this was cool, I added a thin glass material right above the floor, which automatically added the reflection which I thought was so cool.
Thank you for looking at my art dumps, if you have any questions, please type in the comments, I may choose to request somebody’s idea if I get any!

Reclaiming Your Craft

I lost a piece of me the day I quit art. All the colour in my life faded. Nothing felt beautiful. My daydreams turned into zoning out to avoid my anxious thoughts.

I used to cry every time I got deep into an art piece; that point where I catch a glimpse of the final product coming together. I would get this overwhelming feeling of pride and harmonious comfort. I felt so lucky to be skilled and passionate about something so beautiful. Something that could impact others. I never once cared about impressing others with my art, I just hoped my form of expression could bring a flicker to their creative lightbulb.

Those joyful tears that rushed down my face no longer exist. Well, they exist, but there is nothing joyous about them. I canā€™t draw without crying out of frustration. Out ofĀ  fear. The fear that I have lost my ability to create. Frustrated that I let go of this gift. Let go of myself.

Art was never my identity. People never saw me as an ā€œart kidā€. Ā 


The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Art

Artificial Intelligence has been impacting society, both positively and negatively, in more ways than we as people will ever understand. Some argue that AI undoubtedly has privacy violations, heavily contributes to the growth of unemployment, and has heightened racism through typecasting minorities. Others would argue that AI opens the door to an easier, more secure, and coherent way of living. This prevailing debate with no anticipated result or solution does not only apply to the previously stated subject matter. The controversies surrounding this machinery have been prominent in the world of art, which is what I have chosen to explore. Specifically, I will analyze what it means to be an AI Artist, whether they are creative, and how to make use of these seemingly permanent tools.

At this point in time, humans can identify whether or not an art piece was created using artificial intelligence. However, this technology is increasingly improving and will soon create art that we will fail to recognize as being created by machinery. Before declaring what an AI Artist has been said to be, it is crucial to note that AI Art is not created by actual artificial intelligence. The production process of AI art involves no use of artificial intelligence, but instead machine learning algorithms. Those branding this work seek to profit off this title of ā€œartificial intelligenceā€ due to its advanced or futuristic feel while masking the reality of its humdrum product. Essentially, the term artificial intelligence is implying that a mind is involved in the workings of these creations, fostering a leniency to AI art that would not extend to algorithm-pushing advertisements. Focusing on who or what can truly be titled an AI Artist, a 2020 article titled “Who (or what) is an AI Artist” explores the term’s history and theory, while addressing its controversies. Its main finding is the proposition that “AI art’s interactions with art institutions have not promoted new creative possibilities but have instead reinforced conservative forms and aesthetics” (Browne, 2020). It has been argued that while the tools themselves are not creative, humans can use these tools in a creative way. This argument has no relevance when looking at the fact that these AI art tools only work because of their enormous databases of previous art to draw upon. This is the fuel that powers them and those databases were compiled from millions of images that were used without permission. At their core, AI art tools cannot create anything new; they are simply converters.

Process Post #9: Thoughts on Analytics

Analytics are tools used across different social media platforms. I am most familiar with Instagram’s analytics, and it also helps track my screen time use on the app itself. I keep track of the reports on Instagram since I hold a public account. I like to see insights on how my posts are doing and the rundown of how many users interact with my account. I mainly post dance content on Instagram (some are published on my movement page) and analyze how my audience on Instagram grows which helps build a bigger dance community. Insights like these do help guide you in knowing the progress of your business/accounts, although as discussed an invasion of privacy is at risk.

For tools like these to collect data, they need to also collect personal information from your phone (number, location, etc.) and about the environment, the user is in, (Digital Breadcrumbs: The data trail we leave behind us 2016). A conversation from the Pod Academy states that a phone comes with a series of sensors that run background information which transfers from the phone to cell towers, which can also be communicated to the internet where others and sites can gain information about you (Digital Breadcrumbs: The data trail we leave behind us 2016).

Tieing into KeptCollexion, I have Google Analytics plugged into my site. It gives me tips on how to improve my site and reports the overall health of my site. Currently, my site’s status reports as “Good” and suggests that I improve my site’s performance and security factors. It’s good to know what steps to take to upgrade my website, but a risk I am taking is the exposure of personal data collected.

Reflecting today, I think it’s challenging to keep everything private once you own a mobile device or some computer since these devices run a constant background cache of data and personal information. It’s something that can’t be avoided unless you decide to go deviceless. Think of it now, TVs and smart homes do the same. It is just the way technology runs today, but it also reflects our responsibility to how we use these devices and what we choose to share and install.


Pod Academy. (2016, May 3). Digital Breadcrumbs: The data trail we leave behind us. Pod Academy. Retrieved March 14, 2023, from http://podacademy.org/podcasts/digital-breadcrumbs-our-data-trail/

Report Analytics. (2017). PNG Tree. photograph. Retrieved March 14, 2023, from https://pngtree.com/freepng/report-analytics-audit-business-data-marketing-paper-blue_4772977.html.

Is banning artificial intelligence truly the best course of action?

We are not even three months into 2023 and yet you could already call this the year of artificial intelligence. Although the idea of AI has been around for some time, the recent developments have been remarkable, particularly in terms of accessibility to the public. The advancements have been so fast that society has had a hard time deciding how to proceed. One of the more challenging dilemmas is AIā€™s implications on education and students. Many schools have called for a ban on the use of AI, but is this truly the best course of action? I contend that AI should not be banned in schools for several reasons. First, there are more effective ways to combat plagiarism and cheating. Second, AI can be a powerful tool for enhancing student learning. Finally, since AI will undoubtedly be an integral part of our future, it makes sense to begin implementing it now.

For years, many have criticized the grading system for evaluating student performance. In his academic journal, The Case Against Grades, Alfie Kohn outlines the many problems with the grading system. Kohn argues that grades decrease student interest in learning, encourage students to seek out easy tasks, and lead to a reduction in the quality of student thinking. Moreover, he contends that motivation to earn good grades is extrinsic, resulting in a focus on grades rather than on learning. Perhaps most concerning is Kohn’s claim that a grading-focused environment is linked to higher levels of plagiarism and cheating (Kohn, 2013). The biggest concern with AI in schools is its potential to be used to plagiarise and cheat, some schools have decided to ban its use because of this. However, ā€œMr. Sid Dobrin, chair of the English department at the University of Florida believes that banning AI won’t solve anything and that students are plagiarising assignments because they can be plagiarisedā€¦Some professors are redesigning their courses entirely, making changes that include more oral exams, group work, and handwritten assessments in lieu of typed onesā€(Huang, 2023). Making these changes in how students are assessed removes opportunities for plagiarism and cheating while also creating a more engaging curriculum.

AI also has tremendous potential for enhancing student learning. In his academic journal, Artificial Intelligence Applications to Support Kā€“12 Teachers and Teaching, Robert Murphy highlights the ways in which AI can benefit both teachers and students. Murphy mentions how AI can be used to create personalized curricula that adjust the difficulty of questions based on each student’s level of knowledge. This feature helps keep students engaged by providing a challenge that is neither too easy nor too difficult. Additionally, AI can be used to identify students who may be falling behind and provide them with additional resources to help them catch up. Finally, AI can be used to provide students with learning and attention challenges, such as ADHD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia, with an educational experience that is tailored to their needs (Murphy, 2019).

Lastly, since AI will inevitably be a part of our future, why wait to implement it? Although some people are skeptical of AI and not fully on board with its use, the technology is here to stay. Companies like Microsoft and Google are racing to develop more advanced AI, and countries are competing to develop more sophisticated AI technology. In his academic journal, Cai Cuihong says ā€œThe world is thus embarking upon, or perhaps could be said to have already started, a new cold war, this time driven by AIā€ (Cuihong, 2019). With so much emphasis being placed on AI research and development, the technology will develop fast and could have a big impact on our everyday lives. With that in mind, it makes the most sense to begin implementing it into our lives now.

While it is understandable that some schools have banned AI with it being a new technology and how it was quickly used unjustly, this is only a short-term solution and as time goes on it will get more and more difficult to detect it. Instead of trying to ban it, schools should embrace AI because there are better ways to combat these issues, such as changing assessments to include more oral exams, group work, and handwritten assignments. Additionally, it has tremendous potential for enhancing student learning, such as through personalized curricula and tailored support for students with learning challenges. Finally, since AI is here to stay and will only become more integrated into our lives, it makes sense to begin implementing it now rather than waiting.


Cuihong, C. (2019, October 1). The shaping of strategic stability by artificial intelligence. JSTOR. Retrieved March 12, 2023, from https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep24532.16

Huang, K. (2023, January 21). Alarmed by Ai Chatbots, universities start revamping how they teach. Nexis Uni. Retrieved March 12, 2023, from https://www.todayonline.com/world/alarmed-ai-chatbots-universities-start-revamping-how-they-teach-2090501

Kohn, A. (2013, November 13). The case against grades. JSTOR. Retrieved March 12, 2023, from https://www.jstor.org/stable/42982088

Murphy, R. (2019, January 1). Artificial intelligence applications to support K-12 teachers and teaching. JSTOR. Retrieved March 12, 2023, from https://library.villanova.edu/Find/Record/2847893/Details 

My Favourite Reminders

Sometimes I need mantras to help me get through hard times. I have compiled a list of my favourite ones and I share them with you now in the hope they will help you if you need them. Even if you do not yet believe some of them (yet), say them because fake it til you make it right?

  • It’s okay not to be okay.
  • We try our best, that is all we can do.
  • You are strong. It is not an opinion. It is a reality.
  • We learn, we grow
  • It is okay to rest.
  • Don’t gaslight yourself.
  • Whatever you are feeling is valid.
  • It is okay to take up space.
  • Your needs are not special
  • Just because you re struggling does not mean you are failing.
  • Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
  • The fact that you are trying is proof that you are strong.
  • It is okay to give up sometimes.
  • Fuck this shit.
  • Fuck off. This is what I want. I will not let others hold me back.

Lost in Translation

This is a poem I wrote a couple of months ago when I was really really struggling. It is inspired by all my struggles in Canada after I moved here, I felt like I was lost in translation. I was trying to have hope as I was crumbling to pieces. I did not have my diagnosis or my meds yet and I was drowning. But I was still trying.

I hope you like it

Poem by Sara Aristizabal C.

Smut Is In The House

Am I allowed to post about my love for smut? I don’t know. Will I still do it? You bet your ass I will.

So hear me out, reading smut/spice (there is a difference but we are not going into that now because if I start I will not stop) is like drinking a cocktail made of love, happiness, magic (and a lot of sex). It is like the perfect cure for my anxiety and if you think I will not take it and run like hell, you are sadly mistaken. I spend half my days reading “literature” and then the rest of the time I am reading reverse harems and monster romances and alien romances and mafia romances and biker romances and a very wide and long and deep arrange of spicy romance books with blush inducing panty melting main characters (men, women and everything in between because we are queer over here). They fill the void inside me, they feed my helpless romantic, they make my expectations exceedingly high, they make me happy, they make me dream and they allow me not to go batshit crazy while trying to live in this world. I say it is a win win for everyone.

So in the spirit of all that is smutty and slutty and happy, here are some of my current and past reads that just give me life. No judging will be allowed and please don’t expect these to be high end books otherwise you will not enjoy them. I get that they are not for everyone either, but for those out there like me obsessed with smut and spice, welcome to the madhouse.

Please check trigger warnings for the books before starting.

Take care and have fun šŸ˜‰

(Maybe I should do an individual review to really convince people to read these because some of the covers do not inspire confidence but they are good books, at least for my standards which may or may not be low)

CAL (Center for Accessible Learning) vs My Dad

I was talking to my parents the other day about getting enrolled with CAL and how that extra support will be really helpful for my university journey, it will help me (try) to function as a human and a student without going into a depressive episode because of my anxiety. And today, I was talking to my mom and she mentioned how my dad was concerned about this being bad for me because it would highlight my issues and somehow reinforce them and make them worse … dramatic pause for effect … And okay, I get it but no.

I had to really laugh about it because it was a little too clear to me how my parents did not understand what I was going through even if they tried to understand. And I love my parents but their concerns are misplaced. Highlighting my problem will make it worse? I do not need a reminder of “my problem”, I live with it every day. And I have been working on not phrasing it as “my problem” or “a problem” or even “it”. This is part of me now, so it is me now and trust me, I do not need a reminder at all.

Having help will not make it worse, it will make it better (hopefully) and if I ever do need a reminder, well, at night when I close my eyes to sleep and I suddenly feel like my eyes are moving and twitching without my control it reminds me that my anxiety is doing things in my brain; and when I need at least 3 days to recover from my anxiety flair up because I miss a deadline I think that is reminder enough; or when I suddenly need 14 hours of sleep, in a day, to have enough energy for the next day I think I will remember that my brain is not “normal”; or when I can’t go to sleep for hours because my brain just won’t shut up. The point is, I know what I have to deal with and I am learning to deal with it, but I need the extra help sometimes and that is okay, it will not re-enforce my anxiety disorder, it will just help me deal with life a little better. And I actually sometimes do need the reminder that getting extra help is okay, that this new normal is okay, that I have the support of the people that love me even if they don’t always understand what I am going through, those are the reminders I need.

So, I appreciate the concern dad, but help will HELP and I need help sometimes. I got the reminders covered.

With love,

Your princesa

Deadlines Will Be The Death Of Me

The other day I had to hand in a big assignment and I was so happy because I loved the topic and I was doing incredibly well. I was writing at a good pace, I did not feel like the world was on my shoulders, I actually thought I could finish it on time, oh how naive of me (I really should be kinder to myself but I am mad and hurt and disappointed so kindness will have to wait a little longer). I could not finish the assignment on time because I was not strong enough yet to put boundaries and stick to them. My friend pressured me to hang out and I found myself agreeing when I did not want to. It messed up my whole momentum and I tripped and slipped and badabum I was late. And because I was mad at myself for not saying no and putting other people before me; disappointed that I could not just push myself further and finish on time; and deadlines are always anxiety traps, I just kept going down the rabbit-habit hole and long behold 3 days had gone by and I still was barely able to get out of bed.

Fortunately, my prof was really nice and let me hand in the assignment late, but the disappointment is something I am getting used to by now and I do not like it. Sometimes it feels like I have become this completely new person that cannot handle life and it makes me crazy. My meds are working and I was making progress but then it was deadline time and I was suddenly dead with half an essay done. And of course, instead of being able to crank it, I just shut down. For four days.

Bottom line is, I still don’t know how to be a student and a functioning human being. But I am working on it. My official Moto is “We learn. We grow”. And I do not want to be falsely optimistic, but sometimes I just have to cling to that hope like it’s my lifeline otherwise I would not have the energy to keep trying and I need to keep trying, I want to keep trying.

What really helped me start to move on from that little blip was art, I bought a ton of polymer clay (which of course made my wallet mad and made me feel slightly guilty) and got together with a friend to make some earrings. That was pure happiness, exactly what I needed. My roommate’s cat was also really helpful when he wasn’t trying to poop on my bed or step on my clay (and I say that with my heart filled with love because I love that cat).

Find the Strength Within

You are Strong. It is not an opinion. It is a reality.

my lovely therapist

I absolutely loved this phrase my therapist told me once. We were talking about how everything was for me lately. I felt like I had become someone completely different to who I used to be. I felt like I could never keep up with everything going on around me, I felt like I was drowning. She insisted that I was strong though, that no matter how weak and beat down and tired I felt, I was strong.

This was an incredibly nice reminder, I always have trouble seeing my strength and recognizing my progress, especially when I am struggling, so to have someone say that to me was awesome (even if it took me a while to actually believe it… okay maybe I still have trouble believing it). In any case, I though it would be nice to share this because I am pretty sure I am not the only one out there that doubts themselves constantly. So that quote is for you as much as it was for me and I hope you really try to believe it because even when we are struggling, we are strong.

Writing Sample ā€“ Blogs

Body Shaming

Body shaming is considered a big social problem today. Nowadays, if you start to judge a person about their body, you would get critic pretty harshly. Following social standards has ingrained deep inside our subconscious, so it is hard for anyone to get out of social norms. A few years ago, it started the trend to love your own body and self, and more people start to embrace the differences in each body shape. However, it is hard to erase the social standards due to images from models and idols, especially Kpop idols, the industry where many idols have to lose weight and keep fit in an unhealthy way. It also influences the audience because they would love to have a body that is beautiful as their idol. It is not a new trend on social media but a year ago, at the Oscars, Will Smith slapped Chris Rock for body-shaming Willā€™s wife. Social media see that a lot of people support Chris Rock because Chris is a comedian himself, so joking is inevitable. Of course, not everyone supports the use of violence but they also donā€™t feel pleased when people take lightly body shaming someone with alopecia areata. But no matter what, I still feel that body-shaming is not advisable even though the joke may be harmless. However, I can see some of the brands are trying to change for example The Parade, a lingerie brand has marketed its brand by having models with a different types of bodies and colors, which got a lot of praise from the customers who have got used to seeing same body type models for lingerie for some famous brand such as Victoria’s Secret.

Process Post #12: Community Guidelines

For process post #12 we will be looking at developing community guidelines that are suitable for my site. Community guidelines are very important to protecting all users of the internet no matter who you are. This is especially important on the internet as there is no way to verify if a person is who they really say they are on the internet. For example, I could make a Twitter profile saying that I am Mr. Beast, a famous Youtuber and some might believe it. As a site owner I have the responsibility to protect all users that may comment or interact with my website, or else I could be held accountable legally. This ranges from ā€œInternet trolls ā€¦ [which] ā€¦ are doing it for the ā€œlulz,ā€ or laughsā€ to ā€œharassment ā€¦ [and] violent threatsā€ (Stein, 2016). 

As this is process post #12, I will hash out 12 rules that all users will have to follow in which I believe protect them the best.

  1. All users must register with an account before posting
  2. Prevents random spammers and bots, especially with reCAPTCHA
  3. No files may be uploaded
  4. Prevents viruses from being spread
  5. All posts must be verified by a moderator before posting
  6. Ensures that nothing slips through the cracks
  7. Word limit will be imposed
  8. Ensures that trolls cannot spam
  9. Suspicious activity will be flagged with a plugin, then reviewed.
  10. Ensures that there is always a watchful eye
  11. Users must be respectful
  12. Ensures that everyone is respectful
  13. Users must not use inappropriate or offensive language
  14. Makes it appropriate for all audiences.
  15. Out of control discussions will result in a mute/ban
  16. Ensures that no conversations cause too much controversy
  17. No copyrighted content may be posted
  18. Protects me legally and ensures that I cannot be legally responsible.
  19. All conversations must be lawful
  20. Same as point #9
  21. False or misleading information will result in a fact check and/or removal from the comments if it is fake.
  22. Ensures that my website is not a source of misinformation
  23. Have fun, this is a place for constructive criticism and discussion, please do not take everything seriously. 
  24. Keeps everything casual and fun

All these rules are designed to ensure that everyone can participate without being bombarded with misinformation or trolls. The Guardianā€™s article also influenced some of these rules, as they found that ā€œThe vast majority of blocked comments, therefore, were blocked because they were considered abusive to some degree, or were otherwise disruptive to the conversation (they were off-topic, for example)ā€ (Gardiner et al., 2016). This is why I included things like the out-of-control discussion clause, because if someone is actively trying to pull people away from the conversation, how can people properly create constructive criticism? Coming up with these community guidelines has taught me that running a platform which involves social discussion is a lot more complicated than originally thought. People are just complicated creatures, and especially when social manners are involved, as you cannot guess most peopleā€™s next actions.Ā 
